
10.Knowing how much her own children loved presents at Christmas,Ann Sutton always tried to seek help for one or two poor families.With a social worker mother,the Sutton children had inherited her commitment to service,and knew never to take their good fortune at Christmas for granted.This year,Kinzie,her seven-year-old daughter was thrilled that Santa Claus would make a special visit to a 22-year-old mother named Ashley who worked in a factory raising her 12-month-old son by herself.
The phone rang on Sunday.A representative from a local organization was calling to say that the aid Ann had requested for Ashley had fallen through.No Santa Claus,no presents,nothing.
Ann saw the cheer vanish from her children's faces at the news.Without a word,Kinzie ran into her bedroom.She returned,her face set with determination.Opening up her piggy bank,she put all thecoins onto the table:3.30.Everything she had. Mom,she told Ann,"I know it's not much.But maybe this will buy a present for the baby."At a breakfast meeting the next day,Ann told her coworkers about her daughter's story.To her surprise,staff members began to open their purses and empty their pockets to help Kinzie.By day's end,the story of Kinzie's gift had spread beyond Ann's office.She received a call from an unknown donor.If a seven-year-old could give everything she had,he said,he should at least match her gift 100 to 1.He contributed On Christmas Eve,Ann drove through the pouring rain to the small trailer where the Ashleys lived. Then she began to unload the gifts from the car,handing them to Ashley one by one.
Ashley was very moved.Reflecting on a little girl's generosity,Ashley says she'll one day be able to do something similar for someone else in need."Kinzie could have used that money for herself,but she gave it away,"Ashley says."She's the type of kid I'd like my son to grow up to be."
56.According to the text,Ann SuttonB.
    A.is making lots of money
    B.is ready to help others
    C.is only caring about herself
    D.is a hard-working mother
57.Which of the following is NOT true according to the text?D
    A.Ashley lived a hard life with her little son.
    B.The Sutton children took Anne as an example to follow.
    C.The coworkers of Ann helped Kinzie to realize her wish.
    D.Ann Sutton tried to ask for help for her own children.
58.What can we learn about Kinzie?C
    A.She was afraid that Santa Claus would visit the Ashleys.
    B.She should get some presents from her mother at Christmas.
    C.She devoted all her coins to buying a present for the baby.
    D.She was cheerful when hearing the aid had fallen through.
59.Which of the following can be inferred from the text?D
    A.It rained heavily on Christmas Eve.
    B.Ann handed gifts to Ashley one by one.
    C.Ashley hoped she would help someone else in need.
    D.A good deed can influence many people's behavior.
60.What would be the best tide for the text?A
    A.A Young Girl's Gift
    B.A Mother's Love
    C.A Story of Young Girl
    D.An Unknown Donor.

分析 文章大意:本文主要讲述了Ann Sutton是如何帮助穷人,她的行为感染了她的女儿,影响着她的同事们,为了帮助穷人,他们纷纷慷慨解囊.

解答 56.B 细节理解题.根据文章第一段中的"Ann Sutton always tried to seek help for one or two poor families"可知,Ann Sutton 是一个乐于助人的人.所以选择B.
57.D 细节理解题. 根据文章上下文可知Ann家境不好;根据文章第一段中的"With a social worker mother,the Sutton children had inherited her commitment to service,"可知B项正确;根据文章第三段中的"Ann told her coworkers about her daughter's story.To her surprise,staff members began to open their purses and empty their pockets to help Kinzie"可知C项正确;根据文章第一段可知Ann会为那些穷人的家庭寻求帮助,而不是为她女儿寻求帮助,所以D不正确.故本题选择D.
58.C 细节理解题. 根据文章第三段中的he returned,her face set with determination.Opening up her piggy bank,she put all the coins onto the table:$3.30.Everything she had.  可知她的女儿是用尽了她所有的零用钱来帮助那个家庭的,故本题选C.
59.D  推理判断. 根据文章的第五段中讲到Ann Sutton在她工作的地方讲到她女儿的善举时,她的同事们听了之后都纷纷慷慨解囊,故可推断她女儿的善举对他们都造成了一定的影响,故本题应选D.
60.A 主旨大意.通读全文以及文章最后一段,可知主要讲述了Ann Sutton与她的女儿帮助另外的一个单亲家庭的事情,所以标题可以为"小女孩的礼物",也就是小女孩对别人的帮助. 故选A.

点评 这类文章一般描述的是某一件具体事情的发生发展或结局,有人物、时间、地点和事件.命题往往从故事的情节、人物或事件的之间的关系、作者的态度及意图、故事前因和后果的推测等方面着手,考查学生对细节的辨认能力以及推理判断能力.


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