

1There are still ___________ students studying in the classroom now.

2Have you ever ___________ a political party?

3Many young men in our company want to ___________ the beautiful girl.

4Theories should ___________ practice.

5The witness told the police what had happened ___________.

6Many strange customs have___________ earlier times.

7Her views on that matter ___________mine.

8Will you be able to ___________the airport?


1dozens of

2belonged to

3run after

4be linked with

5without reserve

6survived from

7are similar to

8make your way to



1考查固定短语。句意:现在还有几十个学生在教室里学习。结合句意可知表示“几十个”短语为dozens of。故填dozens of

2考查固定短语和动词时态。句意:你曾经归属过一个政党吗?结合句意可知表示“归属;属于”短语为belong to,且结合上文Have you ever可知为现在完成时。故填belonged to

3考查固定短语。句意:我们公司的许多年轻人都想追求那个漂亮的女孩。结合句意可知表示“追求”短语为run after且结合上文want to do sth.可知应填动词原形。故填run after

4考查固定短语。句意:理论应与实践相联系。结合句意可知表示“与……相联系”短语为be linked with,且根据上文should后跟动词原形。故填be linked with

5考查固定短语。句意:目击者毫无保留地把所发生的事告诉了警察。结合句意可知表示“毫无保留”短语为without reserve。故填without reserve

6考查固定短语和动词时态。句意:许多奇怪的习俗从早期流传下来。结合句意可知表示“流传”短语为survive from,且结合上文Many strange customs have可知为现在完成时。故填survived from

7考查固定短语和动词时态。句意:她对那件事的看法和我的类似。结合句意可知表示“与……类似”短语为be similar to,且本句为一般现在时,主语为views,谓语动词用复数形式。故填are similar to

8考查固定短语。句意:你能去机场吗?结合句意可知表示“某人去往”短语为make one’s way to,且结合上文be able to do 可知应填动词原形。故填make your way to


【题目】DirectionsComplete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.

Cure isn’t a word normally used in the 1 of AIDS. For most of the 35 years since HIV, the virus responsible for the disease, was first identified, doctors have viewed the notion of a cure as more 2 than fact.

That’s because HIV is a virus unlike any other. It disables the very immune cells that are 3 to destroy it, carrying out the ultimate deadly ambush(埋伏)whenever the guard of immune 4 comes down, months or sometimes even years later.

Yet for the first time in the HIV epidemic that 5 affects nearly 37 million people worldwide, some experts are starting to aim for a cure cautiously. The National Institutes of HealthNIHis funding HIV cure efforts and advocacy groups like amfAR are also 6 resources into not just treating HIV, but also finding ways to eliminate it completely.

“Absolutely HIV can be cured,”says Rowena Johnston, vice president and director of research for amfAR.“The question is how.”

Doctors today have no trouble keeping HIV under control in people who are infected, thanks to antiretroviralARVdrugs, which stop the virus from replicating(复制). If it is not making more copies of itself. HIV cannot spread to infect new cells. That can 7 into healthier, longer lives for people who are HIV-positive.

Powerful as the current drug treatments are, they can’t actually 8 the body of infected cells. For self-preservation, some HIV lies latent(潜伏性的)inside certain immune cells. These are the viruses that come coaring back when people stop taking their medications.

But the latest report this month revealed the strongest evidence that these latent viruses can be activated and eliminated, at least in animals. Dr. Dan Barouch and his colleagues showed that a drug that stimulates the immune system, 9 with a powerful antibody, prevented HIV from roaring back in five of 11 animals, six months after they stopped taking ARVs.“I think our data raises the 10 that an intervention achieving a functional cure is possible,”says Barouch.

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