
【题目】The newly built washingroom in the railway station is to the disabled passengers.

A.perfect B.accessible

C.remarkable D.potential


【解析】A.perfect完美的; B.accessible易接近的;可进入的; C.remarkable卓越的 D.potential潜在的



【题目】 Lin Hanxing is a 30-year-old who lives in Beijing. She owns just five shirts, two pairs of pants, four pairs of shoes and a few other things. It's hard to believe that only five years ago, Lin was one of those people who couldn't stop buying stuff. Back then, she had more than 400 pieces of clothing and handbags

But that was before she saw an online challenge in 2014, introduced by Joshua Becker, a blogger in the United States who was promoting(推广) a minimalist lifestyle(极简生活方式). He encouraged people to reduce the number of their belongings to fewer than 100. Lin wasn’t strongly against it, so she got rid of 90 percent of her stuff. She also deleted(删除) 120 contacts she never spoke to from her social networking account. After doing all that, Lin said she felt “lighter”.

We used to think owning more was the way to lead a rich life. But now many people tend to believe that the opposite is also true--and perhaps truer.

According to US sociologist Joel Stillerman, people who are educated and well-off are more likely to have a minimalist lifestyle. “These people are making the statement: ‘I can afford to have less.’,”he said.

But leading a minimalist lifestyle doesn't mean spending less. A report by UK market research company Euromonitor found young Chinese people spend less on possessions, but more on short holidays and visits to the movies.

“They are looking for a life that is all about culture,” Alison Angus, head of lifestyles at Euromonitor, said about Chinese youth.

So perhaps it all comes down to how we define(定义) “rich”. Is wealth in life about buying more and owning more, or is it about having a more colorful life?

1The author mentioned the change of Lin Hanxing to _______.

A.introduce the minimalist lifestyle

B.encourage us readers to buy less

C.explain the popularity of owning less

D.explain the importance of a new lifestyle

2What’s Lin Hanxing’s attitude towards the online challenge in the beginning?

A.She was very fond of it.

B.She thought it worth a try.

C.She was strongly against it.

D.She thought it must be painful.

3According to the passage, young Chinese people care more about _______.



4If one is rich, he is more likely to _______.

A.spend lessB.buy more

C.own lessD.experience more


Which book you should read depends on your next travel plan.

If you’re visiting New York City, read the book “The Catcher in the Rye”, which mentions plenty of NYC landmarks.

“The Catcher in the Rye” is a classic tale of a lost teenager’s unplanned trip to New York City. In the novel, Holden Caulfield visits a nightclub in the East Village, goes ice skating in Rockefeller Center, and takes his sister to the Central Park Zoo.

“Midnight’s Children” is a fantastic novel that shows some of the histories of India.

Salman Rushdie’s story begins at midnight, on the night of India’s independence, when the 1,001 children born that hour are found to own magical powers. The book is set during 20th-century India with plenty of magical elements.

Haruki Murakami’s “1Q84” is an adventure that’s perfect for the plane ride to Japan.

Well-known Japanese author Haruki Murakami creates a novel called 1Q84 where nothing feels right and everything is slightly different. Set in Tokyo, Japan, this novel is sure to interest you greatly during your trip.

As you’re traveling around Amsterdam, read “The Fault in Our Stars”. There’s also a film from this book.

Made into a film in 2014, John Green’s story of two unlucky teenagers includes a trip to Amsterdam. The Anne Frank House and The Rijks Museum are mentioned in the book. Plus, the bench in the film from this novel has even become its own tourist spot.

1What does “Holden Caulfield” refer to in the passage?

A.A famous NYC landmark.B.The lost teenager.

C.The author’s sister.D.The author of the novel.

2Which book may you choose to read if you believe in magic?

A.The Catcher in the Rye.B.The Fault in Our Stars.

C.Midnight’s Children.D.1Q84.

3What is the purpose of the author in writing this passage?

A.To introduce some books to travelers.

B.To describe some world-famous attractions.

C.To encourage people to read more classic novels.

D.To explain how a good novel benefits the local tourism.

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