
















3.参考词汇:全国中学生英语能力竞赛: NEPC

Dear James,




Yours truly,

Li Hua


Do the exercise15 through 25. Give the different forms of the verbs on page50 of your French workbook. Read page12 through 20 of the Shakespeare play, and when you have finished that, don’t forget to fill the missing chemical symbols on the Periodic Table of Elements worksheet.

Homework is a major part of going to class, and it helps students grasp important concepts. Luckily, you can do a few things to make homework less painful.

First, be sure you understand the assignment. Write it down in your notebook or day planner if you need to, and don’t be afraid to ask questions about what is expected. It is much easier to take a minute to ask the teacher during or after class than to struggle to remember later at night!

Second, use any extra time you have in school to work on your homework. Many schools have study halls that are specifically designed to allow students to study or get homework done. It is attractive to hang out with friends during study periods or unscheduled time, but the more work you can get done in school, the less you will have to do at night.

Third, pace yourself. If you don’t finish your homework during school, think about how much you have left and what else is going on that day, and then budget your time. Most high school students have between 1 and 3 hours of homework a night. If it is a heavy-homework day and it seems like you have got an assignment on every subject but gym and lunch, you will need to devote more time to homework schedule, especially if you are involved in sports or activities or have an after-school job.

1.The first paragraph is probably ______.

A. examination items

B. a list of homework

C. some teacher training tasks

D. some learning methods

2.What is the author’s attitude towards homework’s effect on students?

A. Opposing. B. Impatient.

C. Approving. D. Concerned.

3.One way to reduce your burden of homework at night is to ______.

A. take part in studying teams

B. appeal for teachers’ aid at any time

C. focus full attention on teachers’ lecture

D. make full use of the time at school

4.Which of the following would be the best title of the passage?

A. Why Students Should Do Homework

B. How to Make Homework Less Work

C. It is High Time Teachers Gave Less Homework

D. Who is to Blame for Children’ s Poor Eyesight

What kind of pets do people have in your country? Dogs? Cats? How about a duck, hippo or lion? Here are two cases of animal owners with unusual pets.

Barrie Hayman has a pet duck called Star. Barrie adopted (领养) him after his brothers and sisters stayed away from him at birth. Barrie, a duck breeder, realized the little duck needed special attention. So he began taking Star with him everywhere he went. “I would put him in my pocket while I did my shopping,” said Barrie. Now, at five months, Star is too big for Barrie’s pocket, but the two are still inseparable. They watch sports together and even share a drink together. Barrie said, “He is one fantastic duck. I’ve never known any like him.” Star even has his own Facebook page, with more than 2,000 Facebook friends.

Then there’s the case of Tonie and Shirley Joubert in South Africa. They live with their pet hippo, Jessica. Tonie saved Jessica from floodwaters when she was only a day old. Jessica lives outside their riverside house, but she knows how to open the kitchen door, and often goes there for a snack. Tonie recently said, “I don’t know whether Jessica sees me as a hippo or whether she sees herself as a human.” Shirley is more certain, “Jessica sees herself as our child and I see Jessica as my daughter. I can’t imagine my life without Jessica.” Jessica is free to leave, and often visits wild hippos that live nearby. But she always returns home at night. Jessica’s website notes that she has three hippo boyfriends, but one in particular, Fred, is her favorite. They often go grazing (吃青草) together and Fred has recently moved onto the Jouberts’ house as well.

1.What’s the main idea of the passage?

A. Some websites are set up to protect pets.

B. Some unusual pets are adopted by people.

C. People should take good care of their pets.

D. Pets sometimes can be very interesting.

2.What does the underlined word “inseparable” in Paragraph 2 mean?

A. Always together. B. Always separated.

C. Always friendly. D. Always healthy.

3.Barrie took Star everywhere he went because .

A. he had never seen a duck like Star

B. he set up a Facebook page for Star

C. he wanted to care more about Star

D. he needed Star to drink with him

4. We can learn from the passage that Jessica .

A. came to the Jouberts’ home when she was 5 months old

B. loves eating in the Jouberts’ kitchen

C. doesn’t see herself as a human being

D. has more than three boyfriends

Exploit your parking space

An unused parking space or garage can make money. If you live near a city center or an airport, you could make anything up to £200 or £300 a week. Put an advertisement for free on Letpark or Atmyhousepark.

Rent(出租)a room

Spare room Not only will a lodger(房客)earn you an income, but also, thanks to the government-backed “rent a room” program, you won’t have to pay any tax on the first £4500 you make per year. Try advertising your room on Roomspare or Roommateeasy.

Make money during special events

Don’t want a full-time lodger? Then rent on a short-term basis. If you live in the capital, renting a room out during the Olympics or other big events could bring in money. Grashpadder can advertise your space.

Live on set

Renting your home out as a “film set” could earn you hundreds of pounds a day, depending on the film production company and how long your home is needed. A quick search on the Internet will bring up dozens of online companies that allow you to register your home for free—but you will be charged if your home gets picked.

Use your roof

You need the right kind of roof, but some energy companies pay the cost of fixing solar equipment (around £14,000), and let you use the energy produced for nothing. In return, they get paid for unused energy fed back into the National Grid. However, you have to sign a 25-year agreement with the supplier, which could prevent you from changing the roof.

1.If you earn £5000 from renting a room in one year, the tax you need to pay will be based on ______.

A. £800 B. £500 C. £4500 D. £5000

2.Where can you put an advertisement to rent out a room during a big event?

A. On Letpark. B. On Roomspare.

C. On Grashpadder. D. On Roommateeasy.

3.If you want to use energy free, you have to_____.

A. sign an agreement with the government

B. pay around £14,000 for the equipment

C. sell the roof to some energy companies

D. keep the roof unchanged for within 25 years

4.For whom the text most probably written?

A. Lodgers. B. Advertisers.

C. House owners. D. Online companies

An eight-year-old Arthur Gonzaga from Minas Gerais, Brazil has taken the Internet by a storm, as first reported by TheHuffingtonPost, with his online YouTube series videos “Arthur Gourmand”. And while it would not be a far stretch of the imagination to assume an 8-year-old’s cooking show would be filled with dishes like pizza and burgers, Arthur’s show actually features recipes like fruit salad a la créme de passion fruit and filet mignon (菲力牛排).

The idea to record Arthur’s cooking adventures on YouTube was rooted in the young chef’s leukemia diagnosis (白血病诊断) in August 2013.Treatment and recovery for the cancer left the young boy in the hospital for the second half of the year and Aruthur was even forced to spend Christmas Eve in the emergency room of So Paulo’s A.C. Camargo Cancer Center. That’s when his family—father Renato Gonzaga and stepmother Priscila Inserra—decided that Arthur should create something positive that would distract him from his health.

The videos, which are filmed in the kitchen of a friend of the family, are in Portuguese. They show Arthur walking the viewers through a step-by-step process of the entire recipe—from preparation to cooking. Occasionally, viewers can see Arthur’s father serving as his son’s sous chef, passing ingredients and following his lead.

Fluent in Portuguese or not, viewers can immediately notice Arthur’s optimistic and friendly personality. It is perhaps these qualities that have given the young rising Internet star almost 5,000 likes on his Facebook Fan Page. There are currently three videos on YouTube and according to his most recent Facebook post, the young boy will be taking suggestions for his next video.

Fortunately, according to what Inserra told TheHuffingtonPost, Arthur is responding well to his treatments and is on his path to recovery. “The secret of life is to let it take you, to have fun and to know how to turn lemons into lemonade (柠檬水),” wrote her family, fittingly, on their most recent Facebook post. Hats off to Arthur, who truly serves as a shining example of how to turn lemons into lemonade.

1.Arthur Gourmand is a name of .

A.the boy B.the boy’s illness

C.a newspaper D.the boy’s cooking show

2.Arthur performs his cooking show .

A.on the stage B.in his friend’s kitchen

C.in his own kitchen D.in the emergency room

3.The underlined phrase “sous chef” probably means .

A.a assistant of a chef B.a adviser of a chef

C.a companion of a chef D.a friend of a chef

4.Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A.Arthur has finished all his videos.

B.Arthur doesn’t speak Portuguese fluently.

C.Arthur had to spend the New Year’s Eve in the hospital.

D.Arthur sets a good example to those with serious illness.

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