
It’s you and I who are to blame for the state of the earth. No question about it. It’s our life-style that is threatening life on Earth, so we must make the changes. The good news is that many of those changes are really quite simple, even enjoyable, but for every careful step we take as individuals , we must press government and industry to take a big step on our benefit . And we must start now. Tomorrow’s too late.
My aim this year is to persuade as many of my friends and colleagues as possible to choose the train, and leave their cars behind too. My gardens have been pesticide(杀虫剂)–free zones for years and I enjoy seeing more wildlife on my doorstep as a result; I’ve tried to reduce my contribution to water pollution too, by using environment-friendly, phosphate(磷)–free washing powder , and by no longer thinking of the toilet as a suitable waste-disposal(处理) point .
I ran after a young lady through town recently to give her back the piece of paper she had carelessly thrown away. She disappeared into a shop, and when I followed her inside and made my presentation, she was doubly embarrassed--she worked there, and the boss gave her a ticking–off too. I’ve started asking fellow drivers at gas stations why they aren’t using unleaded (无铅的) petrol . These are small things, but we have to start somewhere, and every little does help .
小题1:To help the environment, the author is trying to do everything mentioned below EXCEPT        .
A.taking the train instead of a car
B.throwing away the old cars
C.avoiding the use of pesticides
D.running after those who throw articles carelessly
小题2:The author ran after a woman through town because he wanted         .
A.to find out where she worked
B.to give her back the piece of paper she had lost
C.to tell her not to throw away pieces of paper carelessly
D.to ask her to pay him for picking up the piece of paper.
小题3:The word “ticking-off ” in the last paragraph probably means         .
A.blaming B.a piece of paperC.prizeD.ticket
小题4:The purpose of this passage is to         .
A.persuade his friends to take the train
B.inform us of the good news
C.make clear who is responsible for the environment
D.try to advise us all to protect our environment


Beginning in October, more than 13,000 McDonald’s (麦当劳)restaurants in America will use a new variety of cooking oil. McDonald’ s aims to make its French fries (油炸食品) and other fried foods healthier.
The change will not affect the taste or the number of calories in the food. But by changing the cooking oil, McDonald’s says, it hopes to cut by nearly half the amount of trans fatty acids (转换脂肪酸) in French fries and reduce the amount of saturated fats(饱和脂肪) by 16 percent. Scientists believe that trans fatty acids and saturated fats raise cholesterol(胆固醇) levels and increase the risk of heart disease.
McDonald’s new step is important because McDonald’s is an industry leader and other fast-food chains and food processors may follow the lead.
For McDonald’s ,the action comes at a time when Americans are becoming more and more concerned about; obesity (肥胖) and are increasing pressure on food companies to offer healthy and nutritious (有营养的) food to consumers.
After three years of study, McDonald’s officials say they are switching oil that is lower in saturated fats and trans fatty acids. McDonald’s says the change will not cause higher price for consumers.
Though there is some change, scientists say that the amount of trans fat in foods at McDonald’s and at other fast-food companies is still important.
小题1:More than 13,000 McDonald’s restaurants in America will use a new kind of cooking oil to ______________.
A.lower the costs of the products
B.maker its food taste hatter than ever before
C.cure (治愈) the heart disease
D.do good to the health of consumers
小题2:The underlined ward "switching" here has the same meaning as "   _______ ".
A.turning onB.turning offC.changingD.studying
小题3:The main idea of the passage is    __________ .
A.McDonald’s is a pioneer in food products
B.McDonald’s is enlarging its restaurants in the world
C.fried foods can’t keep up with the development of modem society
D.McDonald’s is to use new cooking oil
小题4:When a new kind of cooking oil is used in McDonald’s,     ________ 
A.the prices of McDonald’s foods will be a tot higher
B.consumers will find the taste of McDonald’s foods different
C.many other food companies will do what McDonald’s does
D.obesity will disappear in American society sooner or later
    Scratchy throats, stuffy noses and body aches all spell misery, but being able to tell if the cause is a cold or flu may make a difference in how long the misery lasts.
The American Lung Association (ALA) has issued new guidelines on combating colds and the flu(流感), and one of the keys is being able to quickly tell the two apart. That’s because the prescription drugs available for the flu need to be taken soon after the illness sets in. As for colds, the sooner a person starts taking over-the-counter remedy, the sooner relief will come.
The common cold and the flu are both caused by viruses. More than 200 viruses can cause cold symptoms, while the flu is caused by three viruses - flu A, B and C. There is no cure for either illness , but the flu can be prevented by the flu vaccine, which is, for most people, the best way to fight the flu, according to the ALA. But if the flu does strike, quick action can help. Although the flu and common cold have many similarities , there are some obvious signs to look for.
Cold symptoms such as stuffy nose, runny nose and scratchy throat typically develop gradually, and adults and teens often do not get a fever. On the other hand, fever is one of the characteristic features of the flu for all ages. And in general, flu symptoms including fever and chills, sore throat and body aches come on suddenly and are more severe than cold symptoms.
The ALA notes that it may be particularly difficult to tell when infants and preschool age children have the flu. It advises parents to call the doctor if their small children have flu-like symptoms.
Both cold and flu symptoms can be eased with over-the-counter medications as well. However, children and teens with a cold or flu should not take aspirin for pain relief because of the risk of Reye syndrome(综合症) ,a rare but serious condition of the liver and central nervous system.
There is, of course, no vaccine for the common cold. But frequent hand washing and avoiding close contact with people who have colds can reduce the likelihood of catching one.
小题1: According to the author, knowing the cause of the misery will help ________.
A.shorten the duration of the illness
B.the patient buy medicine over the counter
C.the patient obtain cheaper prescription drugs
D.prevent people from catching colds and the flu
小题2: We learn from the passage that ___________.
A.one doesn’t need to take any medicine if he has a cold or the flu
B.aspirin should not be included in over-the-counter medicines for the flu
C.delayed treatment of the flu will harm the liver and central nervous system
D.over-the-counter drugs can be taken to ease the misery caused by a cold or the flu
小题3: According to the passage, to combat the flu effectively, ___________.
A.one should identify the virus which causes it
B.one should consult a doctor as soon as possible
C.one should take medicine upon catching the disease
D.one should remain alert when the disease is spreading
小题4:Which of the following symptoms will distinguish the flu from a cold?
A.A stuffy nose.   B.A high temperature.
C.A sore throat.  D.A dry cough.
小题5: If children have flu-like symptoms, their parents _______________.
A.are advised not to give them aspirin
B.should watch out for signs of Reye syndrome
C.are encouraged to take them to hospital for vaccination
D.should prevent them from mixing with people running a fever
Too cold for recess?  School policies vary as much as temps
When is it too cold for schoolchildren to go outside for recess(课间休息)? The answer varies widely based on where a school is located and what the kids are used to.
Consider:  One northern Minnesota school says it has to be 15 below zero before kids are kept inside. But in areas along the East Coast, temperatures below 35 to 40 degrees could keep kids inside. Canceling recess because of the cold is no small issue considering that much of the USA is trembling through what may be its coldest winter in a generation, according to AccuWeather.
There is no national temperature standard for when to keep kids inside during the winter months, the U.S. Department of Education says. Decisions are made at the local level, either by principals or school districts.
Consequently, policies are all over the map:
? In International Falls, Minn., the self-described "Icebox of the Nation," where the average high temperature in January is 13 degrees, Falls Elementary School Principal Jerry Hilfer says, "if it's 15 below (or warmer), they go out, no matter what." "At 20 below, it gets iffy," he adds.
? In Wicomico County, Md., principals typically keep children indoors when temperatures drop below freezing, or if it's raining or snowing, says Susan Jones, the school system's director of elementary education.
"That's the bottom line," says Curtis Twilley, principal of Pemberton Elementary School in Salisbury, Md. Twilley says students get little exercise when recess stays indoors. At Pemberton Elementary, the students will typically play board games or computer games in a classroom because the school's gym is occupied with other classes, he says.
? For schools in Marquette, Mich., which averages about 12 feet of snow per season, school officials acknowledge students are probably a little more prepared than those in some more mild climates.
小题1:Which of the following is not true according to the passage_________.
A.No national temperature standard is made for when to keep kids inside during the winter months.
B.Susan Jones insists students get little exercise when recess stays indoors.
C.In Wicomico County, children are kept indoors when temperatures dip below freezing.
D.Mich has about 12 feet of snow per season on average.
小题2: Which place calls itself Box of Ice?
Wicomico County  B. Marquette    C.Salisbury       D. Minn
小题3: Considering_______, canceling recess In USA because of the cold is a big issue.
A.different schools have different principles.
B.much of the USA has very cold winter.
C.physical activity can boost student performance.
D.decisions are made at the local level,
小题4: The underlined word iffy means _______.
A.uncertain B.surprisingC. seriousD.worse
小题5: What will be talked about next?
A.More school policies
B.The reasons why school policies vary.
C.Measures to improve the situation.
D.Necessities to improve the situation
We all have ideas about what kinds of foods are good to eat. We also have ideas about what kinds of foods are bad to eat. As a result, people from one culture often think the foods that people from another culture eat are nauseating(令人作呕的).When the famous boxer Muhammad Ali visited Africa, for example, one member of his group became quite sick when he saw someone pick up a butterfly and eat it. Many people would find it disgusting to eat rats, but there are forty-two different cultures whose people regard rats as appropriate food.
 Food likes and dislikes do not always seem related to nutrition. For example, broccoli is first on a list of the most nutritious common vegetables, but it is twenty-first on a list of vegetables that Americans like most to eat. Tomatoes are sixteenth on the list of most nutritious vegetables, but they are first on the list of vegetables that Americans like most to eat.
But dislike is not the only reason why some cultures will not eat a certain food. In some cultures, certain foods are taboo. Some foods are taboo in certain religions, but there are also other food taboos that are not connected to a religion. We do not usually think about why certain things are taboo in our culture. We may not even know why they are taboo. Anthropologists(人类学家) try to discover the hidden reasons for taboos.
Anthropologists believe that most food likes and dislikes are a result of the ways of life of different people. Some people live in areas where there are both large animals and many insects. It is difficult for these people to kill large animals, and it requires a lot of energy. It is easier for them to use insects for food because it is not difficult to catch insects and it does not require a lot of energy. Nomadic(游牧的) people who move around will not want to keep pigs for food. People will not eat pets such as dogs. Americans eat a lot of beef because there is plenty of land for raising cattle and the meat can be shipped cheaply for long distances by railroads.
小题1:     What’s the main topic of this passage?
A.Food and religion.B.Food and culture.
C.Nutrition of different foods.D.Different ways of life.
小题2:Which of the following statements is TRUE about food likes and dislikes?
A.They are seldom related to nutrition.
B.They are mostly associated with people’s taste.
C.They are mostly connected with people’s life styles.
D.They are usually related to cultures or religions.
小题3:The underlined word “taboo” (Line 3, Para. 3) refers to _____.
A.something undiscoveredB.certain religions
C.something forbiddenD.certain foods
小题4:What can we infer from the passage?
A.It is believed that brcoccoli is more nutritious than tomatoes.
B.Americans prefer tomatoes to beef.
C.People in Inner Mongolia would probably like to keep pigs for food.
D.The famous boxer Muhamm Ali would like to eat rat rather than butterfly.
小题5:Why do Americans prefer to eat beef?
A.Because beef provides a lot of energy people require.
B.Because beef is on the list of the most nutritious foods.
C.Because they have the ideal condition to keep and ship cattle.
D.Because cattle are large animals.
Smoking, which may be a pleasure for some people, is a series of discomfort for their fellows. Medical scientists have expressed their concern about effect of smoking on the health not only of those who smoke but also those who do not smoke. In fact, non-smokers who take in the air polluted by tobacco smoke suffer more than the smokers themselves. A great number of students are trying to persuade the university to forbid smoking in classrooms. Believe they are completely right in their aim. However, I think it more important to achieve this by calling on the smokers to use good judgment and to show concern for others. Smoking is not allowed in theaters, cinemas and in other public places. Therefore, smoking must be forbidden in our classroom. Although many people have passed away for having smoked a lot and we call on people to give up smoking, yet many more that are following will turn down what we say every day, above all, the young people smoke a lot more.
小题1: In the writer’s opinion, smoking does good to ________.
A.nobodyB.some peopleC.smokersD.young people
小题2: The phrase “pass away” probably means ________.
A.leave one’s homeB.lose one’s lifeC.pass byD.go away
小题3:According to the selection, which of the following is true?
A.Smokers suffer from the polluted air more than the non-smokers.
B.Non-smokers suffer from the polluted air more than the smokers.
C.Non-smokers suffer as much from the polluted air as the smokers.
D.Non-smokers don’t suffer so much from the polluted air as the smokers.
Boiler rooms are often dirty and steamy, but this one is clean and cool. Fox Point is a very new 47-unit living building in South Bronx, one of the city’s poorest areas. Two-thirds of the people living there are formerly (以前) homeless people, whose rent is paid by the government. The rest are low-income families. The boiler room has special equipment, which produces energy for electricity and heat. It reuses heat that would otherwise be lost to the air, reducing carbon emissions(碳排放)while also cutting costs.
Fox Point is operated by Palladia, a group that specializes in providing housing and services to needy people. Palladia received support from Enterprise Community Partners (ECP), which helps build affordable housing by providing support to housing developers.
ECP has created national standards for healthy, environmentally (环境方面) clever and affordable homes which are called, the Green Communities Standards. These standards include water keeping, energy saving and the use of environmentally friendly building materials. Meeting the standards increases housing construction costs by 2%, which is rapidly paid back by lower running costs. Even the positioning of a window to get most daylight can help save energy.
Michael. Bloomberg, New York's mayor plans to create 165,000 affordable housing units for 500,000 New Yorkers. Almost 80% of New York City’s greenhouse-gas emissions come from buildings, and 40% of those are caused by housing. So he recently announced that the city’s Department of Housing and Preservation and Development (DHPD) , whose duty is to develop and keep the city’s supply of affordable housing, will require all its new projects to follow ECP’s green standards.
Similar measures have been taken by other cities such as Cleveland and Denver, but New York’s DHPD is the largest city developer of affordable housing in the country.
小题1:What is the purpose of describing the boiler room in the first paragraph?
A. To explain the measures the city takes to care for poor people.
B. To suggest that affordable housing is possible in all areas.
C. To show how the environment-friendly building works.
D. To compare old and new boiler rooms.
小题2:What is an advantage of the buildings meeting the Green Communities Standards?
A. Lower running costs.
B. Costing less in construction.
C. Less air to be lost in hot days.
D. Better prices for homeless people.
小题3: It can be learned from the text that, ____________________.
A. New York City is seriously polluted
B. people’s daily life causes many carbon emissions in New York City
C. a great number of people in New York City don't have houses to live in
D. some other cities have developed more affordable housing than New York City
小题4:What is the main purpose of this text?
A. To call on people to pay more attention to housing problems.
B. To prove that some standards are needed for affordable housing.
C. To ask society to help homeless people and low-income families.
D. To introduce healthy, environmentally clever-and affordable housing.
Think about what you had for lunch: Was it a hamburger? A chicken sandwich? Barbecue? What about vegetables? Would it surprise you to learn that what you eat can affect the whole planet?
It can—in a big way. New studies show how food and its production affect the globe and its warming climate. You’ve probably heard of global warming : The temperature is on the rise because humankind has been releasing (排放) amounts of gases into the atmosphere. One of these greenhouse gases is carbon dioxide(二氧化碳).
What does this have to do with food ? A big part of the carbon dioxide that we put in the atmosphere every year comes from the process of making and eating food. The production of meat contributes a lot of that carbon diode. And much of meat’s contribution comes from beef , which is responsible for releasing even more warming gases into the atmosphere.
The process of making a hamburger ,for example, requires a lot of energy. A cow has to be fed and raised on farmland, and cow waste is a major source of methane (沼气) — an especially powerful greenhouse gas. The cow has to be killed. The meat has to be processed (加工) and shipped to a shop, which takes fuel . Most of the cow won’t even be used for meat that people eat. By the time a hamburger finally lands on a dinner plate, it has made a heavy effect on the environment.
We can reduce the production of global-warming gases by eating less beef .Other kinds of meat like pork and chicken do less harm to the environment—at least in terms of the amount of greenhouse gases released. 
All kinds of meat are harder on the planet than vegetables. To grow and eat a pound of potatoes, for example, sends less than one-quarter pound of carbon dioxide into the air. So changing our diet to less meat and more vegetables, as it turns out, may do the world some good.
小题1:The questions asked in the first paragraph are used to _____.
A.show the author’s concern about food safety
B.express the author’s puzzlement at what to eat
C.remind readers of something delicious to eat
D.introduce the topic to be discussed in the passage
小题2:What is the bad news for meat-eaters?
A.Meat producing can cause global warming
B.Most cows are raised not for people to eat
C.There is a lot of carbon dioxide in meat
D.Animals begin to die off because of global warming
小题3:Which is the most environment-friendly food according to the passage?
小题4:The author wrote the passage in order to _____.
A.explain the importance of eating meatB.advise people to keep a balanced diet
C.encourage people to choose a greener dietD.introduce some healthy foods to people
In terms of history, Australian cuisine(烹饪)was on the basis of traditional British cooking brought to the country by the first settlers.Modern Australian cuisine,however.has been heavily influenced by Australia’ s Asian and Southeast Asian neighbors.The trend,encouraged by long-term government health programs,is towards low-fat healthy cookery including low-fat meat and lightly cooked,colorful,steamed or fried vegetables.Besides,1ike many English families,in many Australian homes,a widespread tradition of having roast turkey,chicken,and ham for Christmas 1unch or dinner still remains.
Generally breakfast is light in most parts of Australia.but in the colder regions porridge or meals similar to the full English breakfast may be consumed.In recent years,however,most Australian people prefer light breakfast in order to control their weight.The 1ight breakfast commonly consists of cereals(谷类),toast and fruit.A heavier breakfast will frequently include fried bacon,eggs,mushrooms,etc.Drinks taken at breakfast include tea,coffee,milk or juice.
The evening meal is the main meal of the day for most Australians,and when consumed at home,it is often eaten with members of the immediate family.The dishes served will vary widely according to the tastes and background of the family.A typical Australian restaurant might offer sandwiches,chicken or other meat-based dishes and cakes.
In recent years,take—away food is becoming popular in Australia.American-style chain restaurants are common including Subway,KFC,and Mcdonald’s.They a11 come from America.Most of these restaurants sell high quality food at reasonable prices.
With the high 1evels of immigration(移民)from the Middle East.South and Southeast Asia.Korea.China and other countries from a11 over the world to Australia.many authentic(正宗的)and high-quality restaurants are run by first-and second-generation immigrants from these areas.
小题1:According to the first paragraph,what does the Australian government encourage its people to do?
A.To try to eat 10w—fat healthy foods.
B.To have roast turkey for Christmas dinner.
C.To use traditional British cooking methods.
D.To 1earn from Asian neighbors to cook foods.
小题2:The main idea of the second paragraph is         
A.what breakfast is 1ike in Australia
B.w hat Australian people drink at breakfast
C.that Australians often have a heavy breakfast
D.that most Australian people don’ t have breakfast to lose weight
小题3:The underlined part the immediate family in Paragraph 3 probably mean people who      .
A.have the same family names
B.do some cooking together at times
C.live next to one another in the same area
D.are very directly – related members of a family
小题4:From the passage, we learn that        .
A.fewer and fewer immigrants enter Australia every year
B.Subway is a chain restaurant and it is from the USA
C.home cooking is becoming more and more popular in Australia
D.a typical restaurant mainly offers porridge and noodles for supper

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