
【题目】 They're life jacket orange, they’re robots and they're capable of sailing the high seas without human intervention.

On Tuesday the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) launched a pair of Saildrones(海洋无人机) in Pacific Northwest waters for the first time. Their summer long sailing journey will stretch from Vancouver Island to California. The Saildrone operators will collect data to help set future fishing seasons. The government wants to see whether seagoing. robots can extend fishery surveys now performed by expensive manned ships.

Nora Cohen from NOAA said,“The 23 foot tong seagoing robots can follow a remotely programmed course for up to a year at a time. And they don't require any fuel. We use wind and solar power to drive the sensors.”He added,“It means that we're able to go to places where we don't really want to send people, and go into weather that we really don't want anyone ever to be in, and be able to send back measurements.”

The primary mission is to investigate the species and number of fish in existence and the places where they are. Larry Hufnagle, scientist of NOAA Fisheries in Seattle, said a traditional big NOAA research ship-based survey costs around $25000 per day. By comparison, one Saildrone runs $2,500 per day.

“It could be a significant saving,”Hufnagle said. “But like anything else, there is a tradeoff in what you get and what you don't get. On the manned ship, we have limited time. It takes a lot of people. We spend a fair amount of money. But there is one thing the Saildrone can't do that humans can: cast a net to catch and positively identify the fish detected below. The Saildrones are going to give us additional data, not replacement data.”

Nora Cohen said Sail Drone, a venture capital-backed company based in Alameda, California, expects to launch a total of 11 of its seagoing robots to survey different water bodies for NOAA this year. The Bering and Arctic seas, coastal California and Gulf of Mexico will be the locations of additional missions.

1What is the purpose of collecting fish data?

A.To explore the ocean.

B.To assist fishing industry.

C.To learn the habits of fish,

D.To improve fishing skills

2What is mainly discussed about the Saildrone in Paragraph 3?

A.Its advantages.

B.Its appearance.

C.Its power systems.

D.Its primary mission.

3What does the underlined word “tradeoff”in Paragraph 5 probably mean?



4What can be inferred from the text?

A.The Saildrone has a promising future.

B.Hufnagle thinks little of the Saildrone.

C.Manned ships will be completely replaced.

D.Production of seagoing robots is restricted.









细节理解题。根据关键词collecting fish data可以定位文章第二段第三句The Saildrone operators will collect data to help set future fishing seasons. 无人机操作员将收集数据,帮助设定未来的捕鱼季节。可以得出。收集数据是帮助设定未来的捕鱼季节。选线B和文意相符。故选B项。


主旨大意题。结合题干定位第三段。本段讲解的是:国家海洋和大气局的诺拉 · 科恩说23英尺长的海洋机器人,可以进行远程程序控制,每次航行长达一年。 它们不需要任何燃料。我们用风能和太阳能驱动传感器” 他补充说,“这意味着我们可以去到我们不想派人去的地方,去到我们真的不想让任何人去的天气,并且可以发回测量数据。”据此可以得出,本段主要讲述的是海洋机器人的优势。选项A符合文意。故选A项。


词义猜测题。根据关键词可以定位到文章第五段第二句But like anything else, there is a tradeoff in what you get and what you don't get,结合本段第一句“It could be a significant saving,” 这可能是一个重大的节省。知道了使用无人机能节省很多钱。理解本段第六句But there is one thing the Saildrone can't do that humans can: cast a net to catch and positively identify the fish detected below. 但有一件事情,帆船不能做到,人类可以: 撒网捕捉,并肯定地识别下面检测到的鱼。可知,人类能做的事情在无人机这却不能实现。对比理解,即可推断出对与无人机而言,人类从其处能得到的和不能得到的这就是一种平衡。据此可以得出“tradeoff”意思是平衡。故选D项。


推理判断题。根据最后一段内容:诺拉 · 科恩说,总部位于加州阿拉米达的风险投资公司 Sail Drone 预计今年将推出11个航海机器人,为 NOAA 勘测不同的水域。 白令海和北冰洋,加利福尼亚海岸和墨西哥湾,将是其他任务的地点。据此可以得出,Sail Drone海上无人机的前景比较光明。选项A符合题意。故选A项。


【题目】Directions: Complete the following passage with the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. There is one extra word which you don’t need.

NEW DELHI - The first case of the 2019-20 coronavirus pandemic in India was reported on 30 January 2020. So far, India has suspended "all existing visas, except diplomatic, official, UN/international organizations, employment, project visas" until April 15. India's federal health ministry said this Wednesday morning that the death toll due to COVID-19 in India rose to 149 and the total number of 1 cases in the country reached 5,194.

“As of 8:00 am (local time) today 149 deaths related to novel coronavirus have been recorded in the country,” reads the information 2 by the ministry. On Tuesday evening the number of COVID-19 cases in the country was 4789 and the death toll was 124.

According to ministry officials, so far 402 people have been 3from hospitals after showing improvement. “The number of active cases in the country right now is 4,643,” reads the information.

Wednesday 4 the 15th straight day of ongoing 21-day lockdown across the country announced by the government to 5 the spread of the pandemic. Authorities have imposed strict curfew-like 6 to prevent the movement of people across the country. All road, rail and air services have been suspended in the 7 of the lockdown, except 8 services which are exempted. The three-week lockdown is expected to end on April 14.

India's federal home minister Amit Shah has asked authorities to take quick and stern action against individuals involved in hoarding and black marketing. Meanwhile, Indian Council of Medical Research said it has no 9 to state governments setting up convenient sample collection sites. However, the top health research body said its guidelines should be followed and the sample collection should be done using recommended personal 10 equipment.

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