No one lives without a dream£®Whether the path is smoothly or tough£¬we are on the path to achieving it£®As a senior 3student£¬I have the same dream like my classmates that I can be admitted to an ideal university£®In the past three years£¬I have done everything I can equip myself with that I have learnt from my teachers£®Not only have I enjoy the pleasure of study but also I have got closer to my dream£®Anxiety and pressure discourage him now and then£®Therefore£¬with the encouragement of my teachers and classmates£¬I think I'll make out it£®
I'm sure that there is still a long way to go to achieve my dream£®No matter how challenged it is£¬I'll make it come true£®As the proverb says£¬"Where there has a will£¬there's a way£®"
·ÖÎö ×÷ÕßÔÚ±¾ÎĸæËßÎÒÃÇÓëÆäËûµÄͬѧһÑù£¬×÷Õß×Ô¼ºÒ²ÓÐÃÎÏ룬ϣÍûÎÒÄܽøÈëÒ»ËùÀíÏëµÄ´óѧ£®²¢½«ÔÚÀÏʦºÍͬѧÃǵĹÄÀøÏ£¬¿Ë·þÀ§ÄÑ£¬²»¶ÏŬÁ¦£¬ÕùȡʵÏÖ×Ô¼ºµÄÃÎÏ룮
½â´ð No one lives without a dream£®Whether the path is smoothly or tough£¬we are on the path to achieving it£®As a senior 3student£¬I have the same dream like my classmates that I can be admitted to an ideal university£®In the past three years£¬I have done everything I can¡Äequip myself with that I have learnt from my teachers£®Not only have I enjoy the pleasure of study but also I have got closer to my dream£®Anxiety and pressure discourage him now and then£®Therefore£¬with the encouragement of my teachers and classmates£¬I think I'll make out it£®I'm sure that there is still a long way to go to achieve my dream£®No matter how challenged it is£¬I'll make it come true£®As the proverb says£¬"Where there has a will£¬there's a way£®"
2£®like¸ÄΪas£»¿¼²é½é´Ê£®The same asÊǹ̶¨´îÅ䣬±íʾ"ͬÑùµÄ"£®
3£®canºó¼Óto£»¿¼²é²»¶¨Ê½£®I canÊDzåÈëÓ¿ÉÒÔÊ¡ÂÔ²»Ìᣬ´Ë´¦Óò»¶¨Ê½¶ÌÓï×öÄ¿µÄ×´Óһλ"ÎÒËù×öµÄÒ»ÇÐÊÂÇ鶼ÊÇΪÁË×°±¸ÎÒ×Ô¼º"£®
5£®enjoy¸ÄΪenjoyed£»¿¼²é¶¯´Ê£®µ±not only·ÅÔÚ¾äÊ×ʱҪʹÓð뵹װ½á¹¹£¬¼´Öú¶¯´ÊÇ°ÌᣬÕý³£¾äÐòΪI have enjoyed the pleasure of study£®
8£®È¥µôout£»¿¼²é½é´Ê£®Make outÊǹ̶¨´îÅ䣬±íʾ"Àí½â"£¬make±¾Éí¿ÉÒâΪ"ʵÏÖ£¬Íê³É"£®ÎÄÒâÊÇÔÚÀÏʦºÍͬѧÃǵĹÄÀøÏ£¬ÎÒÏàÐÅÎÒÄÜ¿Ë·þËü£®
10£®has¸ÄΪis£»¿¼²éνÓﶯ´Ê£®Where there is a will£¬there's a way£®ÊÇÑèÓ±íʾ"ÓÐÖ¾Õßʾ¹³É"£¬³ÂÊöµÄÊÇÒ»°ãÊÂʵ£¬ËùÒÔÓÃÒ»°ãÏÖÔÚʱ̬¼´¿É£®
µãÆÀ ¶ÌÎĸĴíÌâÊ×ÏÈÒªÕûÌåÀí½â¶ÌÎÄÒâ˼£¬×¥×¡ÖÐÐÄ˼Ï룬½áºÏÓï¾³ºÍÉÏÏÂÎĹØϵ£¬³ä·ÖÔËÓÃƽʱÕÆÎյĹ̶¨´îÅ䣬ϰ¹ßÓ÷¨£¬¾äÐͽṹµÈµÈÀ´·¢ÏÖÎÄÕµĴíÎóÖ®´¦£¬¼ÓÒÔÐÞÕý£®

I noticed how £¨39£©A her place was and it was obvious she hadn't cleaned it for a while£®She insisted she didn't need an £¨40Band that someone would be around soon£¬so I put a bottle of water at her side and £¨41£©D£®
On my return£¬I felt sad that£¬although we had been neighbors for 18months£¬apart from a few smiles£¬we hadn't £¨42£©D£®I hadn't even noticed she hadn't been £¨43£©CCfor weeks due to painful back£®
That weekend I met my grandma for her 80th birthday£¬and I noticed how £¨44£©A her flat seemed in comparison with my £¨45£©B£®Then I remembered that my grandma was usually visited by her relatives£®£¨46£©C£¬my neighbor£¬as far as I knew£¬had no family regularly £¨47£©A£®
When I returned home I went to visit her£¬but she didn't £¨48£©Amy knocks£®I walked inside£®She was more £¨49£©B now than when she started to see me£®She explained she was Ok£®Yet£¬unable to £¨50£©D due to her back£¬she could not unpack groceries that a delivery boy had left at floor level and her kitchen was filled with £¨51£©Bbecause she was unable to take it out by herself£®
£¨52£©Bwe've become good friends and chat every day£®Now£¬every time I £¨53£©C from putting out her garbage£¬£¨54£©Aher mails or just chatting£¬I feel a deep sense of £¨55£©Dand peace£¬so I am really content that I can help others£®
36£®A£®identify | B£®comfort | C£®assure | D£®check |
37£®A£®luckily | B£®easily | C£®clearly | D£®scarcely |
38£®A£®insisted | B£®settled | C£®persuaded | D£®called |
39£®A£®dirty | B£®comfortable | C£®wide | D£®tidy |
40£®A£®operation | B£®ambulance | C£®encouragement | D£®application |
41£®A£®provided | B£®served | C£®presented | D£®left |
42£®A£®worked | B£®competed | C£®quarreled | D£®connected |
43£®A£®away | B£®off | C£®outside | D£®around |
44£®A£®clean | B£®narrow | C£®smelly | D£®sweet |
45£®A£®wife's | B£®neighbor's | C£®relative's | D£®daughter's |
46£®A£®In short | B£®As a result | C£®On the contrary | D£®After all |
47£®A£®dropping by | B£®looking after | C£®bringing up | D£®sending to |
48£®A£®answer | B£®reply | C£®appreciate | D£®recognize |
49£®A£®curious | B£®thankful | C£®angry | D£®impatient |
50£®A£®sit down | B£®put down | C£®lie down | D£®bend down |
51£®A£®dust | B£®garbage | C£®food | D£®furniture |
52£®A£®Suddenly | B£®Gradually | C£®Temporarily | D£®Regularly |
53£®A£®suffer | B£®escape | C£®return | D£®stop |
54£®A£®collecting | B£®reading | C£®writing | D£®copying |
55£®A£®determination | B£®presentation | C£®ambition | D£®satisfaction |
A Heroic Driver
Ciro Ortiz£¬an 11-year-old kid£¬has recently set up shop in a New York subway station£®He offers five-minute"£¨41£©Badvice"sessions to passers-by for $2£®
Every Sunday£¬Ciro Ortiz spends about two hours at the Bedford£¨42£©Astation£¬sitting at a folding table with a cardboard sign that£¨43£©C"emotional advice $2"£®Believe it or not£¬people actually do£¨44£©Bfor some pearls of£¨45£©Dfrom the"emotional advice kid"£®They ask him about all£¨46£©Aof things from relationships and career advice to Donald Trump-the 45th US President-elect£®He does his£¨47£©Cto help them find the answer to their problems£®
Ciro's dad doesn't make much money£®One night Ciro was just inspired to try an idea of£¨48£©Dhe could make his own£®His father £¨49£©Athe idea and the next day they went into Williamsburg and set up the£¨50£©Bon the street£®
Ciro was surprisingly£¨51£©Cwith passers-by£¬and he's been doing it ever£¨52£©D£®On a good day£¬he'll£¨53£©Babout $50£¬but it's not just money that£¨54£©Dhim£®Ciro was bullied£¨ÆÛÁ裩 at school in the past£¬which inspired him to£¨55£©Ahis entrepreneurial£¨´´Òµ£© spirit in the temporary emotional advice desk£¬£¨56£©Dthe much more popular lemonade stand£®
Plus£¬Ciro is£¨57£©Areally good at giving people emotional advice£®A woman came up to his father and said what Ciro told her was what she'd been£¨58£©Cin her gut£¨Ö±¾õ£© that whole time£®He was really nervous and£¨59£©Bof himself in the beginning£¬but after a few Sundays£¬he started coming home telling his mother£¬"I've met so many wonderful people£®I will£¨60£©Chaving so many friends£®"
41£®A£®physical | B£®emotional | C£®mental | D£®legal |
42£®A£®subway | B£®service | C£®railway | D£®comfort |
43£®A£®writes | B£®announces | C£®reads | D£®shows |
44£®A£®stand by | B£®stop by | C£®pass by | D£®get by |
45£®A£®significance | B£®interest | C£®value | D£®wisdom |
46£®A£®sorts | B£®costs | C£®means | D£®directions |
47£®A£®happiest | B£®most | C£®best | D£®worst |
48£®A£®when | B£®what | C£®why | D£®how |
49£®A£®approved of | B£®appealed to | C£®complained of | D£®stuck to |
50£®A£®base | B£®stand | C£®branch | D£®goal |
51£®A£®familiar | B£®content | C£®popular | D£®careful |
52£®A£®then | B£®there | C£®before | D£®since |
53£®A£®demand | B£®earn | C£®collect | D£®withdraw |
54£®A£®attracts | B£®serves | C£®overcomes | D£®motivates |
55£®A£®channel | B£®admire | C£®recover | D£®suit |
56£®A£®other than | B£®more than | C£®less than | D£®rather than |
57£®A£®apparently | B£®voluntarily | C£®personally | D£®fortunately |
58£®A£®thinking | B£®seeking | C£®feeling | D£®hunting |
59£®A£®unaware | B£®uncertain | C£®independent | D£®innocent |
60£®A£®take up | B£®turn to | C£®end up | D£®admit to |
A£® | admitted | B£® | admitting | C£® | to be admitted | D£® | to admit |