
7.Cambridge graduates are the most employable in the world,according to a global league table.The ancient university is the best at producing graduates who are‘ready to work',a poll of major employers found.
Oxford slipped to fourth place in the rankings having taken top spot last year.Harvard and Yale-part of the US‘Ivy League'of universities-were second and third respectively.
Five British universities were ranked in the top 20-one more than last year-and 12were in the full list of 150.
But the UK as a country came third-behind the US and Germany-when companies were asked to name the best nation for producing work-ready graduates.
The table-the Global Employability(就业能力)University Ranking published by the International New York Times-also showed that universities in Asian countries were rapidly gaining ground on their western counterparts (对手).
Asian universities claimed 20percent of the top 150places in 2014compared with only 10percent when the tables were first published in 2010.
The other British universities in the top 20were University College London,in 14th place,Imperial College London,in 15th,and Edinburgh,18th.
The table showed the gap between a small number of top UK universities and less famous institutions.
Laurent Dupasquier,managing partner at Emerging,a French human resources consultancy,said:"The top tier players.global brands (which tend to be all American and British).continue to lead,while other Anglo-Saxon universities,those that are mainly regional players,tend to develop less well,with an average of five places lost in comparison with last year."
"Like the Premier League(英超联赛),the champions have an international community of students and think internationally,unlike their more locally oriented counterparts."
The table was made following a survey of 2,500major companies in 20countries.Employers were asked to rank universities against a range of criteria including their production of graduates who are ready to work and their links with business.
The study claimed that‘the days of ivory towers are over'.

32.Which university had the best work-ready graduates last yearB?
33.The underlined phrase"gaining ground"in Paragraph 5 probably refers toD.
A.falling behind    
B.coming into conflict
C.making room     
D.becoming more successful
34.What can we learn about the UK universities from the textA?
A.There are many quality gaps between UK universities.
B.The UK produced the most work-ready graduates this year.
C.Universities in the UK make up most of the top 20.
D.Almost all UK university graduates are employable.
35.Why do regional UK universities tend to develop less well this yearC?
A.They couldn't raise enough education fund.
B.They have students from all over the world.
C.They lack international students and think locally.
D.The UK government didn't support them at a11.

分析 本文属于说明文阅读,作者通过这篇文章主要向我们描述了2014全球毕业生就业能力榜,从中得出英国的发展不如去年而亚洲的大学正在快速的发展,而大学要变得更加成功思维必须和国际接轨,不能只局限于本国之中.

解答 32.B.细节理解题.根据文章第二段中的"Oxford slipped to fourth place in the rankings having taken top spot last year"可知,去年,牛津大学是毕业生就业率最高的学校.今年已退至第四位.故选B.
34.A.细节理解题.由倒数第五段中的"The table showed the gap between a small number of top UK universities and less famous institutions"可知,英国的顶尖大学和一般大学之间有很大的差距,故选A.
35.C.推理判断题.由倒数第三段"Like the Premier League(英超联赛),the champions have an international community of students and think internationally,unlike their more locally oriented counterparts"可知,英国大学发展不如去年好的原因是他们缺乏国际学生,并且他们的思维也没有和国际接轨,仍然局限在自己本国之内.故选C.

点评 考察学生的细节理解和推理判断能力,做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确的选择.在做推理判断题不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.

2.Talk to yourself.
It may be obvious,but the best way to get better at a language is to speak it.Even if there is no one around to speak to,talk to yourself.Name things as you pass them-chair,television,cat,tree,school.Learn basic phrases like-"it is cold today"or"it is sunny today"and use whichever is appropriate when you first look out of the window.This simple language learning tip will help this everyday vocabulary sink in and become second nature.
Talk to friends.
Even if they don't speak the language,talk to the people you know in your new language.Warm them in advance that you are practicing your new knowledge and they will know what's coming.Even a simple"good morning"or"see you later"in your new language will make those phrases more natural to you.Your friends may even start to pick up a few phrases as well.
Listen to music.
Listen to music in your new language.You'll hear the language used in a real context and this will help you pick out the rhythm and the pronunciation even better.You will also come to further understand and better appreciate the culture behind the language.
Make mistakes.
The easiest language learning tip to try!Go ahead and speak and write!Don't be afraid to make mistakes,because I guarantee you will!In fact,you will learn so much from your mistake as you will learn from your success.Never let the fear of making any mistakes hold you back.Without making any mistakes,how will you ever to be fluent or even comfortable with the language?
Find a language club.
When you are ready,try to find a language club in your area.Speaking with other people who have already gone through or are still going through the process of learning the language can be extremely helpful.They will give you lots of language learning tips and helpful advice.

47.If you want to keep everyday vocabulary in your mind,you'd betterB.
A.try to find a language club in your area          
B.talk to yourself and name things as you pass them
C.not to be afraid to make mistakes  
D.listen to music in your new language 
48.According to the passage,we knowA.
A.the more mistakes we make,the more fluent our English might be
B."talking to yourself"is the best way to learn a language
C.if someone doesn't speak your new language,you should not practice with them 
D.not all language clubs are helpful
49.You will master the usage of your new language if youCaccording to your material.
A.talk to yourself                  
B.talk to friends
C.listen to music                       
D.find a language club 
50.The main idea of this passage isC.
A.the more practice,the better your English will be 
B.practicing speaking English in different ways  
C.language learning tips
D.some advice on English learning.
12.The year of 2014saw smart people always busy inventing useful things,which have hepled to make the world better,smarter and a little for fun.Now,let's take a look at some of the inventions.
Super banana
Australian biogeneticist(生物遗传学家) James Dale visited Uganda,a poor African country,in the early 2000s,where he found that 15-30percent of children under 5were at risk of going blind because they did not get enough Vitamin A.Dale also learned that people there love bananas.They eat three to 11bananas a day.So he came up with the idea to plant bananas containing added nutrition in order to improve Ugandans'health.With the help of Bill Gates'foundation,Dale developed the"super banana".He added a gene to the fruit,making it rich in Vitamin A.
Coaching basketball
Basketball is popular worldwide,partly because you only need a hoop(篮筐) and a ball to play the game.But this simple game has experienced a technology makeover this year with the development of a smart-sensor basketball.
The ball,called the 94Fifty Basketball,has nine sensors inside.They can tell you anything from how fast you are going to how accurate your shot angles are.
With a Bluetooth chip inside,the basketball can connect to your smartphone and tell you in the voice of a coach to"snap your wrist (传旋转球)",or"go faster",depending on the data.
The Hovercraft
Thanks to the California-based company Hendo,flying past your friends on a floating board could soon become a reality.
The Hovercraft has four small engines.These create a special magnetic field which produce enough force to lift the board off  the ground.
At the moment,the hoverboard(悬浮滑板) can only float an inch off the ground for 15minutes and must fly over a metal material.It's expensive too,at $10,000 (61,810yuan),but the company hopes that one day the technology could be used.
Wireless electricity
Most of us could not bear to live without wireless Internet.We use it every day for everything from our phones to our cars.But one company wants to go a step further,by combining wireless technology with electricity.
That's right,no more tangled (缠绕的) wires and no more having to sit and hold your cell phone near a power socket(插座) in the corner of the room.WiTricity,a US company,has invented technology that can power objects up to 2.4meters away.It uses a special plug-in coil (线圈) that creates a magnetic field!

28.Which of the following statements would James Dale agree with?D
A.Children in Uganda should eat fewer bananas.
B.Vitamin A is largely found in fruits like bananas.
C.Super bananas are definitely a safe biological product.
D.people's eating habits can be used to develop new food.
29.What is the biggest advantage of the 94Fifty Basketball?B
A.The sensors hidden inside can help players run faster in a game.
B.It can help players to improve their shooting and ball handling skills.
C.It allows players to connect to their smartphones while playing basketball.
D.The bluetooth chip inside allows its users to listen to music while playing basketball.
30.What can we learn about the Hovercraft from the text?C
A.It enables its users to float off the ground freely.
B.It can work on many different kinds of surfaces.
C.It still needs to improve its power and efficiency.
D.It is an affordable means of transport for a family.
31.What do the hovercraft and wireless electricity have in common according to the text?A
A.They create magnetic fields to produce power.
B.They apply technologies to many things in life.
C.They apply technologies which can produce electricity.
D.They use wireless technology to improve their products.

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