
Real-life Room Escape Games

Real-life room escape games are a type of physical adventure game in which people are locked in a room with other participants and have to use the things in the room to settle a series of puzzles, find clues (线索), and escape the room within a set time limit.

The games are based off Escape the Room video games, such as Crimson Room and QP-Shot, created by TAKAGISM Inc. by Toshimitsu Takagi in 2005, in which the player is locked inside a room and must explore his or her surroundings in order to escape. 1. Other inspirations include adventure board games and movies. Real-life room escape games are becoming popular in the United States, Japan, and China. 2. For example, some games require you escape prison cells while others require you escape space stations.

3. Soon, they were exported to North America, Asia and Australia. Examples include the two pioneer companies Hint Hunt and Adventure Rooms.

The games were so successful that new locations began opening up across China, in cities big and small, according to Want China Times. In the southern city of Shenzhen, for example, the first escape game location opened last August. 4. “These real-life escape games can help those who stay at home on their computers and iPads all day to experience real social circles,” Tian Xiaochuan, who owns two room escape game stores in Jinan, told Want China Times.

Earlier this year, The South China Morning Post said the real-life escape games are a hit among “highly stressed students and overworked young professionals.” 5. Some players get so involved that they tear down equipment or decorations inside their “prisons”, as Zhu Yumeng, chief operating officer of Beijing room escape game store Taoquan told China Daily.

A. Each game adds local themes to settings.

B. And seven new game locations quickly followed.

C. They should also be brave enough to face their fears.

D. Sometimes the excitement becomes a bit much, though.

E. Weekend or day event escape games have been held in some stores.

F. Permanent real life escape games in a fixed location were first opened in Europe.

G. Players must be observant and use their critical thinking skills to escape the room.

If women are mercilessly exploited year after year, they have only themselves to blame. Because they tremble at the thought of being seen in public in clothes that are out of fashion, they are always taken advantage of by the designers and the big stores. Clothes which have been worn only a few times have to be put aside because of the change of fashion. When you come to think of it, only a woman is capable of standing in front of a wardrobe(衣柜) packed full of clothes and announcing sadly that she has nothing to wear.

Changing fashions are nothing more than the intentional creation of waste.Many women spend vast sums of money each year to replace clothes that have hardly been worn. Women who cannot afford to throw away clothing in this way, waste hours of their time altering the dresses they have. Skirts are lengthened or shortened; necklines are lowered or raised, and so on.

No one can claim that the fashion industry contributes anything really important to society. Fashion designers are rarely concerned with vital things like warmth, comfort and durability(耐用). They are only interested in outward appearance and they take advantage of the fact that women will put up with any amount of discomfort, as long as they look right. There can hardly be a man who hasn't at some time in his life smiled at the sight of a woman shaking in a thin dress on a winter day, or delicately picking her way through deep snow in high-heeled shoes.

When comparing men and women in the matter of fashion, the conclusions to be drawn are obvious. Do the constantly changing fashions of women's clothes, one wonders, reflect basic qualities of inconstancy and instability? Men are too clever to let themselves be cheated by fashion designers. Do their unchanging styles of dress reflect basic qualities of stability and reliability? That is for you to decide.

1.To the writer, the fact that women alter their old-fashioned dresses is seen as______.

A. a waste of money B. a waste of time

C. an expression of taste D. an expression of creativity

2.The writer would be less critical if fashion designers placed more stress on the _______ of clothing.

A. cost B. appearance

C. comfort D. suitability

3.According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. New fashions in clothing are created for the commercial exploitation of women.

B. The constant changes in women's clothing reflect their strength of character.

C. The fashion industry makes an important contribution to society.

D. Fashion designs should not be encouraged since they are only welcomed by women.

4.By saying "the conclusions to be drawn are obvious" the writer means that ______.

A. women's inconstancy in their choice of clothing is often laughed at

B. women are better able to put up with discomfort

C. men are also exploited greatly by fashion designers

D. men are more stable and reliable in character

Most of us have read Cinderella, which is a story about a young woman living in poverty who meets the prince of her dreams. Some might not want to admit it, but there is a hidden Cinderella in everyone’s heart—we all wish we could achieve recognition or success after a period of obscurity (默默无闻).

Mary Santiago has that secret dream, too. Her story is featured in Another Cinderella Story, a film set in a US high school.

Mary is shy but loves to dance. Compared with other girls, she is invisible. However, her world changes completely when a famous teenager pop singer, Joey Parker, appears.

Joey is everything the rest of the boys in her class are not—kind, handsome and desirable. Mary and Joey’s paths cross at a ball. They meet and fall in love with each other. But when Mary has to rush back home, she leaves behind her MP3 player, which becomes the only clue Joey has to find the girl of his dreams. Of course, there is a wicked stepmother, who turns out to be Dominique Blatt and she takes in Mary after her dancer mother dies. Dominique treats Mary like a maid and does everything she can to make sure Mary doesn’t get into the top dance school. Her two daughters are equally determined to stop Joey falling for Mary, even if that means embarrassing her.

The story, though it mostly follows Cinderella, does add a few modern day twists to the classic fairy tale. Refreshingly, the film, unlike many high school films, does not focus on looks, although the actors are all beautiful. There is also a lot less materialism in Another Cinderella Story than in many similar movies.

“The movie takes the Cinderella fairytale as its jumping off point,” writes movie critic Amber Wilkinson. “Yet the focus is firmly on following your dream.”

1.The first paragraph is mainly to _________.

A. inform us of the importance to marry a prince

B. remind us why Cinderella is popular all the years

C. build interest and lead us to Mary’s secret dream

D. tell us how interesting the fairy tale Cinderella is

2.What does Amber Wilkinson mean by his words?

A. The movie is exactly another copy of the Cinderella fairytale.

B. The movie is as good as the story Cinderella.

C. The movie and Cinderella both focus on following your dream.

D. The movie is based on the story Cinderella while a little different from it.

3.The passage is _________.

A. an introduction to Mary Santiago

B. an advertisement of a film

C. a story about following a dream

D. a film review

4.What can we infer from the passage?

A. Joey is just like other boys in Mary’s class.

B. The MP3 player helps Joey in finding Mary.

C. Not many people have a dream to be realized.

D. Mary’s mother influences her a lot in singing.

Today was my high school reunion. I was the most remarkable student for all the wrong reasons. I was born with some birth defects and learning disabilities. I overcame them, but it was hard. While working blue-collar jobs, I lived in my car for a few years.

On a cold winter night several years ago, I met Dr. X in the emergency room. He was a former classmate of mine, and we pretended not to know one another. He discovered I was living in my car and heard some of my stories. Then he arranged for me to be admitted to the hospital for a day so I could get warmed up and recover. When I left the hospital, I found a $100 bill in the gas tank door of my van (拖车). I’m sure it was from him.

I now have a home of my own and I'm doing OK, considering everything. When I sent my reservation and check to the reunion committee, it was returned uncashed with a $50 bill along with a note saying “Please don't come.”

I guess my classmates are more closed-minded than I thought they would be. I was hoping age would change them but my wish turned out to be nothing but a joke. In addition to the reservation return, I have also seen a few forwarded emails mocking my attempts to find out about the event. I hope none of those people were blessed with a child with learning or physical issues.

I guess people never change on some things. Thankfully, I have found nicer, caring people along my journey in life, and for that I'd like to thank all of the kind people in the world.

1.What made the author the most remarkable student?

A. Living in his own car.

B. His physical problems.

C. Providing wrong reasons.

D. His efforts to help others.

2.What can we infer from the 2nd paragraph?

A. Dr. X sent a van to the author as a gift.

B. The author was cured by Dr. X that night.

C. The author and Dr. X didn’t recognize each other at first.

D. The author and Dr. X felt embarrassed at first that night.

3.What might be the key barrier to the author’s reservation?

A. His experience in the hospital.

B. The closed mind of his classmates.

C. His uncashed check.

D. The location of the reunion.

4.What does the underlined word “mocking” (paragraph 3) refer to?

A. laughing at B. insisting on

C. caring for D. giving away

Even if trees cannot walk, they are still on the move.

In parts of the Arctic, entire forests are moving northward. Across the Arctic, temperatures are rising faster than anywhere else in the world. As that happens, the tree line that marks where forests stop and the treeless tundra(冻原) starts has been moving northward. Trees growing along the tree line must protect themselves from the cold wind. To do this, plants tend to grow horizontal(水平的) branches low to the ground. The energy it takes for trees to grow this way means they don’t have enough energy to make seeds.

But as Earth’s climate has been warming, trees no longer have to just grow horizontally. Many can instead grow up toward the sky. This takes less energy. This happens especially in places where white spruce(白云杉) grows. White spruce, which is a North American trees, is quite able to produce a lot of seeds, which can move long distances in the wind. When wind-blown seeds end up on the tundra beyond the tree line, they finally sprout(发芽) new trees. This explains how a forest can move. Of course, the process would work only if the tundra were warm enough. But in recent years, the whole planet has been warming.

New trees will provide shelter for some snow. Keeping the sun’s rays from making the white surface disappear. Instead, the trees absorb(吸收) the sun’s heat. This warms the air around. The extra warmth encourages even more trees to produce seeds. That further increases a forest’s ability to expand(扩展). What’s more, more trees will trap more snow, preventing much of it from being blown away. Snow can trap heat in the soil below, which encourages trees to grow. The recent rise of temperatures has helped more trees grow past the tree line. People worry about effects on the animals that depend on frozen conditions for food and shelter.

1.What is the main cause of the trees in the Arctic moving northward?

A. The reducing of northern tundra.

B. The rising temperature.

C. The cold and strong wind.

D. The rich resources in the north.

2.What does the underlined word “this” in Paragraph 2 mean?

A. To produce more seeds.

B. To move northward.

C. To respond to the climate change.

D. To protect themselves from the cold wind.

3. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?

A. New trees can trap the snow, which may make the soil colder.

B. The trapped snow prevents new trees from producing more seeds.

C. New trees can make the air around warmer.

D. New trees can bring more food and shelter to local animals.

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