A man enters a store to buy milk. He walks out of the store with milk. That is all—milk. At the same time, a woman enters the same grocery store also to buy milk. She buys it. But, she also buys chicken and lemons to make dinner that night. She also gets a bottle of wine for drinks with friends and a birthday card for her husband’s niece. And that is the difference between the female and male brains simply explained in a grocery store. Generally speaking, men do one thing at a time. Women do many. Doing many things at one time is often called “multi-tasking,” a very popular word these days.

Now scientific research supports this theory about male and female brains. A recent study has confirmed what we have known all along—men and women think differently.

Scientists at the University of Pennsylvania studied brain images of 949 people aged from 8 to 22 years old. They found that male brains have more connections on one side of the brain, or hemisphere. In the female brain, they found more activity and connections between the right and left sides of the brain. The left side of the brain is known as the side of “reason”. The right hemisphere is known as the “creative” side.

Regina Verma is a professor at the University of Pennsylvania. She co-wrote the report. She says when women are asked to do something complicated they might use different parts of the brain. But men generally use just one.

As a result, men generally deal directly with a problem. There is a strong connection between the “understanding” and the “action” parts of their brains. Women, however, might include other parts of the brain, like the part connected with “reason” and the part connected with sensitivity when solving a problem. Women take a less direct path to find a solution.

Thanks for your listening. I’m your announcer Anna Matteo.

1.From Paragraph 1, we can learn that women ________.

A. are more hard-working than men

B. are more multi-tasking than men

C. are more careful than men

D. go shopping more than men

2.When asked to do something complicated, men __________.

A. only use the “reason” side of the brain

B. only use the “creative” side of the brain

C. use different parts of the brain

D. use one part of the brain

3.What can be inferred from the passage?

A. Men like doing something difficult.

B. Men take a less direct path to find a solution.

C. Women usually deal with a problem indirectly.

D. Women brains have more connections on one side.

4.The main purpose of the passage is to tell us ________.

A. that men and women really do think differently

B. who want to go shopping more, men or women

C. why women want to do many things at one time

D. that men and women all like to drink milk

We often hear people talking about a generation gap (代沟). The name is new, but the idea is old. Young people and their parents don’t understand each other. The world has always kept changing. During the second century after Christ a wise man said, “Bury me on my face because in a little while everything will be turned upside down.”

There has always been a gap between generations, but more people talk about it now. Old Mr. Ellis thinks he understands what has happened.

“When I was a boy, I thought the world was a beautiful place. My life was very pleasant. But when I was older, I learned about people who were treated badly, people who didn’t have enough to eat. I wanted to help them, and I married a girl who wanted to help them, too. We went to meetings and talked a lot, but it didn’t seem to make much difference.”

“Our children grew up in a world at war. They didn’t know when the fighting would stop. They wanted their children to have nice clothes and toys. They didn’t want to think about the future. They thought nothing could be done about it.”

“Now I have grandchildren, and they have their own ideas. They are trying to make the world better. They are trying to help other people. They’re making people listen to them. I am proud of their generation.”

1.The wise man mentioned in the text told people to bury him on his face so that when everything is turned upside down he will ________.

A. lie on his stomach B. lie on his back

C. stand quietly D. sit in peace

2.Which generation did NOT want to do anything to make the world a better one?

A. Mr. Ellis’ generation.

B. His children’s generation.

C. His grandchildren’s generation.

D. None of the above.

3.What is the writer’s attitude towards the generation gap?

A. Unacceptable. B. Awful. C. Funny. D. Common.

(CBS/AP)Lawyers for the stepfather of an 11-year-old girl tried to convince Massachusetts’ highest court on Tuesday that he should have a say on whether his stepdaughter is removed from life support. If the girl dies, Jason Strickland could face a murder charge for illegally taking part in the beating that left her comatose(昏迷).

Jason Strickland is asking the court to overturn a juvenile(少年) court judge’s decision allowing the state to remove Haleigh Poutre from her ventilator (呼吸机) and feeding tube.

Haleigh Poutre was hospitalized in September after her stepfather and adoptive mother kicked her and beat her nearly to death with a baseball bat.

Within two weeks of being charged, the adoptive mother, who was also Haleigh’s aunt, was found dead.

Strickland is free on bail(保释) while awaiting trial.

Sharyn Alfonsi from CBS reports that the girl’s biological mother, Allison Avrett, gave up her parental right years ago and now she has no say in what happens to Halleigh—but she wants life support to be relieved.

“I want her to rest,” Avrett told Alfonsi.“Being kept alive like that, it’s not a life.”

The state Department of Social Services wants to remove her from life support, according to opinions from her doctors that the girl is in a permanent vegetative(植物人状态的) state.And Strickland could face a murder charge if she dies.

Both of Haleigh’s doctors agree that she should be removed from the ventilator, but they can’t decide whether her feeding tube should be disconnected.They have said that with her feeding tube alone, Haleigh could live as long as two months.

Haleigh was adopted by her aunt about five years ago her biological mother moved to Virginia with a new boyfriend.Jason Strickland never formally adopted the girl, but is arguing that as the stepfather, he should be a de facto parent and allowed to have a say in whether she lives or dies.

1.CBS/AP are most probably ________.

A.two news reporters

B.a newspaper and a news reporter

C.a news agency and a newspaper

D.two news agencies

2.Which of the following is the right order of the events in the story?

a.Haleigh was adopted by her aunt.

b.Haleigh became comatose.

c.Haleigh was kicked and beaten badly

d.Haleigh’s aunt died.

e.Haleigh was put into hospital

f.Haleigh’s biological mother left her

A.c, e, b, f, a, d

B.f, a, c, b, e, d

C.b, c, a, f, d, e

D.b, c, e, f, a, d

3.Why did Haleigh’s stepfather demand that her life support not be removed?

A.Because he might be accused of murder if she died.

B.Because she might be comatose if the life support was removed.

C.Because Haleigh’s biological mother hopes so too.

D.Because he hopes that Haleigh will live with him.

4.The underlined word “de facto” most probably means ________.

A.existing in factB.the second

C.the only existingD.admitted by law

5.The passage is mainly about ________.

A.the stepfather of a girl

B.the adoptive mother of a girl

C.a girl beaten nearly to death

D.a juvenile court judge’s decision


How to Think Positively

Quite often when we’re going through a challenging time, we may get the advice to just “think positively!” 1.________ Does it mean to deny our pain or discomfort? Should we pretend everything is alright? Here is some advice about how to think positively.

Accept that you are here to grow. Life doesn’t always go smoothly. Life’s lessons can be difficult, but they are even more so if you approach them with avoidance(逃避). 2.________

Learn to turn lemons into lemonade(柠檬水). Look for the lessons to be learned in every situation. Instead of feeling sorry for yourself when things don’t go your way, do what you can to make the best of the situation. Learn, instead, how to avoid falling into the same traps and making the same mistakes. 3.________

Believe in yourself. 4.________ Your dreams and goals are an indication of where your talents lie and where your true potential is. Needless to say, you must develop your inherent (固有的) gifts.

Look for inspiration and support. Read about and study the successful stories of others. Many successful people have gone through challenging circumstances to get where they are. 5.________ To help you stay positive and focused, get support from family and friends.

Finally, thinking positively doesn’t mean being unrealistic, It means dealing with life and life’s challenges as they are. It means being willing to do the work necessary to get on with the business of living fully.

A. If you see them as opportunities to become stronger, you are thinking positively and productively.

B. So next time a well-meaning person tells you to think positively, just smile back confidently.

C. Learning about their experiences can motivate and inspire you to achieve what you want to achieve.

D. Sometimes it’s difficult to figure out exactly what that means.

E. Know that you have what it takes to succeed.

F. It just means that you won’t let them stop you!

G. By doing so, you will undoubtedly benefit from it.

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