
They call themselves “The Soul Knights(骑士)” and come from different universities in Guangdong Province.

During their summer vacation, the team, consisting of five male and two female students, more than 3,000 kilometers from Guangzhou to Beijing. It took them days to complete the journey.

The Soul Knights have a noble , which is to advocate civilized travel by taking photos of graffiti(涂鸦) by tourists.

“When we heard that a Chinese tourist wrote his name on an Egyptian temple, it made think a lot. We wanted to use photos to everyone how important it is to protect historic relics,” says Zhang Zhihao, 22, the team’s captain.

On their trip, the team had a clear of duty. Some provided medical care, some were fund, and others updated the team’s micro blog.

Cycling is a great way of enjoying the landscape, but it’s . On the way they passed through many cities heat waves with temperatures well above 40 degrees. They rode about 20 kilometers per hour. They got up at 6 am, departed at 7:30 and at noon to cool down. Sometimes they borrowed sheets of cardboards from restaurants and slept trees.

After cycling for one month, the team arrived in Beijing, their destination. it wasn’t the end of their journey yet. The team a small exhibition on the Great Wall of China, one of the country’s most visited attractions, to show everyone the they had taken of graffiti in various places.

To their , many visitors showed their support for the young team’s project by their names on the banner(横幅)they had prepared.

“We do this adventure, for sending a message to the public about protecting our country’s cultural heritage(遗产) is a very rewarding ,” said the team’s captain.

1.A.walkedB. droveC. flewD. covered

2.A.fiftyB. fortyC. thirtyD. twenty

3.A.causeB. excuseC. suggestionD. view

4.A.brushedB. printedC. sentD. left

5.A.himB. usC. themD. you

6.A.amuseB. informC. urgeD. remind

7.A.divisionB. senseC. goalD. faith

8.A.in need ofB. in possession ofC. in charge ofD. in case of

9.A.shockingB. confusingC. amazingD. challenging

10.A.experiencingB. witnessingC. avoidingD. appreciating

11.A.bathedB. restedC. dancedD. sweated

12.A.inB. betweenC. underD. beside

13.A.nearlyB. finallyC. naturallyD. gradually

14.A.SoB. AndC. SinceD. But

15.A.set upB. led toC. put onD. called off

16.A.marksB. picturesC. surprisesD. effects

17.A.puzzlementB. shameC. delightD. disappointment

18.A.paintingB. signingC. typingD. fixing

19.A.enjoyB. envyC. hateD. ignore

20.A.mindB. envyC. roleD. feeling
























1.D动词辨析。.A. walked散步;B. drove驾驶 ;C. flew飞;D. covered,掩饰,占地,走过路程,覆盖。根据文章内容可知这五名大学生是骑自行车从广州到了北京,所以排除ABC选项,选D。cover可以指走过多远的路程。

2.C数词辨析。 A. fifty五十;B. forty四十;C. thirty三十;D. twenty二十。根据文章倒数第三段中After cycling for one month可知他们的行程用了一个月的时间,选C。

3.A名词辨析。.A. cause原因,事业;B. excuse借口;C. suggestion建议;D. view观点。根据后面定语从句的内容which is to advocate civilized travel by taking photos of graffiti(涂鸦) ……by tourists.可以判断这是大学生们骑自行车旅行的原因,选A。

4.D动词辨析。A. brushed刷;B. printed印刷;C. sent发射;D. left,留下,离开。根据文章内容可知大学生们一路上把游客们在旅游景点乱涂乱画的涂鸦给拍照,选D。

5.B. 代词辨析。A. him他;B. us我们;C. them他们;D. you你。根据前后句中出现的“we”可知这是大学生们在以第一人称说这件事给他们的影响,使他们想到的,选B。

6.D动词辨析。A. amuse娱乐;B. inform告知;C. urge争吵;D. remind提醒,使人想起。根据文章末段…. sending a message to the public about protecting our country’s cultural heritage……可以判断他们拍这些照片的目的是想提醒人们保护历史遗迹的重要性,选D。

7.A. 名词辨析。.A. division分配,分工;B. sense感觉;C. goal目标;D. faith信念。根据空后的解释内容Some provided medical care, ……others updated the team’s micro blog.判断他们各有分工,选A。

8.C. 介词短语辨析。A. in need of需要;B. in possession of拥有;C. in charge of掌管;D. in case of万一。这五位大学生在骑行途中分工合作,由此判断他们中有的人负责管理财务,选C。

9.D. 动词辨析。A. shocking震动;B. confusing混乱;C. amazing惊讶;D. challenging挑战。根据下文内容可知他们骑车的行程是非常不容易的,是充满着挑战的,选D。

10.A. 动词辨析。A. experiencing经历;B. witnessing目击;C. Avoiding避免;D. appreciating欣赏。从文章内容可以判断他们在途中经历了酷热的天气,其他不符合语境,选A。

11.B动词辨析。A. bathed洗澡;B. rested休息;C. danced跳舞;D. sweated流汗。根据空后内容判断他们是清晨赶路,中午天热了的时候停下来休息,选B。

12.C. 介词辨析。.A. in在里面;B. between在之间;C. under在下面;D. beside在旁边。从情理可知他们只能在树下休息,其他不符合常理,选C。

13.B副词辨析。.A. nearly几乎;B. finally最后;C. naturally自然地;D. gradually逐渐地。根据空后内容their destination可以判断他们在经历了长途跋涉之后终于到了北京,用finally表示一路的艰辛和不易,选B。

14.D. 连词辨析。A. So所以;B. And和;C. Since自从;D. But但是。根据空后内容可知他们到了北京,但是事情还没有结束,他们又去了长城进行照片的展览,前后是转折关系,选D。

15.A名词辨析。A. set up建立;B. led to带领,通向;C. put on穿上;D. called off取消。根据下文内容可以判断他们举行了一个小型展览来展示他们拍的照片,从搭配可知选A。

16.B名词辨析。.A. marks记号;B. pictures图画 ,照片;C. surprises惊讶;D. effects影响。根据上文内容可知这些大学生们一路都在拍照,take photo/pictures拍照片,所以填B。

17.C. 名词辨析。A. puzzlement迷惑;B. shame害羞;C. delight高兴;D. disappointment失望。从后句内容可知很多游客都表示支持他们的活动,由此判断他们会非常高兴,选C。

18.B动词辨析。A. painting绘画;B. signing签字;C. typing打字;D. fixing修理。从空后内容可知人们在横幅上写名字,也就是签名表示支持他们的活动,从情理判断选B。

19.A. 动词辨析。A. enjoy喜欢;B. envy嫉妒;C. hate憎恨;D. ignore忽略。根据末句中的褒义形容词rewarding判断他们认为这项活动很有意义,也就是喜欢这次骑车的行程,选A。

20.D. 名词辨析。A. mind心理;B. envy嫉妒;C. role角色;D. feeling感觉。从句意可知他们认为传递一种保护文化遗产的活动很有意义,有回报,能给人带来一种满足感,选D。



Rembrandt was an extraordinary Dutch painter. He was most well-known for his brushwork and the way in which he connected with the human soul. His life, however, was not happy.

He was born on July 15,1606 in Leiden, the Netherlands. His father wanted him to have a real, learned profession but Rembrandt left the University of Leiden after becoming bored. He began studying art under a local teacher but soon left and studied in Amsterdam where he mastered all his lessons in six months!

At the age of 22, he moved back to Leiden and began to get his own students. One of his students was the famous artist Gerrit Dou. In 1631 he returned to Amsterdam where he became the most popular portrait painter in Holland. Rembrandt met Saskia and married her in 1634. She was a cousin of a very successful art dealer and she helped him to meet wealhy people who commissioned(委任制作) many paintings from him. He used her as a model in many of his paintings.

Rembrandt’s private life, however, was very unfortunate. He had four children with Saskia but only one, Titus, survived. Saskia died in 1642 at the age of only 30. In 1649, his housekeeper became his second wife and was also a model for many of his paintings. Even though Rembrandt was very successful as an artist, art dealer and teacher, he lived in a careless way and had to declare bankruptcy(破产) in 1656. He even had to sell his whole art collection and his house to pay off his debts.

His unfortunate life, however, didn’t affect his art. He painted many great paintings during that time. His new love, Hendrickje, died in 1663 and his 27-year-old son, Titus, died in 1668. Eleven months later, on October 4, 1669, Rembrandt died in Amsterdam. He produced more than 600 paintings and over 2,000 drawings!

1.Which of the following is the reason that made Rembrandt’s business fail?

A. As an extraordinary Dutch painter, he knew nothing about business.

B. He spent most of his time on art, leaving no time to care his business.

C. All his children but Titus died, which made him very sad.

D. Like other famous artists, he was thoughtless.

2.From the passage we learn that Rembrandt .

A. graduated from the University of Leiden

B. began his teaching career in 1628

C. married Saskia when he was 22 years old

D. was good at drawing animals and flowers

3.How many members of Rembrandt’s family died before him, not including his parents?

A. Four. B. Five. C. Six. D. Seven.

4.What’s the best title for this passage?

A. A brief biography of Rembrandt

B. A great Dutch painter

C. The greatest painter in the world

D. Rembrandt’s unhappy family


Look, this is the first plane in the world to be created using the new technology of “3D printing”. The airplane was built using only a computer-but it can fly at a speed of 100mph and has a two-meter wingspan.

It was produced using a special nylon laser printer that builds up something layer-by-layer. The parts were made separately and attached using a “snap fit”(搭扣) technique so the aircraft could be put together without tools in minutes.

No fasteners(扣件) at all were used in the manufacture of the plane. Unmanned and electrically powered, the plane can travel in near silence and is also equipped with a small autopilot system. The special production process used is known as “laser sintering(激光烧结) “and allows the designers to create shapes and structures that would normally include costly manufacturing techniques. This technology allows a highly-tailored aircraft to be developed from your own design to first flight in days, while using traditional materials and techniques would take months. And because no tooling is required for manufacture, major changes to the shape and scale of the aircraft can be made with no extra cost.

Professor Jim Scanlon, who led the team, said, “The process allows the design team to revisit historical techniques and ideas that would have been too expensive using traditional manufacturing.” He added, “This form of structure is very firm and lightweight, but very complex. If it was manufactured traditionally it would require a large number of individually tailored parts that would have to be connected or fastened at great expense.”

The new printed plane is known as the Southampton University Laser Sintered Aircraft-or SULSA for short-and is part of a wider project using cutting-edge manufacturing techniques. The University of Southampton has been at the leading position of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle development since the early 1990s.

1. What does the passage maily talk about?

A. New Designed Airplane with New Techniques.

B. Scientists Create Aircraft with High Speed.

C. Revolut ionary Breakthrough of 3D Printer.

D. The World’s first 3-D printed Airplane, SULSA.

2. How does the 3-D printed plane fly?

A. A pilot controls it using a remote control.

B. It should be controlled by “laser sintering”.

C. It should be controlled by an autopilot system.

D. A pilot with high techniques controlled it.

3. Which of the following is NOT advantage of the plane?

A. It only requires simple and cheap tools.

B. It is manufactured in quite a short time.

C. It produces little noise while flying.

D. It needn’t extra cost if changes are made.

4. Accoding to Professor Jim Scanlon, plane manufacturers can

with their techniques.

A. copy earlier planes to study their techniques

B. connect and fasten tailor parts for real planes

C. produce firmer and lighter real planes

D. find differences by studying the traditional ones


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