
20.The Power of Good
It was Mother's Day morning last year and I was shopping at our local supermarket with my five-year-old son,Tenyson.As we were leaving,we realised that only minutes (33)earlier (early) an elderly woman had fallen and hurt (34)herself badly.She was embarrassed and clearly in shock.Fortunately,her husband was with her and many people had stopped to help out.Walking towards the scene,Tenyson became very upset about (35)what had happened to the elderly couple.He said to me,"(36)Falling (fall) over in front of everyone isn't much fun."
Near the entrance of the supermarket,a charity group had set up a stall selling flowers.Tenyson suggested that we should buy the lady a flower."It will make her feel better,"he said.I was amazed that he would have this sweet idea,so I asked the flower seller if I (37)could buy a flower for the elderly lady because my son wanted to give it to her to cheer her up."Just take it,"she replied."I can't take your money for such wonderful gesture."
By then a nurse (38)had arrived (arrive),and was attending to the woman.As we walked up to her,Tenyson became frightened by all the blood and medical equipment.Instead I gave (39)the flower to the woman's husband.The old man thanked us both,then bent down and gave it to his wife,telling her who it was (40)from.Despite being badly hurt and shaken,the old lady looked up at Tenyson with love in her eyes and gave him a little smile.

分析 这是一篇记叙文.这篇文章讲了在去年的母亲节这一天,作者和儿子在购物的时候,前面有一位老人摔倒了并流了很多血.儿子坚持要给老人买束花,结果尽管老人受伤严重,但是仍然向作者的儿子露出了微笑,并且对方很感激儿子善意的做法,老人也很开心有人能够关心她.作者想通过这个事情告诉我们:有时候一件微不足道的善意的行为会给自己和他人带来很多的快乐,要与人为善.

解答 33.earlier    根据前面的时间状语从句可知,本句是表达我们在离开之前的一分钟我们发现了一位老人跌倒了,即在我们离开之前的一分钟内发生的事情;故答案为early的比较级earlier.
34.herself  由前面一句an elderly woman had fallen可知,老人在摔倒之后应该是伤到了自己,根据woman可知,应该用反身代词herself;故答案为herself.  
35.what     根据前面的句子Tenyson became very upset about可知,介词about后面应该是缺少一个宾语从句,而从句中had happened to the elderly couple缺少一个主语成分,所以用代词what来引导该宾语从句;故答案为what.      
36.Falling    男孩的话中isn't much fun说明前面的成分为一主语部分,所以用动名词短语来做主语;故答案为Falling.
37.could     本段开头的一句话a charity group had set up a stall selling flowers说明,商店门口的鲜花摊位用一个慈善组织举办的,所以此处作者为摊位的主人自己是否可以替儿子买一束鲜花送给受伤的老人,所以用could.  
38.had arrived    根据本句的语境可知,护士来到老人受伤的现场应该是发生在处理老人伤口之前,所以为过去的过去,用过去完成时;故答案为had arrived.
39.the      此处为儿子特意为老人买的鲜花,为特指,所以用定冠词the;故答案为the.      
40.from    这里是指受伤老太太的丈夫将我儿子给她的鲜花送给自己的妻子,并说明鲜花的来历,即鲜花来自何人;故答案为from.

点评 对于语法填空的题目要结合文章所描述的核心话题,认真研究不同空所考查的内容,利用所学的相关语法知识,合理运用相关内容并填入文中再反复检查,通读全文看是否通顺,尤其是要注意非谓语的考查,要熟练掌握相关用法.

7.It is probably the strangest sport anyone has ever invented.And at first sight,it looks like the easiest.Competitors have to do two things.The first is to stand still.The second is to place their hands anywhere on the body of a car,and keep it there.
This is where things start getting difficult.Lots of people are doing the same thing.And the winner of the"handathon"contest is the person who can carry on doing it for the longest time.That person gets to own the car.
It still seems to be an easy thing to do.At the beginning it is.Anyone can stand still.But when the contest has been going for four or five days,standing still seems like the most difficult job in the world.And keeping the hand in place over this time becomes an act of serious attention.After a few days,the hand seems to belong to someone else-someone who wants to go home and get some sleep.
Competitors are allowed to take a five-minute break every hour to eat,drink or do whatever else is necessary.No one is allowed to lean on the car for support.Winners need to be able to show great powers of attention.They also need to be able to develop special skills.
Maybe the popularity of the handathon is due to the fact that it is not necessary to be a trained athlete to enter.Entrants in the Longview handathon certainly don't seem to do much preparation.Most say they will prepare by"getting lots of sleep".Others say they will"eat healthy food"or"pray for success".The whole event gives ordinary people the chance to do something interesting and win something in the end.
Handathons are competitions,but there is little rivalry(敌对)between competitors.They help each other out and keep each other's spirits up.People who drop out early return with food,drink and encouragement.

25.The reason why the sport is called"handathon"is that competitorsD.
A.cover a long distance
B.keep one hand in place for long
C.wave hands as long as possible
D.do the same thing as in a marathon
26.What ability is likely to be needed most in a handathon?D
A.Standing without any support.
B.Not leaning on the car.
C.Eating and drinking in five minutes.
D.Having strong powers of attention.
27.Why is handathon popular?C
A.Someone can win with special training.
B.It doesn't need to make any preparation.
C.Anyone who is interested can join in it.
D.People get along well with each other in it.
28.Which of the following about handathon is NOT right?D
A.The person who takes part in it should stand still.
B.The person who takes part in it has to place his hands anywhere on the body of a car,and keep it there.
C.The person who takes part in it can have a break during the course of the competition.
D.Handathons are competitions,so competitors don't encourage each other.
9.How do you feel about watching other people work?
    Nothing is more refreshing on a warm summer day than watching someone else work.
Right now,I'm sitting on my porch and watching young Beth baling (打捆)the big field on top of the hill.She's been haying that field for over ten years.I know:I put her on the tractor when she was just twelve years old.
She picked a great day for baling.It's not too hot,and there's a nice breeze.On Monday,when she cut the field,it was so hot I thought the corn would start popping in the field.Didn't stop her,though.She just stuck that big hat on her head,wrapped a wet handkerchief around her neck,and set to work.I remember when I would have done the same thing.
While I'm here sucking a lemonade,Beth is driving the"hay (干草)train",a tractor pulling a baler and an old wagon.You'd think someone her size would never be able to see over the tractor.But somehow she manages.When she's finished,her tracks are very straight.
The whole time she's haying,that dog of hers is working just as hard,running along beside her like he's afraid she'll drive away without him.Beth sure knew what she was doing when she trained him.
The way the machine works is pure poetry.Each row is pushed into shape.When just enough hay is in a bale,it is wrapped up and fastened together.A second or so later,the bale comes flying out and into the old wagon.The person who invented that machine sure was some kind of genius.
That's not to say it works perfectly.Every once in a while a bale misses the mark,especially when you are turning the machine at the end of a row.That means,of course,that you have to go back and pick up those bales and throw them into the wagon.
I can remember when Beth's mother was her age.She looked an awful lot like Beth does now. Makes a man proud to see his daughter and granddaughter taking such good care of themselves.
Well,I suppose I should get up and fill this glass again.Not much fun sitting here with an empty glass.

56.Who do you think is telling this story?D
    A.Beth's mother.                     B.Beth's father.
    C.Beth's grandmother.                D.Beth's grandfather.
57.Before thrown into the wagon,the hay must beA.
    A.tied up        B.dried up       C.cut up         D.lined up
58.In the eyes of the author,the sight of Beth baling hay isB.
    A.uncommon       B.beautiful      C.unforgettable      D.changeable
59.We can learn from the passage that at some time in the past the authorC.
    A.bought the tractor for Beth      B.forced Beth to work at an early age
    C.worked in the field like Beth    D.trained the dog to help Beth work
60.It can be inferred from the story thatB.
    A.Beth is now twenty years old
    B.Beth trained her dog well
    C.the writer doesn't bother to give Beth a hand
    D.the writer enjoys drinking lemonade more than watching Beth working.
10.We are all attracted by magicians,who seem to be able to perform impossible acts,such as pulling white rabbits out of hats and cutting a woman in half.Like all performances,though,a magician's real secret is in practicing thoroughly before showing anyone their tricks.
Magic Matchsticks
You will need
•several matchsticks
•a handkerchief with hems (折缝) along the edges
What to do
1.Show the audience a matchstick.
2.Take a clean cotton handkerchief from your pocket,and shake it out,showing both sides to prove you are not hiding anything.
3.Wrap the matchstick in the handkerchief.
4.Ask one of the audience members to feel the matchstick inside the handkerchief,and break it.
5.Shake the handkerchief,allowing the unbroken matchstick to fall onto the floor!
The secret
Before you begin the performance,slip a matchstick into the hem of the handkerchief.When you ask someone to break the wrapped-up matchstick,make sure that they break the one hidden in the hem (when they feel it,they will think it is the one they saw you wrap into the handkerchief).
It's a good idea to have two or three handkerchiefs with matchsticks already secretly in the hems,as your audience is sure to be shocked and ask you to do the trick again.But don't let them realise that you are changing handkerchiefs,or they may become suspicious!

66.If a magician wants to succeed on the stage,he or she mustA.
A.practice the magic completely
B.have some magical matchsticks
C.recite the process thoroughly
D.keep the secret unknown forever
67.Which of the following pictures shows the step 3?B

68.One of the secrets of"Magic matchsticks"is toD.
A.make the hidden matchstick broken in the hem
B.keep audience from being suspicious during the magic
C.invite one of the audience to break the matchstick
D.confuse the two different matchsticks in the handkerchief.

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