

学校图书馆需要购置一批新书, 现向学生征求意见。假如你是李华,你认为学校图书馆最需要购置科普类图书(popular science books)和文学类图书(literary books)。请你用英语给图书馆王老师写一封100词左右的信,推荐这两类书,并分别说明推荐理由。


Dear Mr. Wang,




Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


Dear Mr. Wang,

Knowing that our library is going to buy books, I’d like to give some suggestions.

What we need most are popular science books. Usually popular science books explain basic principles of nature in a simple and interesting way. They help us understand science subjects better and arouse our curiosity about scientific discoveries.

In addition to reading for knowledge, we read for fun and inspiration. That is why I recommend another category of books:literary books. Classic works, written by masters, present great thoughts through fascinating stories and language. They not only offer us joy and excitement, but also encourage us to think critically.

I’ll be glad if you can consider my recommendation.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


试题分析:根据提示你用英语给图书馆王老师写一封100—120词的信,可知这里应该是考生比较熟悉的书信格式。 学校图书馆需要购置一批新书, 现向学生征求意见。先写这个内容来引出你要提出的建议。在写推荐的两类书时,要写出为什么要推荐这些书

【亮点说明】短文用了一些短语和句式增加了文章的色彩,如:would like to do;help sb do sth;not only...but also;encourage sb to do sth;That is why…等,还用了一些连词使句子结构复杂化,如:What we need most are popular science books这里what引导的主语从句;That is why I recommend another category of books:这里why引导的表语从句;I’ll be glad if you can consider my recommendation.这里是if引导的条件状语从句。



The cultures of the East and the West really distinguish each other a lot. 1

The origin of the eastern cultures is mainly from two countries: China and India. Both of the two cultures are developed by rivers—the Yellow River in China and the Hindu River in India. 2

When the two mother rivers gave birth to the Eastern culture, another famous culture was brought up on the Mesopotamian Plain-the Mesopotamian Civilization. This civilization later on developed into the cultures of Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. 3 Like the Chinese culture, the European culture also crossed waters. When the British settled down in America, their culture went with them over, the Atlantic Ocean. So the American culture doesn’t distinguish from the European culture a lot.

4 Take the language system for example. In the East, most languages belong to the pictographic language while the Western languages are mostly based on the Latin system. Other causes like human race difference counts as well. But what's more, due to the far distance and the steep areas between the East and West, the two cultures seldom communicate until recent centuries. So they grew up totally in their own ways with almost no-interference (干扰)from the other.

The differences are everywhere. 5 But different cultures make the world of 21st century more colorful. The cultural gap should not be the obstacle to the civilization of human being. It ought to be the motivation of our going farther.

A. Let us work together to keep a variety of culture.

B. One important thing is to learn about other cultures.

C. And these two are well-known as the base of the European culture.

D. At the same time, some other differences add to the cultural differences.

E. This is because the culture systems are two separate systems on the whole.

F. They helped the two cultures develop for centuries and form their own styles.

G. They are obvious and affect people's ways of thinking and their views of the world.

【题目】The ancient city is in Pingyao county, Shanxi Province. The city wall was first built during the Zhou Dynasty. Since 1997, it has been listed as a World Heritage Site. Now Pingyao city is the only one in China completely protected as it was hundreds of years ago.

The perimeter(周长) of this square city is 6.4km long and the city wall is the earliest and largest city wall in China. It is 12 m high with width of 5 m. The wall was built with earth and covered with bricks. Outside the city wall there is a river, 4 m wide and 4 m deep.

There are several gates of the city, two each on the east and west and one each on the south and north side. All the gates have two doors each. This has given the city the name Turtle City with the two gates on the south and north standing for the head and tail of the turtle and four gates on the east and west as the four legs. The doors on the south and north stand opposite each other, like the head of the turtle extending out and two wells just beyond southern gate are like a turtle’s two eyes.

Located on the trade route between Beijing and Xi’an, Pingyao developed into a merchant center where the local people set up the nation’s earliest banks. These banks were the first in China to use checks.

Several old courtyards have been turned into museums, most of which were homes and offices of Pingyao’s old banks. One of the most unusual aspects of a visit here is realizing that this place was very important to China’s financial(金融的) history.

【1】 What does the passage mainly talk about?

A. The ancient city—Pingyao.

B. China’s ancient financial center—Pingyao.

C. The city wall of Pingyao.

D. The museums in Pingyao.

【2】How many gates are there in Pingyao city?

A. Four. B. Five. C. Six. D. Seven.

【3】Which gate in Pingyao city stands for the head of the turtle?

A. The gate on the north.

B. The gate on the south.

C. The gate on the east.

D. The gate on the west.

【4】 It can be inferred from the last two paragraphs that__________.

A. Pingyao city played an important role in ancient China’s finance.

B. museums in Pingyao city are now used for bank offices.

C. Pingyao city was one of the largest cities in ancient China.

D. old banks in ancient Pingyao city used checks only.

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