


                       Is your teen ready for a job?

             Your teenager comes home from school and declares he wants to take a part-time job. He says he needs money for CDs,clothes and to buy his own car. How do you talk with your child to help him make the right choice about taking a job?

              36 But there are risks you must assess.

              Here are some benefits. A teenager's job can teach work skills that will serve him well in college and prepare him for careers in adulthood. 37 Furthermore,earning money will enable him to buy things he wants and will provide an opportunity for learning responsible money management.

              38 Working more than 13 to 20 hours a week

is associated with (与…有联系) lower grades.Teens who work too many hours find it difficult to keep up extracurricular(课外的)activities and social relationships. Some studies have found that teens who work long hours are more likely to be involved in such risky activities as using illegal drugs or alcohol.

               Therefore,parents should offer indirect guidance. 39 Visit the job site and meet the boss,so you know the work situation and the boss knows you,re watching. Consider limiting his work hours at first,letting him work more only when he makes sure his school work and social life aren’t suffering. 40 Jobs that relate to his career interests or that would expose him to a wider range of career options are ones that should be especially considered.

   A. However,there are still some disadvantages.

   B. Help him look for better jobs as time goes on.

   C. The part-time job may affect his studies at school.

   D. Nearly every teen can benefit from job experience.

   E. If your child takes a job,you need to watch how it's going.

   F. Parents should ban work on school nights,limiting it to weekends.

   G. Besides,he can build confidence,develop a sense of responsibility and feel more independent.


36. D. 由第三段中的Here are some benefits以及第四段的描述可知,青少年 做兼职工作既有利也有弊,故D项“几乎每个青少年都可以从工作中受益”符合此处境。

37. G. 由该空前的Here are some benefits和该空后的Furthermore,earning money will enable him ... money management 可知,设空处描述的是青少年做兼职工作的益处,G项符合此处语境。

38. A. 由上文中的 But there are risks you must assess 以及该段中的 associated with lower grades,find it difficult to keep up extracurricular activities 和 be involved in such risky activities as using illegal drugs or alcohol 可知,本段主要讲述青少年做兼职工作的弊端。

39. E. 由该空前的 parents should offer indirect guidance 以及该空后的 Visit the job site and meet the boss 可知,E项“如 果你的孩子在做兼职工作,你需要看看它的进展情况”符合此处语境。

40. B. 由该空后的Jobs that relate to his career interests ... considered 可知,父母需要帮孩子找更好的、适合他的工作。


阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D) 中,选出最佳选项。


               Called “the man who shaped America” and “the father of modem industrial design”, Raymond Loewy must be one of the most influential designers of all time. He revolutionized the industry,working as an adviser for more than 200 companies and creating designs for everything from packaging to refrigerators,from cars to the insides of spaceships.

                Loewy's designs all had one thing in common. They were shaped by the MAYA principle — Most Advanced Yet Acceptable. His idea was that people will not accept solutions to design problems if the solutions are too different from current designs.

                Loewy started his career in industrial design in 1929 by re-designing a copying machine for the British manufacturer, Sigmund Gestetner. The 28-year-old designer completed the task in three days and the design of the machine lasted for the next 40 years.

                The Gestetner copying machine was the beginning of many designs which used streamlining (流线型) . He described this as “beauty through function and simplificationHe spent the next 50 years streamlining everything from postage stamps and company logos (商标) to the insides of stores. The famous Greyhound bus and Studebaker car show his use of streamlining in action.

                 He is perhaps most famous for his re-design of the Lucky Strike packaging. In 1940,the President of the Lucky Strike Manufacturing Company,George Washington Hill,bet Loewy $50,000 that he could not improve the appearance of the green and red Lucky Strike packets. Loewy accepted the challenge. He changed the background of the packet from green to white. Then he put the red lucky strike target on both sides of the packet. This made it more eye-catching and greatly increased sales. It is now recognized as a design classic.

                 Loewy's logo design aimed at “visual retention(视觉保持)”.He wanted to make sure that anyone who saw the logo,even for a short while,would never forget it. He designed many highly visible logos for famous companies such as Shell Oil,Exxon,Greyhound and Nabisco.

                 By the mid 20th century,his industrial design firm was so famous that he could say “the average person,leading a normal life ... is bound to be in daily contact with some of the things,services or structures” designed by his firm.

1. Loewy's biggest influence was in.

   A. completely changing the design industry

   B. successfully shaping Americans' taste

   C. changing people's idea about design

   D. building a professional design team

2. Loewy's designs were based on the idea of.

   A. speeding up the design process

   B. providing completely different designs

   C. providing most immediately recognizable designs

   D. offering original but not revolutionary answers to problems

3. Loewy first used streamlining.

   A. in his re-design of the Lucky Strike packaging

   B. when he designed a company logo for the Gestetner

   C. when he re-designed a copying machine for Gestetner

   D. in his design for the Greyhound bus and Studebaker car

4. Loewy's logo designs aimed at .

   A. making the companies well known

   B. bringing freshness for a short while

   C. attracting people to the companies’ history

   D. making company symbols very memorable

5. What can we infer from the last paragraph?

   A. Loewy provided service to ordinary people.

   B. Loewy's designs were famous and influential.

   C. Loewy's design firms existed all over the world.

   D. Loewy was welcomed and respected by the public.

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