
【题目】根据句意从方框中选出合适的短语, 并用其适当的形式完成句子。

1The policy _________ making exams fairer was introduced last month because some students have special abilities but fail to get high scores in exams.

2I’m afraid my car will break down on the way to the beach because it ________ petrol.

3It is high time that government __________ the public to attach great importance to garbage sorting.

4After working with backward students for several years, she was given a chance ______ her educational ideas on children.

5________ playing computer games, he wasted lots of time he should have spent on study.

6If he __________ more time from his busy work to do some sports, he would not have been ill so badly last week.

7I can’t figure out how it __________ that you failed the exam again after the long preparation.

8With his mind _________ the newly-published novel written by his favorite writer, he didn’t notice someone knocking at the door.


1aimed at

2is running out of / will run out of

3appealed to

4to try out

5Addicted to

6had squeezed out

7came about

8concentrated on


1考查固定搭配。句意:这项旨在使考试更加公平的政策是上个月出台的,因为有些学生有特殊能力,但考试得不到高分。时间状语为last month,谓语动词用一般过去式。故填aimed at

2考查固定搭配。句意:恐怕我的车在去海滩的路上会抛锚,因为汽油快用完了。汽油可能快要用完了,用一般将来时。故填is running out of / will run out of

3考查虚拟语气。句意:现在是政府呼吁公众高度重视垃圾分类的时候了。It is high time that后接虚拟语气,从句谓语用过去式。故填appealed to

4考查固定搭配。句意:在和落后学生一起工作了几年后,她有机会尝试一下自己的儿童教育思想。given a chance to do sth为固定搭配,意为“有机会做某事”,try out为固定搭配,意为“尝试做某事”。故填to try out

5考查固定搭配。句意:他沉迷于玩电脑游戏,浪费了很多本该花在学习上的时间。过去分词作状语,且他与迷上玩电脑为逻辑上的被动关系。故填Addicted to

6考查固定搭配。句意:如果他从繁忙的工作中挤出更多的时间做一些运动,他上星期就不会得这么严重的病了。与过去事实相反,主句用would,从句用过去完成时。故填had squeezed out

7考查固定搭配。句意:经过长时间的准备,我搞不懂你考试又不及格是怎么回事。can’t figure out后接虚拟语气,与现在事实相反,用一般过去时。故填came about

8考查固定搭配。句意:他全神贯注于他最喜欢的作家写的新出版的小说,没有注意到有人敲门。他的心思与集中为逻辑上的被动关系,用过去分词。故填concentrated on


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