
【题目】 Pity you missed the lecture on nuclear pollution.

I ______ it, but I was busy preparing for a job interview.

Aattended Bhad attended

Cwould attend Dwould have attended



试题分析:考查虚拟语气。句意:很可惜你错过了有关核污染的报告。我本来打算去的,但我在忙着准备工作面试,根据句意答语是对过去的虚拟,表本来打算做某事而没做应该用would have done,故选B。


【题目】Isabella Stewart was born in New York City in 1840. Her father made a great deal of money in trade. During school,her parents took her to Italy to explore the country's many cultural treasures.

One of the private art collections Isabella visited in Milan had a deep influence on her. She wrote to her friends about her dream of owning a house one day with an art collection like the one she had seen in Italy.

In Paris, Isabella became a close friend of one of her classmates, Julia Gardner, whose family was from Boston. Julia would later introduce Isabella to her brother, Jack. In 1860, Isabella Stewart married Jack Gardner.

The couple had too much art to fit inside their home. So they decided to start planning a museum. Mrs. Gardner didn't like the cold and empty spaces of many museums during her time. She wanted a warm museum filled with light. She once said that she decided years ago that the greatest need in her country was art. America was a young country developing quickly in other areas. But the country needed more chances for people to see beautiful examples of art.

After her husband's death in 1898, Isabella knew she had no time to lose in building her museum. She bought land, hired a building designer, and supervised (监督)every detail of her museum's construction.

Mrs. Gardner opened her museum on January 1,1903. The museum was then called Fenway Court. She invited her friends that night for a special musical performance. The next month, she opened the museum to the public. At first, visits were limited to twenty days out of the year. Visitors paid one dollar to enter.

Isabella Stewart Gardner died in 1924 in Boston. In her will, she left the museum a million dollars and a series of requirements about how it should be managed. One requirement is that the permanent collection cannot be changed.

【1】The text is mainly about __________.

A. how Isabella Gardner realized her dream of being an artist

B. how Mr. and Mrs. Gardner added to their collection of art

C. how Isabella's museum was opened

D. Isabella Stewart Gardner and her museum

【2】By sayingthe greatest need in her country was art in Paragraph 4 Mrs. Gardner meant that __________.

A. America was still a young developing country

B. there were no museums in America at that time

C. art fell far behind other fields of the American society

D. Americans had no chance to enjoy beautiful art

【3】In order to achieve her dream of owning an art museum, Mrs. Gardner __________.

A. raised money from her friends and relatives

B. sold out all her land and houses

C. held special musical performances for money

D. watched over the process of building the museum

【4】Which statement is NOT true according to the text?

A. Isabella and Jack were classmates when studying in Paris.

B. The museums at that time were not comfortable.

C. Isabella opened the museum about five years after Jack's death.

D. Great as the museum was,visitors had to wait and pay to enter.

【5】From the passage, we can learn that the museum __________.

A. helps earn much money for its collections of art

B. is called Fenway Court by the visitors

C. was opened to the public on January 1st, 1903

D. is still affected by Isabella Gardner in management now

【题目】Who hasn't found themselves reaching for the closest food available when they're tired and stressed? More and more research is proving that this isn't all in our mind. Some foods really do lead to a change in our moods (心情)

Carbohydrate (碳水化合物) for calm

This is how some people medicate(治疗) themselves with food — by reaching for cookies or pasta(意大利面食) whenever they're upset. Unfortunately, it doesn't always work. You must eat a meal consisting of 100% carbohydrate, on an empty stomach, to obtain the serotonin (血清素) increase so that you have a good mood.

To get the wishedfor effect, you must not eat anything for four hours and then eat at least 30 grams of straight carbohydrate. Dry cereal (谷类食品), a piece of bread with jam, or a potato should______.

Protein (蛋白质) for power

Of course, sometimes we don't need to be calm and sleepy.Sometimes we need a great deal of mental concentration, so this is when it's important to mix protein and carbohydrate. The protein will prevent the tryptophan (色氨酸) from flooding your brainand the rise in serotonin(血清素) won't occur.

Why dessert makes us happy

Fat and sugar cause the brain to let go endorphins (内啡肽), which send pleasure signals throughout the body. This would be fine, except humans are not particularly good at stopping at one cookie or cake.

You can also satisfy your sweet tooth by choosing fruit for dessert.

Timing your meals for energy

Blood sugar drops after four hours of going without food, causing a decrease(减少) in energy. Eating usually fixes this within 20 to 30 minutes, but don't suppose that eating more will cause a faster increase in energy.

When you eat has as much of an effect on your mood as what you eat. If you regularly go for a long period of time between meals, rethink your schedule and plan ahead.

1The underlined phrase“ do_the_trick”in the third paragraph means ________.

A. be extremely smart

B. intend to cheat someone

C. bring about the desired result

D. do something to amuse people

2The function of protein is ________.

A. to help you keep calm and sleepy

B. to make you feel energetic

C. to lead you to slowness

D. to increase serotonin in your brain

3We can infer from the last two parts that ________.

A. fat and sugar can greatly help people feel happy

B. we humans tend to eat lots of cookies and cakes

C. the more we eat, the faster we will gain energy

D. what we eat is more important than when we eat

4The main idea of the passage is ________.

A. eating for a better mood

B. eating to make you calm

C. eating for more protein

D. eating to make us strong

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