
【题目】— I feel it necessary that everything by the time our manager arrives.

— Yes, to make sure the conference is held on schedule.

A. is ready B. will be ready

C. be ready D. has been ready


【解析】试题分析:考查虚拟语气。本题考查虚拟语气在It is surprising / important / strange / necessary / natural...that...中的用法,在这些从句中,虚拟语气的结构为:should+动词原形,且should可以省略。故本题选择C,省略should


【题目】【改编】What is funny? The short answer is: Who knows? The joke that causes a burst of laughter from one listener might be met with a puzzled look from another.

In general, you should avoid jokes at any business or social gathering where there are more than two people in your conversational group. If there are only two people and they consist of you and your best friend go ahead and tell it.

Admittedly, a few people possess a perfect sense of timing, appropriateness, and joke delivery. You are probably not one of them. You might be quite funny and have many great jokes. But there’s a place for jokes over dinner with family, hiking with friends, but business or social affairs with colleagues and acquaintances (熟人) are not it. It takes a whole other level of joke-telling ability to put a joke into the more formal conversations.

The best jokes come into the conversation so that by the time listeners realize a joke is in progress, the punchline that produces humour is being delivered to their surprise and delight.

Jokes don’t translate well when you’re in a group with mixed backgrounds: those whose first language is not English, those who might not understand a special term or an “in” expression, young people who wouldn’t catch a reference to some bit of culture familiar to older people and vice versa (反之亦然).

Never joke about another person in the group about their name, habits, hometown, profession, appearance, or past. It’s not a question of whether the joke is cheery or appropriate. No one enjoys being singled out this way. When you are the subject of the joke, the laughter doesn’t feel good no matter how hard you try to tell yourself they’re not laughing at you. Because that’s what it feels like.

What do you say if you realize your joke upset someone? Apologize as briefly and as sincerely as you can, and hope that someone changes the subject. Try saying: “I’m sorry. I should have known better” or “I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking.”

What do you do if people don’t get your joke or don’t appear to find it as funny as you do? First, do not retell it, only louder this time, hoping the point of the joke will be seen. Second, don’t try to push people to get it. People do not like people whose jokes they don’t understand. They feel stupid and need to blame someone. If you want to leave with the goodwill of your listeners, say something to make them feel less foolish. You could say: “I don’t know why I tell jokes when I’m so poor at it.”

The world needs laughter, and good humour is a success wherever it goes, so this caveat (告诫) about joke-telling is not meant to dampen high spirits or to advocate dull conversation. If you’re a gifted story-teller and you know people love your jokes, go for it. We need your kind. The rest of us will save our jokes for family and close friends.

【1】From the first paragraph we can know______.

A. Not all jokes are funny.

B. Not all people like jokes.

C. No one knows what jokes are.

D. People may have different reactions to the same joke.

【2】Which occasion is appropriate for you to tell jokes?

A. At a business meeting.

B. At a social gathering.

C. Over dinner with your boss and colleagues.

D. At home with family..

【3】Which of the following statement is true?

A. Jokes are welcome in whatever situation.

B. People should repeat the joke when it isnt understood well.

C. Not all jokes work well as expected.

D. Jokes have no borders.

【4】When you are the subject of a joke, you may feel _____.

A. uncomfortable B. worried

C. happy D. satisfied

【5】In the passage, the writer suggests that _____.

A. jokes are useful in any situation.

B. joke-telling is a very complex thing.

C. joke-telling can help people get along well.

D. jokes are forbidden in some areas.

【题目】 Today, in many high schools, teaching is now a technical miracle of computer labs, digital cameras, DVD players and laptops. Teachers can e-mail parents, post messages for students on online bulletin(公告,告示) boards, and take attendance with a quick movement of a mouse.

Even though we are now living in the digital age, the basic and most important element of education has not changed. Most students still need that one-on-one, teacher-student relationship to learn and to succeed. Teenagers need instruction in English, math or history, but they also want personal advice and encouragement. Kids talk with me about their families, their weekend plans, their favorite TV shows and their relationship problems. In my English and journalism classes, we talk about Shakespeare and persuasive(富有哲理的) essays, but we also discuss college basketball, the war in Iraq and career choices. Students show me pictures of their rebuilt cars, their family vacations, and their newborn baby brothers. This personal connection is the necessary link between teachers and students that no amount of technology can improve upon or replace.

A few years ago I had a student in sophomore English who was struggling with my class and with school in general. Although he was a humorous young man who liked to joke around, I knew his family life was far from ideal. Whenever I approached him about missing homework or low test grades, he always had the same reply, “It doesn't matter because I'm quitting school anyway.” Even though he always said this in a half-teasing way, I knew he needed to hear my different opinion and my “value of a high school education” lecture. He needed to hear this speech from me. After he left my class, he struggled through the next two years of school. But, he did finally graduate because we kept telling him to hang in there. We’d cared about him finishing school.

Recently, I saw this former student working at a local Italian restaurant. I told him again how proud I was of him. He said that he was hoping to go back to school to become a certified electrician. I encouraged him to get that training.

Students rely on compassionate teachers to guide, to tutor, to listen, to laugh and to cry with them. Teachers provide the most important link in the educational process—the human one.

【1】The first paragraph mainly talks about _____________.

A. the variety of modern teaching methods.

B. the wide use of modern technology in education

C. the importance of teacher-parent relationship.

D. the importance of using modern technology.

【2】The underlined word “ compassionate” in Para 5 means ____________.

A. ambitious B. knowledgeable

C. sympathetic D. selfish

【3】According to the text, the most important element in education is _________.

A. teachers’ good instruction

B. advanced technology

C. teachers’ encouragement

D. personal connection

【4】The author states his view of education by __________.

A. example B. description C. figure D. comparison

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