


When I was a kid, my mom liked to make breakfast food for dinner every now and then. And I remember one night when she had made dinner after a long, hard day at .

On that evening so long ago, my mom a plate of eggs, sausage and extremely burned toast in front of my dad. I remember to see if anyone noticed! all my dad did was reach for his toast, at my mom and ask me how my day was at school… I don’t remember what I told him that night, but I do remember him spread butter and jelly on that toast and eat every bite!

When I got up from the table that evening, I remember hearing my mom to my dad for burning the toast. And I’II never what he said: “Honey, I love toast.”

Later that night, I went to kiss Daddy good night and I asked him if he really his toast burned. He me in his arms and said, “Your Momma put in a hard day at work today and she’s really . And besides, a burned toast never anyone!”

is full of imperfect things... and imperfect people. I’m not the best at anything, and I forget and anniversaries just like everyone else. But what I’ve over the years is that learning to accept each other’s – and to celebrate each other’s differences – is one of the most important keys to creating a healthy, growing, and relationship where a burned toast isn’t a deal-breaker!

1.A. in particular B. in fact C. after all D. in all

2.A. kitchen B. home C. work D. school

3.A. cooked B. placed C. broke D. ate

4.A. waiting B. hoping C. turning D. hesitating

5.A. And B. Thus C. Yet D. Instead

6.A. stare B. smile C. laugh D. shout

7.A. cheering B. admiring C. studying D. watching

8.A. shout B. explain C. talk D. apologize

9.A. believe B. doubt C. forget D. understand

10.A. broken B. buttered C. burned D. baked

11.A. cared B. liked C. knew D. minded

12.A. turned B. wrapped C. beat D. left

13.A. angry B. hungry C. depressed D. tired

14.A. poisons B. hurts C. upsets D. chokes

15.A. Society B. School C. Family D. Life

16.A. meetings B. birthdays C. holidays D. games

17.A. remembered B. expressed C. argued D. learned

18.A. concerns B. advice C. faults D. misunderstanding

19.A. choosing B. agreeing C. offering D. helping

20.A. lasting B. changing C. important D. familiar


An extinct mountain goat that was once common in the Pyrenees became the first animal to be brought back from extinction. Researchers used frozen DNA to produce a clone, but the newborn kid died within minutes of birth due to breathing difficulties.

The Pyrenean ibex is a type of mountain goat,which is believed to have died out completely in 2000. Before the death of the last known individual(a13-year-old female known as Celia), biologists took cells from her skin and ears. An earlier cloning attempt to use the skin cells failed. But the latest attempt involved the creation of 439 cloned embryos. Of these cloned embryos, 57 were put into the female domestic goats, but only one goat gave birth and the newborn cloned kid died after seven minutes as a result of lung disease.

Researchers say that other cloned animals, including sheep, have been born with similar lung disease, but they say that overall the experiment was a major step forward in the effort to bring the ibex back to its mountain home. The leading researcher Jose Folch says, “the cloned kid was genetically like the ibex;in species such as the ibex,cloning is the only possibility to avoid its complete disappearance.”

The failure to produce a living clone from DNA that was frozen only a decade ago shows the difficulty researchers would face in trying to bring back species that have been extinct(灭绝的) for decades or centuries. Researchers have had the idea of bringing back the Tasmanian tiger, which went extinct in 1936. There are, however, other species that have been seriously suggested for cloning,such as the giant panda, the African bongo antelope, the Sumatran tiger and the pygmy hippo. Supporters believe cloning provides hope of keeping these endangered animals alive before they die out.

1.What do we know about the cloned ibex?

A. It died of lung disease.

B. It was the first cloned animal in the world.

C. It lived for thirteen years.

D. It was born in 2000.

2.Jose Foleh would agree that cloning

A. is not suitable and should be banned.

B. requires immediate attention.

C. should be carried out cautiously.

D. may help prevent animal extinction.

3.We can conclude from the passage that

A. cloning has developed quickly in developed countries.

B. no more animals will die out in the future.

C. cloning makes it possible to preserve endangered species.

D. cloning seldom results in physical problems for animals.

4.What’s the best title for this passage?

A、Great advancement in cloning goats.

B、Difficulties in saving extinct animals.

C、Public concerns about cloning.

D、Cloning brought back an extinct species for a while.


The school was across the street from our home and I would often watch the kids as they played during the break.She seemed so small as she pushed her way the crowd of boys on the playground.She from them all.

I began to notice her at other times,basketball in hand,playing .She would practice dribbling (运球) and shooting over and over again,sometimes until.One day I asked her she practiced so much.She looked in my eyes and without a moment of hesitation she said,“I want to go to college.The only way I can is if I get a scholarship,I am going to play college basketball.I want to be.My Daddy told me if the dream is big enough,the facts don’t count.”

Well,I had to give it in to her—she was.One day,I saw her sitting in the grass,head in her arms.I walked toward her and quietly asked what was “Oh,nothing,” came a soft reply.“I am just too short.” The coach told her that at her height she would probablyget to play for a top ranked team,offered a scholarship.So she stop dreaming about college.

She was and I sensed her disappointment.I asked her if she had talked to her dad about it yet.She told me that her father said those coaches were wrong.They just did not the power of a dream.He told her she really wanted to play for a good college,if she truly wanted a scholarship,could stop her except one thing — her own attitude.He told her again,“If the dream is big enough,the facts don’t count.”

The next year,as she and her team went to the Northern California Championship game,she was seen by a college recruiter (招聘人员).She was indeed offered a.She was going to get the college education that she had and worked toward it for all those years.

1.A. through B. across C. over D. into

2.A. brought out B. showed out C. stood out D. worked out

3.A. only B. lonely C. simply D. alone

4.A. dark B. dawn C. midnight D. daybreak

5.A. how B. when C. why D. what

6.A. worriedly B. shyly C. quietly D. directly

7.A. go B. meet C. enter D. attend

8.A. worse B. better C. the best D. the worst

9.A. determined B. encouraged C. fixed D. fascinated

10.A. covered B. enclosed C. dropped D. buried

11.A. the affair B. wrong with C. the thing D. the matter

12.A. ever B. even C. once D. never

13.A. far more B. much less C. more less D. many more

14.A. should B. must C. can D. may

15.A. overjoyed B. moved C. embarrassed D. heartbroken

16.A. understand B. experience C. learn D. believe

17.A. even if B. as if C. that if D. only if

18.A. anything B. nothing C. something D. everything

19.A. prize B. medal C. scholarship D. position

20.A. dreamed of B. relied on C. thought of D. looked forward


I had to knock on the taxi to get his attention. Finally, the driver, a man about 60,looked up from behind the wheel and apologized,“I’m sorry, but I was reading a letter.” He sounded as if he had a cold or a cough.

Since I was in no hurry, I told him to finish his letter. He shook his head, explaining that he had already read it several times and almost knew it by heart. Curious, I asked whether it was from a child or maybe a grandchild. “This isn’t family,”he replied. “though he might just as well have been a regular member of the family. Old Edand I grew up together.”

They were always friends. But since he moved away from the neighborhood 30 years ago, it’d generally just been postcards at Christmas time between them. A couple of weeks ago, Ed died. “I should have kept in touch.” He repeated this, more to himself than to me. To comfort him, I said sometimes we just didn’t seem to find the time.“But we used to find the time,” he said. “Take a look.” He handed the letter over to me.

The first sentence “I’ve been meaning to write for some time, but I’ve always delayed it.” reminded me of myself. It went on to say that he often thought about the good times they had had together. When I read the part where it said “Your friendship really means a lot to me, more than I can say because I’m not good at saying things like that”,I found myself nodding in agreement.

We had gone several kilometers and were almost at my hotel, so I read the last paragraph: “So I thought you’d like to know that I was thinking of you.” And it was ended with “Your Old Friend, Tom.”

“I thought your friend’s name was Ed,” I said.

“I’m Tom,” he explained. “It’s a letter I wrote to Ed before I knew he’d died. I never put it in the mailbox. I guess I should have written it sooner.” His face was pale as he wiped his eyes with a handkerchief.

When I got to my hotel room I didn’t unpack right away. I had to write a letter and post it.

1.Who wrote the letter?

A. Tom

B. Old ED.

C. The author.

D. The driver’s grandchild.

2.It can be inferred from the passage that the driver regretted_____.

A. missing Ed’s funeral

B. moving away from his neighborhood

C. forgetting to send Ed Christmas cards

D. not being able to keep in touch with Ed

3.From Paragraph 4,we learn that the author _______.

A. often fails to write to his friends

B. has no intention to write to his friends

C. had many great moments with his friends

D. was good at expressing his feelings to friends

4.What message does the passage probably try to convey?

A. Comfort your friends when they are feeling down.

B. Life is unpredictable so live each day as if it were your last.

C. Remember to always mail your letters after expressing your words.

D. Always make time to value and experience your lasting friendships.

It pays to be smart. We are not all smart in the same way. You may be a talented musician, but you might not be a good reader . Each of us is different .

Psychologists have two different views on intelligence .Others believe there are many different intelligence .Some psychologists say there is one type of intelligence that can be measured with IQ tests .These psychologists support their view with research that concludes that people who do well on one kind of test for mental ability do well on other tests .They do well on tests using words , numbers or pictures. They do well on individual or group tests , and written or oral tests .Those who do poorly on one test , do the same on all tests .

Studies of the brain show that there is a biological basis for general intelligence . The brain waves of people with higher intelligence show a quicker reaction .Some researchers conclude that differences in intelligence result from differences in the speed and effectiveness of information processing by the brain .

Howard Gardner , a psychologist at the Harvard School of Education , has four children .He believes that all children are different and shouldn’t be tested by one intelligence test .Although Gardner believes general intelligence exists , he doesn’t think it tells much about the talents of a person outside of formal schooling .He think that the human mind has different intelligences .These intelligences allow us to solve the kinds of problems we are presented with in life .Each of us has different abilities within these intelligences .Gardner believes that the purpose of school should be to encourage development of all of our intelligences .

1.What does the text mainly talk about?

A. How to understand intelligence .

B. How to become intelligent .

C. The importance of intelligence tests .

D. The causes of different intelligences.

2.Which of the following statements is TRUE concerning general intelligence ?

A. Intelligent people do not do well on group tests .

B. Most intelligent people do well on the intelligence tests .

C. Intelligent people do better on written tests than on oral tests .

D. People doing well on one type of intelligence test do well on other tests .

3.Gardner believes that ________ .

A. all children are alike .

B. children should take one intelligence test .

C. there is no general intelligence .

D. children have different intelligences .

4.According to Gardner, schools should ________ .

A. test students’ IQs once at least.

B. promote development of all intelligences .

C. train students who do poorly on tests .

D. focus on finding the most intelligent students

When we see well, we do not think about our eyes very often. It is only when we cannot see perfectly that we realize how important our eyes are.

People who are near-sighted can only see things that are very close to their eyes, and everything else seems blurry (=unclear). Many people who do a lot of work, such as writing, reading and sewing become near-sighted.

People who are far-sighted suffer from just the opposite problem. They can see things that are far away, but they have difficulty in reading a book unless they hold it at arm’s length. If they want to do much reading, they must get glasses, too.

Other people do not see clearly because their eyes are not exactly the right shape. They have what is called astigmatism (散光). This, too, can be corrected by glasses. Some people’s eyes become cloudy because of cataracts (白内障). Long ago these people often became blind. Now, however, it is possible to operate on the cataracts and remove them.

Having two good eyes is important for judging distances. Each eye sees things from a slightly different angle. To prove this to yourself, look at an object out of one eye; then look at the same object out of your other eye. You will find the object’s relation to the background and other things around it has changed. The difference between these two different eye views helps us to judge how far away an object is. People who have only one eye cannot judge distance as people with two eyes.

1.When things far away seem indistinct(模糊不清) , one is probably____.

A. near-sighted B. far-sighted

C. astigmatic D. suffering from cataracts

2.The underlined word suffer in the third paragraph probably means_____.

A. experience B. imagine

C. feel pain D. are affected with

3. Having two eyes instead of one is particularly useful for______.

A. seeing at night B. seeing objects far away

C. looking over a wide area D. judging distances

4.People who suffer from astigmatism have______.

A. one eye bigger than the other

B. eyes that are not exactly the right shape

C. a difficulty that can be corrected by an operation

D. an eye difficulty that cannot be corrected by glasses

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