
A couple of years ago on a hot summer day in south Florida, a little boy decided to go for a swim in the old swimming hole behind his house. In a hurry to dive into the cool water, he ran out of the back door, leaving behind shoes, socks, and shirt as he went. He flew into the water, not realizing that as he swam toward the middle of the lake, an alligator (短吻鳄) was swimming toward the shoe. His mother in the house was looking out of the window and saw the two as they got closer and closer together. In great fear, she ran toward the water, shouting to her son as loudly as she could.

Hearing her voice, the little boy became worried and made a return to swim to his mother. It was too late. Just as he reached her, the alligator reached him.

From the bank. the mother caught her little boy by the arms just as the alligator snatched his legs. That began a tug-of-war (拔河) between the two. The alligator was much stronger than the mother, but the mother was much too determined to let go. A farmer happened to drive by, heard her screams, raced from his truck, took aim and shot the alligator.

After weeks and weeks in hospital, the little boy survived. His legs were extremely scarred (留下伤疤) by the attack of the animal and on his arms were deep scratches where his mother’s fingernails dug into his flesh in her effort to hang on to the son she loved.

The newspaper reporter, who interviewed the boy after the injury, asked if he would show him his scars. The boy lifted his pants legs. And then, with obvious pride, he said to the reporter. “But look at my arms. I have great scars on my arms, too. I have them because my mom wouldn’t let go.

1.The boy’s legs were scarred by_______.

A. his mother B. an alligator

C. a farmer D. a reporter

2.What does the underlined word “snatched” probably mean?

A. Kicked. B. Touched. C. Bit. D. Knocked.

3.Why did the farmer help the mother?

A. He didn’t want to see the alligator killing the boy.

B. She was much too determined to let go of the boy.

C. Her nails dug into the boy’s flesh to hang on to the boy.

D. The boy lifted his pants legs to show his scars.

4.What did the boy think of the scars on his arms?

A. fearful. B. Shy. C. worried. D. Proud.

5.What is the best title of the passage?

A. A Brave Boy B. The scars of Love

C. A Helpful Farmer D. A Mother and An Alligator


Being a good student doesn’t mean you have to drop all social activities and dive into your books.It is still possible to have a healthy social life while getting good grades.1. Here are how you can achieve it:

Decide for yourself at the start of the term that you won’t let your schoolwork sweep you away. 2.

Write down your weekly schedule on a piece of paper.Chances are that you’ll have small gaps between classes during the week and more free time at the weekend.Make sure that every time you find yourself in one of those between-class gaps you use the time efficiently.3.

Set aside at least one large amount of time each week as free time.Keep in mind the law of diminishing returns(收益递减).Past a certain point,more hours studying will be of little benefit. 4. Protect both your free time and your school time carefully.If one starts to infringe(侵犯)on the other,that is just the beginning of a long,slippery downhill slope(斜坡).

5. This way,you can co-ordinate(协调)your free time with theirs.

Whenever possible,find social activities that take you off campus and away from your schoolwork.

A.Balance is the key.

B.Encourage your friends to follow a similar plan.

C.It is very important to be determined about this.

D.Try not to affect others’ time and just focus on your own.

E.You’re better off spending this time with friends.

F.You can spend more time on social life than on study.

G.Read a few pages of your school books or do some quick chores(杂活),for example.

Have you ever had that fantasy to visit the moon, grab a rock and throw it into space so it would float forever? Soon, if you have got the cash, you can!

Enter the Artemis Project. This new and exciting project is a private one that will “establish a permanent, self-supporting manned lunar base,” which translates into a community on the moon for people to live in. “It’s not a question of whether it’ll work, but rather how long it will take.” according to Gregory Bennett, the founder of the Artemis Project

On July 20, 1969, Neil Armstrong became the first man to set foot on the moon. That moment became a great achievement in both the space community and for humanity itself. Despite the significance of occasion, almost certainly when viewers saw images of his weightless, bouncing (弹跳) figure they thought, “That looks like fun!”

So the Artemis team is taking realistic approach to a human fantasy: they are marketing the project of a lunar base as pure entertainment.

Veronis, Suhler & Associates are investment bankers for the communications and media industry. Their research found that Americans spent over 40 billion dollars to be entertained in the movies, through home videos and television in 1999.

California investor, Dennis Tito, recently took a trip to the International Space Station, after donating $20 million dollars to the Russian Space program. Wealthy celebrities like Canadian director James Cameron and the brothers of rock band Oasis have also voiced their interest to visit the big ball in the sky. In the same report by Veronis, Suhler & Associates, consumers spent close to 4 billion dollars on video-game software alone. So, for $1.42 billion dollars the Artemis Project is a drop in the entertainment bucket.

University student, Al Dharsee says, “I would certainly go to the moon, if given the opportunity, so that I could look at the earth and laugh. But with the way we treat our own planet, I don’t think we deserve to set foot on any planets or moons for that matter.

However, if you’re one of those ready to book a flight, don’t pack your bags quite yet, your flight is not scheduled to depart for at least a couple of decades.

1.What is the Artemis Project aimed at?

A. Maintaining a manned lunar base.

B. Providing a new kind of entertainment.

C. Offering some community-based facilities.

D. Finding facts about the first exploration to the moon.

2. What did Veronis, Suhler& Associates find through their research?

A. Wealthy celebrities donated a lot of space programs.

B. The Artemis Project would cost less than $1.42 billion dollars.

C. Americans paid a large amount of money for entertainment.

D. More than $40 billion are spent on communications and media industries in 1999.

3.What does Al DHarsee imply?

A. Most planets deserve to be employed.

B. Human beings may destroy the moon.

C. It costs too much to destroy the environment.

D. The trip to the moon doesn’t appeal to him.

4.This text may be taken from .

A. a fiction story.

B. an advertisement.

C. an entertainment report.

D. a business survey.

A gust of wind blew a canvas chair across the yard. My eyes followed the circling dirt out to the road and down toward the school bus stop. I was going to miss walking down the road to catch the big school bus that took us into town to school. I enjoyed being with the teachers and the other students. Now that I was finished with school I seemed to have lost some of the excitement from my life.

As I was folding the canvas chair, Chatita Chávez drove into our yard in her father’s old truck. It made short loud sounds and sent out a trail of black smoke out of its tailpipe. She got out smiling as usual and excitedly pointed toward the storm that seemed to be moving toward us.

“I can’t stay long, Nilda. There’s a storm coming and I need to beat it home.” I was glad to see her. “Yes, I think we’re in for some bad weather. Come on in and have a cup of coffee at least,” I said as I took her into our kitchen.

“I’m so excited, Nilda! You’ll never guess what I just did!” I stopped pouring the coffee and turned and looked at her.

“I just went over to Edinburg and registered for junior college,” she said and looked at me and smiled. “Don’t you want to go take classes with me?”

I was astonished. I didn’t know what to say. How could I go to college? I didn’t have any money. I gave Chatita a cup of coffee. “I don’t know. I don’t think I can. Isn’t college expensive?”

Chatita sat down at the table and began adding sugar to her coffee. “Not really, and I’m working part-time at the packing shed(棚)on Canal Road. You could work there, too.”

The wind began to gust causing the house to occasionally make sounds and shake. The lightbulb hanging over the table flashed off and on and I heard a low roll of thunder in the distance.

I hesitantly asked, “Do you think I could get a job at the packing shed?”

“Sure. My cousin is the boss. He’ll give you a job.” Mamá came into the kitchen and exchanged greetings with Chatita. She must have heard our conversation.

“I think it’s nice that you’re going to go to college, Chatita. What will you study?” my

mother asked as she joined us at the table.

“I want to be a teacher.”

“A teacher! How nice!” Mamá said as she patted Chatita’s arm.

“A teacher?” I asked. “Don’t you need a degree?”

“You can start teaching before you get your degree. Clarence Duncan has been teaching in Brownsville since last year and I think Zulema will start this year.”

The lightbulb blinked again and went out. Mamá quickly arose from the table. “I’m going to have to bring in the lanterns. I knew I shouldn’t have packed them away.”

“Well, Nilda, do you want to go? Because, if you do, you can go over to Edinburg with me tomorrow.”

I hesitated, then said, “Yes. I want to go.” My heart was beating fast. I couldn’t believe how happy I was feeling.

“But I have to talk to Mamá and Papá. What if they won’t let me?”

“You can at least go with me tomorrow and find out what it’s all about. I’ll come by for you around eight.”

Chatita left me sitting at the table staring at my cup of coffee. It seemed so unreal, this idea of me going to college. My parents had never had the opportunity for much education. Juana had quit school to get married and Roberto and Zeke had graduated from high school as I had. But college? I would be the first one in my family to go to college. Yes, college was exactly what I wanted.

The day had turned dark and the rain had started. My mother came back into the kitchen with two lanterns.

“Mamá, I need to ask you something.”

She picked up a cloth and began to clean the dust from the lanterns. She looked at me and smiled.

“Mamá, if I could find a way to pay, could I take classes at the junior college?” I asked, trying to control my excitement.

She stopped cleaning and raised her eyebrows. “What would you study, my daughter?”

“I think I want to be a teacher,” I quietly replied.

Mamá sat down at the table across from me. “Then, I would like for you to go to college,” she said in a serious tone.

“What about Papá? Do you think he will allow me to go?”

“Your father wants you to be happy. If going to college and being a teacher makes you happy, then he will probably allow it,” she answered.

I didn’t say anything. I was enjoying the feeling of happiness and sense of wonder that had come over me. The two of us sat in the darkened room without speaking until I saw my mamá rubbing her eyes with the edge of her apron.

“What’s wrong, Mamá.”

“Nothing,” she replied. “I probably got some dust in my eyes. That’s all.”

1.This story is told from the point of view of___________.

A. Chatita B. Mamá C. Nilda D. Papá

2.Chatita responds to Nilda’s hesitancy about going to college with___________.

A. acceptance B. disappointment

C. encouragement D. indifference

3.According to the underlined sentence from the story, what feeling does this realization create for Nilda?

A. Sympathy. B. Frustration.

C. Annoyance. D. Satisfaction.

4.The real reason for Mamá’s tears is most likely because she is___________.

A. proud that Nilda wants to become a teacher

B. concerned about missing Nilda once she leaves

C. worried her husband will stop Nilda from leaving

D. happy that Nilda can work at a job with her friend

5.How does Nilda most show respect for her parents?

A. She picks up a chair from their yard.

B. She seeks their approval to go to college.

C. She sits with her mother without speaking.

D. She tells her mother she plans to become a teacher.

6.Which sentence from the story best supports Nilda’s sense of fulfillment?

A. “Now that I was finished with school I seemed to have lost some of the excitement from my life.”

B. “I haltingly asked, ‘Do you think I could get a job at the packing shed?’ ”

C. “ ‘Mamá, if I could find a way to pay, could I take classes at the junior college?’ ”

D. “I was enjoying the feeling of happiness and sense of wonder that had come over me.”

What would it be like to take a walk on the surface of Mars? If you could design the tallest building in the world, what would it look like? Do you dream of being the next J.K.Rowling? This summer, you can experience all of these things, and more.All you need is an Internet connection and your imagination.

A recent study by the Kaiser Family Foundation found that kids spend an average of 1 hour and 29 minutes online each day.Many kids like to use that time to chat with friends, play games or check e-mails.But next time you get on the Web, try exploring the world instead.“With the Internet, you can go back 11,000 years in time, or go 11,000 kilometers across the planet,” said Russell, Web search expert of Google.“The whole scope of history and the world is open to you.”

There is a wealth of information to be found online.For example, if your family is going on vacation somewhere, do a quick online search on the area before you even get in the car.“What’s the background of the place; what’s the history?” says Russell.“I like to tell my kids, ‘Whenever you have a question, whenever you have a doubt, search it out.’”

Ready to launch a virtual journey of your own? Here are a few starting points to get you thinking and to help you on your way.You can invite your parents along for the ride, too.Always ask for permission before downloading programs and software into your computer.And, check with a parent or adult before visiting any new website.

Navigate the world in 3-D with Google Earth.Begin in outer space and zoom into the streets of any city, from Hong Kong to San Francisco.Or, visit ancient monuments and watch the changing rainforests over time.With the moon in Google Earth tool, you can walk in Neil Armstrong’s famous footsteps.Take a guided tour of the moon’s surface with Armstrong’s fellow shuttle mate astronaut Buzz Aldrin.

1.According to Russell, the kids _________.

A.spend too much time on the Internet

B.should never chat and play games online

C.can solve their problems through the Internet

D.should study hard instead of chatting online

2.From the passage we know that _________.

A.we can find much information we need online

B.Neil Armstrong traveled to the moon alone

C.the kids can download programs onto the computer freely

D.the kids can visit the new website freely without parents’ guidance

3.According to the passage, if you want to go to Tropical Rainforests, you can _________.

A.take the time shuttle

B.go to the cinema to watch 3-D films

C.find a travel agency in Google

D.use Google Earth

4.The passage is mainly intended for _________.

A.parents B.kids

C.teachers D.adults

5.In which section of a website can we probably read this passage?

A.Culture. B.Health.

C.Internet World. D.Tourism.

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