
14.Although many Chinese students say that their knowledge of English grammar is good,most would admit that their spoken English is poor.Whenever I speak to a Chinese student,they always say,"My spoken English is poor."(36)E.I would like to suggest that there may be some reasons for their problems with spoken English.
First,they fail to find suitable words to express themselves due to a limited vocabulary.(37)C.However,you can speak with a limited vocabulary,if you choose a positive attitude.Others will follow you as long as you use the words that you know.
(38)F.Sometimes they make mistakes when they are speaking because they are shy and nervous.Yet students should remember that their goal should be FLUENCY NOT ACCURACY.Your aim in writing is to be accurate following the rules for grammar and using the right words and spelling them correctly.However,in speaking your aim is fluency.You want to get your message across,to talk to someone in English,as quickly and as well as you can,even though sometimes you may use a wrong word or tense,but it doesn't matter. (39)A.
The third reason is that not enough attention is paid to listening.You have one mouth but two ears!All that hearing is necessary for you to start speaking.
Fourth,most Chinese students are reactive rather than proactive language learners.Instead of actively seeking out opportunities to improve their spoken English they passively wait for speaking opportunities to come to them and wonder why their English always remains poor. (40)D.

A.The person you are speaking to will understand you and make allowances for any mistakes he hears.
B.They may try to avoid making similar mistakes next time.
C.Obviously the better answer is to expand their vocabulary.
D.If you have this proactive outlook,then you will see English opportunities wherever you go.
E.However,their spoken English does not have to remain"poor"!F.Second,they are afraid of making mistakes.
G.The second reason lies in the reluctance of using what has just been learned.

分析 这是一篇关于网中国学生英语口语差的文章,并且从四个方面分析了中国学生英语口语差的原因.1、词汇有限;2、害怕犯错误;3、不注意听;4、学习语言不积极.

解答 36_40 ECFAD
36.E联系上文题.根据上文Whenever I speak to a Chinese student,they always say,"My spoken English is poor."可知当我和中国学生说话的时候,他们总会说我的英语口语很差,然而他们的英语口语并不差.故选E.
37.C逻辑连接题.根据First,they fail to find suitable words to express themselves due to a limited vocabulary.可知他们找不到合适的词汇来表达,是因为他们的词汇有限.C项:Obviously the better answer is to expand their vocabulary.应该扩大词汇量,最合逻辑关系.故选C.
39.A联系上文题.根据even though sometimes you may use a wrong word or tense,but it doesn't matter.可知甚至有时候你可能会使用错误的词或时态,但没有关系.A项:The person you are speaking to will understand you and make allowances for any mistakes he hears.和你说话的人可以听明白.故选A.
40.D语境辨析题.根据Instead of actively seeking out opportunities to improve their spoken English they passively wait for speaking opportunities to come to them可知如果你积极主动地去寻找说话的机会,那你会找到很多说英语的机会,D项:If you have this proactive outlook,then you will see English opportunities wherever you go.符合语境.故选D.

点评 做七选五时定位选项很关键.明确各备选选项的含义,抓住其关键词语,根据文章整体结构与具体内容,将选项填入文中,填写时尤为注意各选项中出现的句子衔接手段及句中的衔接标志词.在定位选项时,要特别注意空格上下段的写作内容,以及空格上段尾句和下段首句的结构和意义.将所选项放入空白处,看看是否与上下文构成语义及逻辑上的直接关系,是否符合该处语境.能否承接前后的写作线索.使文章无论内容还是衔接上都能做到通顺.

4.See a cellphone cover that you like on Taobao?Forget about placing an order,paying the bill online and waiting for days for it to be delivered to you.In the near future,you'll be able to get it in minutes just by hitting"print"on your computer.
   You might find it hard to believe that you could actually"print"an object like you would a picture.But it is not that hard to understand how it would work.Just as a traditional printer sprays (喷) ink onto paper line by line,modern 3D printers spread material onto a surface layer by layer,from the bottom to the top,gradually building up a shape.
   Instead of ink,the materials the 3D printer uses are mainly plastic,resin(树脂) and certain metals.The thinner each layer is-from a millimetre to less than the width of a hair-the smoother and finer the object will be.
   This may sound like a completely new technology,but the truth is that 3D printing has been around since the late 1980s.Back then,it was barely affordable for most people,so few knew about it.
    Last year,though,saw a big change in the 3D printing industry-printers became much cheaper.For example,10 years ago a desktop 3D printer might have cost£20,000,while now they cost only about£1,000,accordin g to the BBC.
    Taken out of the factory and introduced to more diverse and common uses,3D printing can create just about anything you can think of-flutes (笛子),bikinis,jewelry,aircraft parts and even human organs.In fact,scientists from Cornell University in New York have just made an artificial ear using a 3D printer,according to Science Daily.The fake ear looks and acts exactly like a natural one.
    However,as 3D printing becomes more common,it may bring about certain problems-such as piracy."Once you can download a coffee maker,or print out a new set of kitchen utensils (餐具) on your personal 3D printer,who will visit a retail (零售的) store again?"an expert in 3D printing told Forbes News.Even more frightening,what if anyone in the world could use a 3D printer to print out a fully functioning gun?
32.According to the article,in the future,the 3D printing technology willB.
A.enable people to make better purchases online
B.change the way we make many products
C.be applied as widely in our daily life as computers
D.shorten the time it takes for people to get what they buy online
33.What happened in the 3D printing industry last year?D
A.The 3D printing technology was taken out of the factory.
B.The 3D printing technology began to be used in various fields.
C.The 3D printer was used for medical treatment for the first time.
D.The 3D printer became more afforda ble for consumers.
34.How is the last paragraph developed?A
A.By giving examples.
B.By making comparisons.
C.By analyzing the cause and effect.
D.By presenting research findings.
35.What is the best title of the passage?D
A.Great Demand for 3D Printers           
B.Technology in the Future
C.Online Shopping Disappearing           
D.Printing out Everything.
5.Culture can affect not just language and customs,but also how people experience the world on surprisingly basic levels.
Researchers,with the help of brain scans,have uncovered shocking differences in perception (感知) between Westerners and Asians,what they see when they look at a city street,for example,or even how they perceive a simple line in a square,according to findings published in a leading science journal.
In western countries,culture makes people think of themselves as highly independent entities (实体).When looking at scenes,Westerners tend to focus more on central objects than on their surroundings.East Asian cultures,however,emphasize inter-dependence.When Easterners look at a scene,they tend to focus on surroundings as well as the object.
Using an experiment involving two tasks,Dr Hedden asked subjects to look at a line simply to estimate its length,a task that is played to American strengths.In another,they estimated the line's length relative to the size of a square,an easier task for the Asians.
The level of brain activity,by tracking blood flow,was then measured by Brain Scanners.The experiment found that although there was no difference in performance,and the tasks were very easy,the levels of activity in the subjects'brains were different.For the Americans,areas linked to attention lit up more,when they worked on the task they tended to find more difficult--estimating the line's size relative to the square.For the Asians,the attention areas lit up more during the harder task also--estimating the line's length without comparing it to the square.The findings are a reflection of more than ten years of previous experimental research into east-west differences.
In one study,for instance,researchers offered people a choice among five pens; four red and one green.Easterners were more likely to choose a red pen while Westerners were more likely to choose the green one.
Culture is not affecting how you see the world,but how you choose to understand and internalize (使内化) it.But such habits can be changed.Some psychological studies suggest that when an Easterner goes to the West or vice versa,habits of thought and perception also begin to change.Such research gives us clues on how our brain works and is hopeful for us to develop programs to improve our memory,memory techniques and enhance and accelerate our learning skills.

63.According to the passage,Chinese people are most likely toC.
A.more emphasize independent thinking
B.always focus more on their surroundings
C.focus more on the context as well as the object
D.think of Westerners as highly independent entities
64.We know from the passage that people's brains will be more active whenD.
A.the task is much easier
B.the blood flow is tracked
C.people begin to choose colors
D.the task is more difficult
65.What do the findings of the experiments mentioned in the passage indicate?B
A.They indicate that culture has a great impact on the way people talk and behave.
B.They show that Easterners and Westerners have great differences in perceiving the world.
C.They suggest that people's habits of thought and perception can be changed in different cultures.
D.They make it clear that Easterners and Westerners lay emphasis on different things.
66.It can be inferred from the passage thatA.
A.Easterners prefer collectivism to individualism
B.East Asian cultures lay more emphasis on independence
C.It took over ten years to find out how to improve our brainpower
D.Americans will change their habits of perception when they're in Britain.
2.When I brush my teeth each morning,I see my tongue,and feel slightly amazed that it's going to be insured(投保) for£1 million.I had never really paid much attention to it until I became a baby-food tester.Now,my tongue---or rather,its ability to determine tiny changes in flavor---is the primary tool of my job.The company I work for believes I'm so valuable in terms of getting the balance of tastes in baby food just right that it's worth getting insured.
I'm what you call a"supertaster"---one of a small percentage of the population born with twice as many taste buds(味蕾) as the rest.Babies are typically born with more than 10,000taste buds,but in later life they decrease to as few as 5,000.At 24I should really be at the height of my tasting power.
At first,baby food tasted strange to me---it took a while to get used to eating a meal that had been reduced to a paste(糨糊).Also,I have to make a real effort to think like a baby---to imagine that each time I put a spoonful of pie in my mouth,I am six months old again.I still avoid tasting baby fish pie after breakfast.
I am more aware of the need to protect my tongue these days,particularly before a tasting session,and to avoid any strong tastes or smells,such as coffee and perfume.I also drink plenty of water during the day to clean my palate(味觉).
It's not really something that affects my personal life.Outside work it's a joy to be able to taste everything so deeply.One consequence is that eating is a much richer experience for me than for most people.If I take one bite of a salad,I can tell immediately what's in the dressing.I like the challenge of guessing what's in anything I eat,and the satisfaction of rarely getting it wrong.

24.The reason why the author is being insured is thatA.
A.few people have his tasting power
B.he manages valuable assets for his company
C.baby-food testers'taste buds are easily injured
D.he makes well-balanced meals for babies
25.The author is a good baby-food tester because heB.
A.is good at making baby food
B.has more taste buds
C.knows a lot about nutrition
D.is young
26.How does the author protect his tongue?D
①By avoiding strong tastes.
②By brushing his teeth every day.
③By staying away from strong smells.
④By drinking plenty of water.
27.What does the author mean by saying that"eating is a much richer experience for me than for most people"?C
A.He can learn a lot about food by tasting it.
B.He can easily tell which of two foods is better.
C.He is more sensitive to flavor than other people.
D.He spends much of his time eating every day.
9.What would you like to be when you grow up?A teacher?A doctor?An astronaut?What do you need to do to achieve your dream job?Perhaps you think that studying well and then going on to work hard will get you successful career you want.We are constantly taught that our hard work will eventually pay off.
But a government survey has shown that hard work is not the only thing that will help you to move up the ladder.Two thirds of people believe that who you know matters more than what you know when it comes to social activity.So are the connections that you have more important than your education?
76% of the people in the survey believed that family background is important in influencing your chances of success.They believe that if you are privileged from birth,you are more likely to have a successful career,especially if your family is wealthy.
Even if you don't have a privileged background,the people you know can still make a difference to your career.Networking is a skill which is encouraged by many career advisers.Some companies run networking workshops to try and encourage staff to meet other people,to communicate and build relationships.It's a valuable skill.
But the survey also showed something quite interesting.Although most people believed that networks are more important than education,many people put their own career success down to talent,rather than background.41% of the people said that their parents'income had influenced their life,but at the same time,another 41% believed that they had achieved their own success.
So which is more important,what you know or who you know?It seems that by working hard and making lots of connections,the answer may be that both are very important.

21.According to the government survey,the most important factor to help people move up the ladder isB.
A.hard work   B.social relationship  C.education  D.social activity
22.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?A
A.76% of the people think social relationship is most important.
B.41% of the people believe parents'income is most important.
C.76% of the people think family background ranks first.
D.41% of the people believe they gained their own success.
23.From the passage we can infer that the writer writes the article toC.
A.stress the importance of education
B.make lots of social connections
C.challenge the traditional belief
D.encourage people to work hard.
24.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?D
A.A Survey on People's Dreams        B.Keep Your Dream in Mind
C.A Wealthy and Smooth Career        D.The Way to Success.
8.Although many Chinese students say that their knowledge of English grammar is good,most would admit that their spoken English is poor.Whenever I speak to a Chinese student,they always say,"My spoken English is poor."(36)DI would like to suggest that there may be some reasons for their problems with spoken English.
First,they fail to find suitable words to express themselves due to a limited vocabulary.(37)CHowever,you can speak with a limited vocabulary,if you choose a positive attitude.Others will follow you as long as you use the words that you know.
(38)ASometimes they make mistakes when they are speaking because they are shy and nervous.Yet students should remember that their goal should be FLUENCY NOT ACCURACY.Your aim in writing is to be accurate following the rules for grammar and using them to get your message across.But to talk to someone in English,as quickly and well as you can,even though sometimes you may use a wrong word or tense,but it doesn't matter.(39)FThe third reason is that not enough attention is paid to listening.You have one mouth but two ears!All the hearing is necessary for you to start speaking.
Fourth,most Chinese students are reactive rather than proactive(主动的) language learners.Instead of actively seeking out opportunities to improve their spoken English they passively wait for speaking opportunities to come to them and wonder why their English always remains poor.(40)G

A.Second,they are afraid of making mistakes.
B.They may try to avoid making similar mistakes next time.
C.Obviously the better answer is to expand their vocabulary.
D.However,their spoken English does not have to remain"poor"!
E.The second reason lies in the reluctance of using what has just been learned.
F.The person you are speaking to will understand you and make allowances for any mistakes he hears.
G.If you have this proactive outlook,then you will see English opportunities wherever you go.
6.Handshaking,though a European practice is often seen in big cities of China,Nobody knows exactly when the practice started in Europe.It is said that long long ago in Europe when people met,they showed their unarmed (无武器的) hands to each other as a sign of goodwill.As time went on and trade in cities grew rapidly,people in cities began to clap each other's hands to make a deal or to reach an agreement.This practice was later changed into shaking hands among friends on meeting or leaving each other."Let's shake (hands) on it"sometimes means agreement reached.
Do the Europeans shake hands wherever they go and with whomever they meet?No.Sometimes the Chinese abroad reach out their hands too often to be polite.It is really very impolite to give your hand when the other party,especially when it is a woman,shows little interest in shaking hands with you and when the meeting does not mean anything to him or her.Even if,for politeness,he holds out his unwilling hand in answer to your uninvited hand,just touch it slightly-There is generally a misunderstanding among the Chinese that westerners are usually open and straightforward,while the Chinese are rather reserved (保守的) in manner.But in fact some people in western countries more reserved than some Chinese today.So it is a good idea to shake hands with a westerner only when he shows interest in further relations with you.

24.In the old days in Europe,people put out their unarmed hands to each otherC.
A.to make a deal                 B.to greet each other
C.to show friendliness           D.to reach an agreement
25.The first paragraph mainly tells usB.
A.where handshaking was first practiced
B.how handshaking came about
C.about the relationship between handshaking and trade
D.about the practice of handshaking both in Europe and in China
26.According to the text,which of the following statements is TRUE?C
A.Westerners are more reserved than the Chinese.
B.Westerners are unwilling to shake hands.
C.We should make a judgment before shaking hands.
D.We shouldn't shake hands with European women.
27.The main purpose of the text isB.
A.to tell us some differences between the East and the West
B.to offer us some important facts about handshaking
C.to introduce to us some different customs in the West
D.to give us some advice before we travel abroad.

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