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Last Sunday I am about to leave the Green Lake Park when I met a foreign visitor whose seemed to be lost. I tried to help him but I found we had difficulty in understand each other because of my poor English. Just at that moment, tall young lady came to our help. He spoke very good English. With her help, the foreign visitor finally found the way but I learned some English as well. Before he left, the foreigner thanked to us for our kindness. I was very exciting that day. This experience have made me realize that English is real useful and worth learning. I will work hard at it from now on.
Last Sunday I am about to leave the Green Lake Park when I met a foreign
visitor whose seemed to be lost. I tried to help him but I found we had
difficulty in understand each other because of my poor English. Just at that
moment, ¡Ätall young lady came to our help. He spoke very good English.
a She
With her help, the foreign visitor finally found the way but I learned some
English as well. Before he left, the foreigner thanked to us for our kindness. I
was very exciting that day. This experience have made me realize that English
excited has
is real useful and worth learning. I will work hard at it from now on.