

1. 外国人到澳大利亚怎样同当地人打招呼;

2. 拍别人的肩膀是否礼貌;

3. 点头是否表示同意;

4. 摇头是否表示否定;

5. 耸肩是否表示怀疑;

6. 鼓掌是否表示祝贺。

注意:1. 行文应连贯,内容应完整;

2. 词数120左右。信的开头与结尾已为你写好,不计入词数。





                                                                Li Hua






    I’m going to Australia for my holiday this winter. I’m writing to ask you some questions about body language. I wonder whether they are different from that in China.

    First, as a foreigner, how should I say “hello” to the Australians?

    Second, is it polite to pat others on the shoulder?

    Third, does it mean I agree to nod my head while to shake my head means I will say no?

    Fourth, can I move my shoulders upside if I want to show my doubt?

    Fifth, can I applaud if I want to show my congratulations on the others’ success?

    I will be thankful to receive your letter. I’m looking forward to your reply.

    Best wishes.


                                                                    Li Hua


【解析】 略



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