
A 16-year-old male student had been      infected with bird flu in Hunan province , the fourth case of  human bird flu found in China.

A. committed            B. confirmed        C. convinced        D. considered


The other day at the supermarket, I saw a naughty child of about six crying loudly, falling to the floor and refusing to move. All the while the troubled mother was trying to persuade him to behave well but failed. A little smack (掴打) on his bottom would have done the job, I thought.

Teenagers also cause discipline problems. As a teacher I had a 16-year-old student who had fallen in love with a waiter at a fast-food restaurant. In fact, she had left home to stay with him. So we decided to put her in the school hostel. She refused. When she heard her mother begging her to stay in the hostel she turned round and said: “Why don’t you stay in the hostel if you like it so much?”

My palms were itching to slap her for being so rude but the poor mother continued to cajole her, hoping that gentle persuasion would work wonders. It did not. The last I heard, she had run away from home again.

    The list goes on and on. Could it be that today’s parents are softer and believe that they must not rod (棍棒惩罚) their children for fear of the bad result? Or do they actually believe that the children will get rid of the bad habits and behave well naturally as they grow older? I beg to disagree. I believe it is the parents’ duty to discipline the children even at a young age.

    My children who are now adults will prove the fact that I used the rod when I thought it necessary. Later when they went abroad, they related to their British university friends on how they were disciplined. Their friends abroad were filled with horror and told my daughter that I could be charged for child abuse (虐待). However, my daughter paid me the greatest compliment when she told them that she would not be where she was today if not for my strict discipline.

According to the passage, the author would probably _______.

   A. beat the children every day        B. punish the children when necessary

   C. 1eave the children as they are      D. treat the children in a softer way

The underlined word “to cajole” (in Paragraph 3) probably means _______.

   A. to persuade      B. to scold       C. to forgive      D. to punish

Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

   A. The naughty boy’s mother hit him on the bottom at last.

   B. The teenager’s mother lived together with her daughter in the school then.

   C. The author was charged for child abuse by her daughter’s friends abroad.

   D. The author’s daughter was very thankful for her parent’s strict discipline.

Which of the following can be the best title of this passage?

   A. Respect Parents   B. Spoil Kids   C. Value Discipline  D. Protect Kids

Education cuts(削减) have become routine (惯常的) over the past few years, which has made it difficult for students to learn. The results of a survey of 1,850 Los Angeles County high school students show just how much the cuts are affecting students.
Because of teacher layoffs (解雇), class sizes at some high schools have risen to 50 students — even in math and English classes. Some 37 percent of students report that they sometimes don’t have a desk to sit at. Sixty-seven percent say crowded classrooms make them feel the teachers don’t have enough time to teach, and 30 percent say they’ve not been able to join in a program because it’s no longer offered at their school.
At a time when technology is an important skill, 52 percent of students say there aren’t enough computers. Or they’re often broken, and there’s no one to fix them. Fifty-one percent say they’ve had to share textbooks with a classmate because there aren’t enough copies to go around. Fifty-seven percent say they’ve had to copy information because their school doesn’t have enough paper to make copies.
“We have only one science teacher for the entire(整个的) high school,” writes Felix Ruano, a 16-year-old student. He goes on to describe how that teacher, who is only qualified to teach chemistry, is teaching physics — or, at least, is trying to do so. “He shows physics videos and we teach ourselves from our textbook,” says Ruano. And, as has been seen elsewhere, “all but one of the restrooms” at Ruano’s school “have been closed because we don’t have enough people to clean them.”
Ruano notes that though faced with the challenges, 97 percent of students say they plan to go to college. But without “properly trained teachers and the best resources,” says Ruano, it’s not likely that every student will achieve that goal. “Unless schools fix these problems,” he says, “students could lose hope.”
【小题1】According to the text, education cuts have led to the following results EXCEPT that _____.

A.class sizes at some high schools have risen
B.some students don’t have a desk to sit at
C.some students have to share textbooks
D.some students have to leave school
【小题2】The underlined word “qualified” in the fourth paragraph can best be replaced by “_____”.
【小题3】According to Ruano, _____.
A.he is good at teaching himself
B.most students plan to go to college
C.his school is going to be closed
D.most students are hopeful about their school
【小题4】What would be the best title for the text?
A.What caused education cuts?B.Education cuts, right or wrong?
C.Education cuts have hurt studentsD.How to deal with education cuts

A report, published in last week's Journal of the American Medical Association, offers a picture of how risky it is to get a lift from a teenage driver. Indeed, a 16-year-old driver with three or more passengers is three times as likely to have a fatal(致命)accident as a teenager driving alone. By contrast, the risk of death for drivers between 30 and 59 decreases with each additional passenger.
The author also found that the death rates for teenage drivers increased dramatically after 10 p. m.,and especially after midnight. With passengers in the car,the driver was even more likely to die in a late night accident.
Robert Foss, a scientist at the University of North Carolina Highway Safety Research Center, says the higher death rates for teenage drivers have less to do with "really stupid behavior" than with just a lack of driving experience. "The basic thing, "he says, "is that adults who are responsible for issuing(发放) licenses fail to recognize how skilled a task driving is. "
Both he and the author of the study believe that the way to reduce the harm is to have so-called graduated licensing systems, in which getting a license is a slower process. A graduated license requires that a teenager first prove himself capable of driving in the presence of an adult, followed by a period of driving at night with a limited number of passengers before graduating to get a full driving license.
Graduated licensing systems have reduced teenage driver crashes, according to recent studies. About half of the states now have some sort of graduated licensing system in place, but only 10 of those states have number limitation on passengers. California is the strictest, with a new driver prohibited from carrying any passenger under 20 for the first six months.
76.Which of the following situations is most dangerous according to the passage?
A. Adults giving a lift to teenagers on the highway after 10 p. m.
B. A teenager driving after midnight with passengers in the car.
C. Adults driving with three or more teenage passengers late at night.
D. A teenager getting a lift from a stranger on the highway at midnight.
77.According to Robert Foss, the high death rate of teenage drivers is mainly due to_______.
A. their frequent driving at night         B. their lack of driving experience
C. their improper way of driving         D. their driving with passengers
78.Which of the following statements is true according to Paragraph 3 ?  
A. Teenagers should spend more time learning to drive.
B. Driving is a skill too difficult for teenagers to learn.
C. Teenagers should be limited in taking driving lessons.
D. People issuing license are partly responsible for the accidents.
79.A suggested measure to be taken to reduce teenagers'driving accidents is that_______
A. driving in the presence of an adult should be made a rule.
B. they should be forbidden to take on passengers
C. they should not be allowed to drive after 10 p. m.
D. the licensing systems should be improved
80.The present situation in about half of the states is that the graduated licensing system_______.
A. is under discussion              B. is about to be set up
C. has been put into effect                 D. has been perfected

A. Bionic Woman
Wed, Sept. 26, 9PM on NBC
Jaime Sommers is an ordinary woman whose world turns upside down when she’s involved in a fatal car accident. Her scientist boyfriend uses his medical skills to save her life by giving her a bionic eye, ear, arm and legs. But in the process he transforms her life into one filled with danger, action and adventure.
B. Journeyman
Mon., Sept. 24, 10PM on NBC
Dan Vasser is a San Francisco newspaper reporter and family man who accidentally begins to travel through time. Along the way, he also must deal with the difficulties at work and home which were brought on by his sudden disappearances. However, his travels reunite him with his long-lost finance (未婚妻), which complicates his present-day life.
C. Life Is Wild
Sun., Oct. 7, 8:00PMon The CW
Teen Katie faces a culture clash when her dad and his new wife decide to move their family from Manhattan to South Africa .While Katie must learn to adapt to (适应)the new surroundings —a ropey lodge (破旧的山林小屋) in the middle of an animal preserve. The family must bond together in order to deal with the change.
D. Samantha Who?
Mon, Oct. 15, 9:30PM on ABC
Samantha wakes from a coma after eight days—with no memory of who she is or her former life. Slowly, she begins to learn she had a terrible relationship with her parents, treated her boyfriend badly and had no close friend; in general, she wasn’t a very nice person. It’s not easy for her to tell the difference between goodness and evil.
E. Big Shots
Thu, Sept. 27, 10PM on ABC
Four high-ranking executives who are at the top of their fields become friends in a club. These competitive but despairing New York CEOs take refuge in their friendship, discussing business, confiding secret, confiding secrets, seeking advice and supporting one another through life’s twists and turns. They desire to find the best ways to mix business with pleasure.
F. Criminal Minds
Thu, Sep.22, 9PM on CBS
A team of FBI experts(专家)analyze the country’s most twisted criminal minds, anticipating (估计)their next move before they strike again. Each member of the “mind hunter” team brings their own area of expertise on the table as they pinpoint (精确地找到, 准确地轰炸) predators’ motivations and identify(识别, 认明, 鉴定) their emotional triggers(起因) in order to stop them.
Frances, who married a foreign man two years ago, faces culture shock in the new family. She is not familiar with the new culture, which causes a few problems. She wants to see how other people adapt to the new surroundings.
Charles is a 16-year-old boy who is dreaming to become a detective. He once happened to watch a TV program which shows how to analyze criminal minds. Since then, he’s been collecting information about that.
Janet is always curious about how science changes people’s life. Besides, she is very interested in those stories about people who get supernatural power after some accidents.
Mr. Smith is a manager in a company, but still feels depressed. He finds nothing other than unhappiness in his job. It’s necessary for him to find balance between wording and living. He is eager to watch something about this.
Steven is a little boy whose mother always tells him stories about people traveling through time. Fascinated about such stories, he is eager to watch such teleplays.
观众                         电视剧
【小题1】Frances                    A. Bionic Woman
【小题2】Charles                    B. Journeyman
【小题3】Janet                      C. Life Is Wild
【小题4】Mr. Smith                  D. Samantha Who?
【小题5】Steven                    E. Big Shots
      F. Criminal Minds

Obesity(肥胖) in children and adolescents is rising at an alarming rate. Currently over 15% of young people over 6 years old are obese, and obesity is also increasing among children aged 5 and younger.

Children are considered to be overweight if the BMI(Body Mass Index) is over 85% of the weight group in their age and sex categories. If it is 95% and over, they are considered to be obese. Adolescents are generally judged according to adult criteria(标准) for obesity, although there are other considerations in this population, for many factors will affect the result of these measurements.

Causes and Risk Factors for Obesity in Children

Lifestyle Factors. Without educational or parental guidance, children are extremely greatly exposed to the cultural pressures that are largely responsible for growth of the obesity. Neither the media nor the educational system has strong programs that encourage healthy way of life, including exercise and healthy foods. The following are some specific problems created by the culture:

﹡Too much television watching plays an important role in obesity in children. Not only is it a passive activity, but television also offers countless temptations(诱惑) with its advertisements for fast foods, sugar cereals, and unhealthy snacks. In one study obesity rate were lowest in children who watched television one hour or less a day and highest in those who watched four or more hours.

﹡Sugar, particularly from soda, other sweet drinks, and fruit juice, may be major contributors to childhood obesity. One study reported that drinking soda regularly increases a child’s risk for obesity by 60%.

﹡Less physical exercise and greater sitting activities play another significant role in obesity in children. A high level of physical activity – not just using up energy – is important for weight control in young people.

Family History. Parental obesity more than doubles the risk that a young child, whether thin or overweight, will become obese as an adult. In older children and teenagers, obesity in parents starts to affect less as a predictor(预言) for body weight than their own weight. The risk may be due to environmental or genetic factors, or both.

Ethnic and Socioeconomic Factors. As in adult populations, children from lower socioeconomic groups and minority populations are at higher risk for obesity. For example, among young Mexican Americans and African Americans, there has been an increase in overweight trend of about 13% to over 23%.

69.What’s the main idea of the passage? ______________.

A. The trend of obesity                B. Causes of obesity

C. Fight against obesity                D. Obesity in children

70.How many main factors leading to obesity in children are mentioned?

A. 2              B. 3                C. 4                 D. 5

71.According to the passage, which of the following children is most likely to be obese?

A. A 5-year-old child whose parents are overweight.

B. A 16-year-old teenager whose parents are obese.

C. A child who watches TV one hour per day.

D. A child who take regular exercise.

72.Which of the following is NOT true?

A. Parents should give some guidance on healthy lifestyles.

B. Watching TV four hours a day will surely lead to obesity in children.

C. Children from minority populations are more likely to be obese.

D. Children should take more physical exercises.


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