When my grandfather left school£¬he got his first job as a office worker£®In those days£¬he was extreme thin£®He paid very little£¬so he could not afford to eating a lot£®I have one or two photos of her from that time£¬and he looks just like me£¬but a lot thin!When he grew older£¬he worked at all sorts of thing£¬such as reporting for a local newspaper and worked as a part-time salesman£®He worked hardly all his life£¬but he always found out time for the things he enjoyed£¬like going fishing on weekends or reading books at home£®
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½â´ð When my grandfather left school£¬he got his first job as a office worker£®In those days£¬he was extreme thin£®He¡Äpaid very little£¬so he could not afford to eating a lot£®I have one or two photos of her from that time£¬and he looks just like me£¬but a lot thin!When he grew older£¬he worked at all sorts of thing£¬such as reporting for a local newspaper and worked as a part-time salesman£®He worked hardly all his life£¬but he always found out time for the things he enjoyed£¬like going fishing on weekends or reading books at home£®
1£®a¸ÄΪan ¿¼²é¹Ú´Ê£® workerÊÇ¿ÉÊýÃû´Ê£¬Òòoffice¶ÁÒôÒÔ·¢ÔªÒô¿ªÍ·£¬Óò»¶¨¹Ú´Êan±íʾ·ºÖ¸£®
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A£® | mentioned | B£® | mentioning | C£® | to mention | D£® | mention |
A£® | wouldn't have fallen | B£® | hadn't fallen | ||
C£® | should fall | D£® | were to fall |