
In New York there are some neighborhoods are full of people from same country.For example,in the southern part of the city has New York's Chinatown.New Yorkers from all part of the city like to go here.They enjoy shopping at the Chinese stores and eat at the Chinese restaurants.But most of the people live in Chinatown are Chinese.The shop signs are all writing in Chinese.Everyone in the shops speak Chinese.This is one of the crowding and colorful neighborhoods in the city.

分析 本文介绍了纽约唐人街的情况,唐人街的位置,他们的生活起居购物等情况.

解答 In New York there are some neighborhoodsare full of people from∧same country.For example,in the southern part of the city has New York's Chinatown.New Yorkers from all part of the city like to gohere.They enjoy shopping at the Chinese stores and eat at the Chinese restaurants.But most of the people live in Chinatown are Chinese.The shop signs are all writing in Chinese.Everyone in the shops speak Chinese.This is one of the crowding and colorful neighborhoods in the city.
1.去掉are 考查固定句型.本句是一个there be 结构的句子,在后文neighborhoods are full of people from same country这里的are是多余的,full of 在句中做定语修饰neighborhoods.
2.same前面加the 考查固定搭配.the same 是英语中的固定搭配,the是冠词,此处为特指.
3.has改成is 考查倒装.本句的主语是New York's Chinatown,谓语动词用单数.句意:中国的唐人街在纽约南部.
4.part改为parts 考查名词的数.part 是可数名词"部分"前面用all修饰,所以应该用复数形式.
5.here改为there 考查副词.根据句意:在纽约其他地方的人都喜欢去那里.所以用there.
6.eat改为eating 考查非谓语.enjoy的并列宾语是shopping和eating,所以用动名词做宾语.
7.live改为living 考查非谓语.此处用填的是定语living是现在分词在句中做定语修饰people,people与live之间是主谓关系.
8.writing改为written  考查被动.The shop signs 与write之间是被动关系,应该用被动语态,所以填written.
9.speak改为speaks 考查主谓一致.Everyone做主语谓语动词用单数,因为文章叙述用的是一般现在时,所以speaks.
10.crowding 改为crowded 考查形容词.此处要填写定语crowded是形容词"拥挤的".

点评 短文改错首先要通读全文,了解短文的中心思想,再分析句式结构,弄清句子间的结构关系,然后运用所掌握的语法,词汇等基本知识找出错误加以改正.

1.An American teacher walked up and down in a classroom while she was teaching stress management to her students.As she(41)Ba glass of water,everyone(42)D they would be asked the"half empty or half-full"question.
(43)C,with a smile on her face,she asked,"how (44)Ais this glass of water?"
Answers called out(45)B from eight to twenty ounces(盎司).
She quieted the students down and then replied,"The absolute weight doesn't (46)D.It all depends on how long I hold it.If I hold it for a minute,it's not a(47)C.If I hold it for an hour,I'll have an ache in  my(48)A.If I hold it for a day,my arm will feel(49)C and paralyzed.In each case,the(50)Aof the glass of water doesn't change,but the longer I hold it,the heavier it becomes.Do you know why?"
All the students kept silent and listened carefully,lost in thought.
She continued,"Our(51)Band worries in life are like that glass of water.Think about them for a while and(52)D  happens.Think about them a bit longer and they begin to(53)B
.And if you think about them all day long,you will feel paralyzed(54)C to do anything."
It's important to remember to(55)Dyour stresses.As early in the evening as possible,put all your (56)Adown.Don't carry them through the evening and into the night.Remember to put the glass down!
More often than not life gets terrible (57)Bwe think too much.And the moment you remove your burden,you'll find yourself feeling so much more (58)D.
So rather than moping around (闲逛) and feeling sorry for yourself,(59)Bdoing something about it.After all,life is too short to (60)Cyourself to anything that's not making you happy.
55.A.catch up withB.take charge ofC.put up withD.let go of
2:30AMSave My Planet (Repeat)
Learn how to keep electronics out of rubbish; a man that changes old shipping containers into homes; a community in Costa Rica that does well in eco-tourism.
3:00AMMary Talks Money (Repeat,TVPG)
Tips on lending money to family and friends.
4:00AMMirror Mirror Thrift
How to find the best deals in thrift stores (二手店); commonly asked beauty questions,breaking fashion rules.
4:30AMHome with Lisa Quinn
Mixing traditional and modern design elements (元素); how to style impressive food; creating a comfortable home.
5:00AMSay Ahh (Repeat)
The hosts discuss the causes of heart disease,its diagnosis,and the treatments for those with the disease.
6:30AMEveryday Living
Quick beauty tips; protect yourself from money problems; the four most common parenting mistakes.
7:00AMMy Green House
Jesse looks into global warming; Andy talks about sustainable (可持续的) cleaning; an eco-friendly supply store.
7:30AMAdvice for Life (Repeat)
Cap you save your father from himself?Starting over at 60?Laughter really is the best medicine.
*TVPG:Programs for children with parents'guidance
25.According to the text,Save My Planet is mainly aboutC.
A.science development
B.international tourism
C.environmental protection 
D.ways to build homes
26.Which of the following content can't children watch alone?A
A.Tips on lending money to family and friends.
B.The four most common parenting mistakes.
C.Commonly asked beauty questions.
D.Creating a comfortable home.
27.Which of the following programs may help you deal with money problems?D
A.Advice for Life.
B.Home with Lisa Quinn.
C.Say Ahh.
D.Everyday Living.
5.One day a man was walking in the street when he met a penguin (企鹅).It was a handsome and very brave bird. It seemed to take an immediate liking to the man,because it walked up to him and then followed him wherever he went.This was funny for a while but in the end became rather embarrassing(尴尬的).
"Go away,you silly bird,''the man said to the penguin,but the bird ignored him.It simply would not leave him alone.Wherever he went,the bird went too.At last,in desperation (绝望) the man walked into a police station."Excuse me,officer."he said."I need some advice.I met this penguin in the street and I don't know what to do with it."
A bored policeman looked up from what he was writing and said,"Just take it to the zoo,sir.''
"Oh,all right.''said the man.
The next day the man was walking along the street,still accompanied (陪伴) by the penguin,when he met the policeman he'd spoken to the day before.The policeman was not pleased to see them."I thought I advised you to take that animal to the zoo,"he said.
"Well,yes,officer,you did.And I did take him to the zoo,"the man explained."And we had a great time. But we can't go to the zoo every day.I thought today I'd take him to the movies.''
21.Which of the following expressions can be used to describe the penguin?D
A.Ugly looking.  
B.Beautiful in heart.
C.Silly in look. 
D.Friendly to human.
22.The man went into the police station toC.
A.sell the bird to the police
B.get something to feed the bird
C.ask for advice about what to do with the penguin
D.ask the police to kill the bird
23.Which statement is true?C
A.The penguin received a nice treat at the police station.
B.The policeman took the bird to the zoo.
C.The policeman who received the man was not patient with him.
D.The policeman felt sorry for not giving any help.
15.They have no brains and no spines (脊椎).You can often see right through them.But they can cause painful,sometimes deadly stings (刺伤).Some can even glow in the dark!Scientists know them as medusas,but most people call them jellyfish.
Jellyfish are not really fish.Jellyfish have stomachs and mouths,but no heads.They have nervous systems for sensing the world around them.They are made almost entirely of water,which is why you can look through them.Most jellyfish live in salt water,apart from a few types that live in fresh water.Jellyfish are found in oceans and seas all over the world.They live in warm,tropical seas and in ice waters near the North and South Poles.
Adult jellyfish are shaped like an open umbrella or a bell.A Jellyfish has tentacles (触须) at the edges of its body.At the center of a jellyfish's body,where it is widest,is the mouth.The ends of the tentacles have sting cells on them,which jellyfish use to catch their prey (猎物).Some jellyfish have powerful stings that can kill people.
Most jellyfish eat fish,tiny creatures and even other jellyfish.Once a jellyfish stings and catches its prey,it takes the prey to its mouth and swallows it.
Some jellyfish are very small,no longer than a marble (弹子).Others are quite large.The largest jellyfish can grow to about 7feet (about 2meters) across and weight hundreds of pounds!Jellyfish may be blue,orange,pink,yellow,purple,and other colors.
Some jellyfish can glow in the dark by making their own light.The light is made by a chemical reaction inside the jellyfish.Scientists believe jellyfish glow for several reasons.For example,they may glow to attract animals they prey on.
24.What is the second paragraph mainly about?D
A.What jellyfish live on.
B.What jellyfish look like.
C.How jellyfish move.
D.What jellyfish are.
25.What is in the center of a jellyfish's body?B
A.Its brain.
B.Its mouth.
C.Its nervous system.
D.Its stomach.
26.How does a jellyfish catch and eat its prey?C
A.It stings and catches its prey,then sends it into its mouth to chew it.
B.It bites the prey with its mouth,chews it with its teeth and then swallows it.
C.It stings the prey with its tentacles and then swallows it directly.
D.It tears the prey into small pieces and sends it into its mouth to swallow it.
27.What can we learn from the text?A
A.Some jellyfish can make a person die.
B.Most jellyfish live in fresh water.
C.Most jellyfish can be planted in the ocean.
D.Jellyfish only have five colors.
2.The Disney theme park,its first on the Chinese mainland and the second in Greater China,after Hong Kong Disneyland,will open in Shanghai on June 16,a Thursday.Tickets on sale will begin on March 28,2016.
A standard single day ticket for the Shanghai Disney Resort costs 370 yuan ( 56.2),while a peak-day ticket for festival and holiday periods will be sold for 499 yuan,the resort announced on February 3rd.
Children between 1 and 1.4 meters tall and seniors aged over 65 years old can enjoy a 25% discount on the ticket price.A two-day ticket will be available at a 5 percent discount.
Tickets can be booked on the official website www.shanghaidisneyresort.com or through the hotline 400-180-0000.
In comparison with the other five Disney parks around the world,a one-day ticket for the Hong Kong Disney costs 539 Hong Kong dollars ( 69.2)for adults aged 16 to 64 years old,while that for the theme park in Tokyo is being sold at 6,900 yen ( 58).
Disney says the park will also reflect Chinese culture.The combination of Disney and Chinese cultures will be seen in many classic Chinese designs,such as a teahouse-Wandering Moon.Celebrations of seasonal festivals and stage shows will also include Chinese language,performers,theatrics and acrobatics(杂技).
The resort is expected to bring 5 million new passengers annually to the Pudong International Airport after it opens.It is also expected to attract 10 million visits a year.
21.How much will a couple pay if they visit the park with a 1.3-meter tall kid on National Day?D
A.About 830 yuan.
B.About 1020 yuan.
C.About 1120 yuan.
D.About 1370 yuan.
22.According to the text,what makes the Shanghai Disney Resort special?B
A.Its ticket system.
B.Its Chinese characteristics.
C.The size of the park.
D.The entertaining equipment.
23.Which is TRUE about the Shanghai Disney Resort?A
A.10 million visits are expected a year.
B.Its single day admission is the highest.
C.Tickets are available only on the website.
D.It is the first theme park on the Chinese mainland.
19.Design your own adventure spent at IZE's Blue Creek Field Station by choosing 2activities per day from the list below.
Short Cave Hike:2-hour activity where you will be exposed to the ultimate tropical rainforest experience.At every turn along the trail a novel experience awaits.Perhaps it's a trail of leaf cutter ants or a delicate tree snake.You will follow your Maya Guides up a steep tend to the entrance of one of the most spectacular limestone caves in Belize.
Ethnobotany Walk:3-hour activity where you will explore the medicinal and cookery    uses of the local herbs,plants and trees.The Mayans were masters at using the jungle's natural    resources for their medical needs.You will learn about the vines that store drinking water and    other remarkable remedies(疗法)that nature offers.You will get a first hand look at the crops    the Maya harvest such as cocoa,mango,rice,beans,etc.
Hokeb Ha Cave Hike:Spend time in one of the most spectacular limestone caves in    Belize.The name of this cave means"where the water enters the earth."Stalactites(钟乳石)    hang from the ceiling,and colonies of bats live in the darkest gaps.Be on the 1ookout for    Mayan artifacts over 1000years old.
Iguana Hike:2-4hour activity where you will swim and hike along the clear blue fiver    as you look for lizards in the high trees.Can you identify which species;is it the spectacular dinosaur looking green lizards?Belize is home to many of the 3,800species of lizardsln the world!
21.At short Cave Hike,youB.
A.will be lost in the tropical forest
B.may enjoy unexpected views on the way
C.can be bitten by the tree snakes occasionally
D.need to follow the track of ants in the forests
22.What activity can improve your skills of living in the wild?A
A.Ethnobotanv Walk.    
B.Short Cave Hike.
C.Iguana Hike.
D.Hokeb Ha Cave Hike.
23.We can infer that Hokeb Ha Cave might beD.
A.the source of the water on the Earth
B.the habitat of bats in Belize
C.the entrance to the earth[
D.home to ancient Mayans.

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