
Guided Writing

Directions:Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.


One possible version:

The famous Chinese saying that it’s the parents’ fault if the child is not well taught indicates that family plays a very important role in children’s growth. While another idiom goes like this “birds of a feather flock together”, which affirms friends’ great influence on people. Both sayings are truisms, but in my point of view, family is the most important influence on young adults.

It is not exaggeration that family plays the utmost role in our life. This is the place we live, learn and grow. As young adults are not yet independent, mostly they live with their parents, brothers or sisters, and then inevitably they exert a subtle influence on young adults’ character. Adolescence is a vital period of one’s life. Many people form their character and outlook on life in their youth.

There are many examples that children in a good family environment become contributors to society. While at the same time we can see that juvenile delinquency increases just because the divorce rate increases. Once parents divorce, the family falls apart. Without parents’ instruction or influence, it’s easy for children to be led astray.

On the whole, compared with their peers, family is more important to teenagers. Parents must provide the best environment and behave themselves better. But all children must look after their own upbringing. Parents can only give good advice and put them on right roads, and the final forming of their character lies in their own hands.


British researchers are looking for volunteers willing to eat a piece of chocolate daily for a year in the name of science. The trial(实验) will explore whether flavonoids (类黄酮) found in chocolate and other foods can reduce the risk of heart disease.

“We are looking at a high risk group first,” said Aedin Cassidy, a biochemist who will lead the study.

Previous studies have suggested dark chocolate is rich in the beneficial flavonoids linked with heart health, but experts note the high sugar and fat content of most commercially available chocolate might cancel out some of the advantages. Other research has also shown dark chocolate appears to lower blood pressure, improve the function of blood vessels (血管)and reduce the risk of heart attack.

This has encouraged companies to market specific products containing dark chocolate. Mars Inc has introduced Cocoa Via, a line of dark and premium chocolates that plays up such health advantages.

Cassidy said her team will also publish findings in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showing that flavonoids found in soy and cocoa appear to have the strongest effects of reducing risk of heart disease.

The next step will organize 150 women volunteers with a specific illness. The researchers will look at whether flavonoids help reduce blood pressure, cut cholesterol levels and improve the condition of blood vessels.

Half the women in the year-long study will eat chocolate containing 30 grams of flavonoids found in soy, cocoa and other fruits and vegetables. The others will get chocolate without the active flavonoids.

“This could help doctors give advice to patients on the type and amount of foods to eat to reduce heart disease risk—and it does not necessarily need to be chocolate,” Cassidy said. “If this trial works we will be able to advise on a whole range of foods. People won't have to go around eating specially designed chocolate.”

1. What is the best title for the passage?

A. Volunteers wanted for chocolate study.           B. Chocolate is good for health.

C. A new research on heart attacks.                  D. Flavonoids found in chocolate.

2. What’s the purpose of the trial?

A. To test the advantages of a new kind of chocolate.

B. To find cures for heart disease.

C. To discover how to control blood pressure.

D. To explore the advantages of flavonoids.

3. From Paragraph 3 we can infer that __________.

A. Cassidy’s team has done several studies on chocolate

B. dark chocolate has proved beneficial to health

C. people should eat much chocolate with high sugar and fat

D. most commercially available chocolate doesn’t contain flavonoids

4. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A. All the volunteers will eat the same chocolate.

B. CocoaVia is a company that produces dark chocolate.

C. People who want to take part in the trial should be healthy.

D. Soy, cocoa, some fruit and vegetables contain flavonoids.

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