
  _______ by the police, the kidnappers had nothing to do but ______ up.

         A. Surrounding...to give                     B. Having surrounded...give

         C. Surrounded...to give                      D. Surrounded...give


Cafe Hub

Next to the Castle lies The Hub, home of the Edinburgh International Festival and one of the most talked about spots in town. Our cafe is open every day for mouth-watering lunches, snacks and fine dining. Come in and enjoy the atmosphere of The Hub or watch the world go by from our beautiful terrace.

The Hub, Castlehill, Royal Mile, Edinburgh.

Open every day from 9:30 a.m.till late.

Tel:0131173 2067 www.thehub-edinburgh.com

Farm World

Enjoy being“A Farmer for a Day”.Join in delivering and feeding our spring babies—bottle feeding sessions twice daily. Fun for all family. Horse Rides, BMX Bikes Cross Country Course. Tractor Ride through 600 acres, New Adventure Playground, Nature Trails. Full details on website.

Open:May—Oct Wednesdays to Saturdays and daily during school holidays 11 a.m.—5 p.m.

Tel:01797 260256/260321 www.farmworldrye.co.uk

Enter the Europe-wide student competition!

Are you curious, creative and energetic? Are you interested in the new media? Are you between 12 and 9 years of age? Then Join Multimedia 2010 is for you!

Your challenge will be to build a team and develop a multimedia presentation in English--based on one of three different topics. You can register between May 1 and June 15,2010 and will have to turn in your entry before September 15,2010.

The rewards are wonderful:£150,000 in prize for schools and teams and the chance to attend a European student camp—plus new experiences, an opportunity to make friends throughout Europe!

For further information and registration forms go to:www.siemens.com/ join. multimedia.

You’ll have to register first if you want_________.

  A.to enjoy delicious food

  B.to try Tractor Ride through 600 acres

  C.to enter the Europe-wide student competition

  D.to watch the world go by from the beautiful terrace

You can visit Farm Wrold_________.

  A.on Monday in May                    B.any day in October

C.at 2 p.m.at Christmas                  D.at 10:30 a.m. during school holidays

.From the advertisements above,we can learn that_________.

  A.Cafe Hub is a popular place in the local area

  B.families can enjoy Horse Rides on New Adventure Playground

  C.Farm World provides lunches,snacks and fine dining

  D.the Europe-wide student competition will be held on June 15,2010


I stayed at home with my 5-year-old daughter Lily. When I was reading some magazines, Lily played in the living room. But after a while I noticed nothing but  31     .           

She had never been so quiet. Was she   32   ? I asked what she was doing. The   33    finally came after I   34   my question three times. I heard “Nothing”. Never could I believe she just stayed there and kept quiet. So I walked into the living room. She hurried off. I   35    her to turn around but she   36  . I got a little angry. “Young lady,” I said, “turn around!”

  37   she turned toward me. In her hand was my wife’s new lipstick, only a little   38  . Besides her lips, every inch of her face was covered with bright red.

As she looked up at me with   39   eyes, I really got angry. I was about to   40   at her so that she would know what a mistake she had made.  41   before I could shout, I noticed the big letters she had written on her white skirt with the lipstick, “I’M  A  PERFECT  ANGEL!”

Something strange   42  me. I looked back at her red face. This time, instead of seeing a  43  girl, I saw a little angel that I had almost missed!

“Lily, I heard you speak to the toys just now. I guess you were teaching them how to use the lipstick. But should an angel use her mom’s lipstick like this?” Lily lowered her head, “Sorry. I won’t do it again.” I smiled. “Go and wash your face and let’s get a new  44  for mom.”

Every child is an angel. I felt   45  that I didn’t hurt the angel through treating her mistake in a right way.

31. A. sound          B. laughter       C. silence        D. music

32. A. sleeping        B. laughing       C. running       D. standing

33. A. news           B. result         C. report         D. reply

34. A. read            B. wrote         C. found         D. repeated

35. A. allowed         B. advised       C. ordered        D. persuaded

36. A. accepted        B. forgot         C. refused        D. understood

37. A. Suddenly        B. Slowly       C. Happily        D. Sadly

38. A. left             B. gone         C. lost           D. saved

39. A. excited          B. frightened     C. surprised       D. disappointed

40. A. shout            B. beat         C. drive          D. hold

41. A. But             B. So           C. And          D. Or

42. A. pulled           B. left          C. pushed         D. hit

43. A. foolish          B. bad           C. clever         D. boring

44. A. skirt            B. lipstick        C. present        D. magazine

45. A. sad             B. interesting      C. fortunate      D. sorry

The Festival of Cultures (August 11 – 14)

City Park

The Festival of Cultures is an annual event to celebrate the wide range of cultures found in our great state. People representing 40 cultural groups will share their traditions and customs. Here are just a few of the festival’s many activities.

Crafts (手工): See the fine art of basket weaving from Vietnam and Zimbabwe. Watch the delicate art of making paper umbrellas from Thailand and the decorative craft of paperl picado, or paper cutting, from Mexico. All craft demonstrations provide a firsthand view of how things are made. You will appreciate the process involved in making these products.

Music and Dance: Experience musical instruments that you have never heard before. Listening to the music of a sho from Japan, a bull-roarer from Australia, a sitar from India, and a chakay from Tailand. You will also be entertained by folk dances from around the world, such as the troika from Russia and the mayim from Israel. From 1:00 P.M. to 3:00 P.M. on August 14, special folk-dancing classes for children will be offered. Children ranging in age from 6 – 8 can learn the kinderpolka from Germany. Children ranging in age from 9 – 12 can learn the raspa from Mexico.

Storytelling: Listen for hours as professional storytellers charm you with interesting tales. Fables, folktales, and ballads from various countries will be told. By popular demand, Gwendolyn Washington, a famous African American storyteller, is back.

Food: Enjoy irresistible foods from other countries, such as gyros from Greece, seafood paella from Spain,

crepes from France, and tandoori chicken from India. These tasty dishes will be difficult to pass up.

Tickets August 11 - 13

Adults            $3

Ages 13 – 18       $2

Ages 6 – 12        $ 1

Ages 6 and under    Free

Tickets August 14

Adults            $3

Ages 13 – 18       $2

Ages 12 and under  Free


    It is midnight on September 22, 2012. The sky above Manhattan,New York is filled with a curtain of colorful light. New Yorkers are fascinated by the beautiful aurora (极光). However, their fascination is short-lived.

    Within a few seconds, electric bulbs dim and flicker (闪烁), then become unusually bright for a few seconds. Then all the lights go out. Within 90 seconds, the entire eastern half of the US is without power.

          Besides the US, Europe, Japan and China are also hit by the same terrible event. It is a violent solar flare (太阳耀斑) ,150 million kilometers away on the surface of the sun.

          Science fiction? No. A report funded by NASA and issued by the US National Academy of Sciences in January this year says it could happen.

    A massive solar flare is most likely on a spring or autumn night in 2012, according to the report.

    Solar flares are huge explosions on the surface of the sun. In a matter of just a few minutes they heat material to many millions of degrees and release as much energy as a billion megatons (百万吨) of TNT explosives. Solar flares release a stream of charged high-energy particles (粒子). They are called “solar winds”.

    If one solar “wind” should hit the Earth’s magnetic shield (磁场), the result could be terrible for humans.

    But there’s no need to run for cover from solar winds. They do not harm life on Earth, they only affect the way we live, especially since we depend so much on modern technology. They can pump extra electricity into power lines and pipelines, causing blackouts and fuel leaks. Solar winds are also known to affect mobile phone operations and may disrupt wireless Internet services.

    Moreover, solar winds can prevent normal satellite operations, and disrupt radio communications and navigation systems such as the Global Positioning System.

    Auroras are powered by solar wind. This wind blows past the Earth at about 400-700 km per second and creates storms in the Earth’s magnetic environment. In the polar regions these explode into southern or northern polar lights.

    The most serious solar storm that hit Earth in history happened in 1859. It caused the failure of telegraph systems in Europe and North America.

    So, for humans, the sun is a double-edged sword. Without the sun, there would be no life on Earth. Without the sun, Earth would be a frozen dark ball floating in space. However, on the other hand, the sun can disorder our lives from time to time.

56. What is the main idea of the passage?

         A. It introduces to readers the advantages and disadvantages of the sun.

         B. It describes a science fiction set in Manhattan on 22 September 2012.

         C. It shows readers the way in which solar winds form inside the sun.

         D. It explains what solar flares are and their effects on human life.

57. The first two paragraphs are written ____.

         A. to show a beautiful scene in a true story

         B. to describe the beautiful scenery of Manhattan

         C. to describe the power problem around the world

         D. to introduce the topic of this passage

58. What can we conclude from the passage?

         A. Solar flares will do great harm to those who are using the Internet.

         B. Solar flares cannot reach as far as the polar regions.

         C. Solar flares are huge explosions that happen inside the sun.

         D. But for our reliance on technology, solar flares wouldn’t

affect us so much.

59. Solar winds will likely affect us in the following ways EXCEPT that ____.

         A. normal satellite operations will be stopped

         B. the lights in the areas affected will go out at the same time

         C. people on the streets will be struck to death

         D. some navigation systems will be out of order

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