

1What is the woman doing?

A.Doing a survey.B.Hosting a program.C.Forecasting the weather.

2Which place experienced many thunderstorms last month?


3What should the normal temperature be in India at this time of year?

A.42 degrees.B.45 degrees.C.48 degrees.

4What is the weather like in Switzerland?

A.It is extremely hot.B.It has strong winds.C.It rains heavily.








W: Welcome to Science Today. A lot of people say that the climate is changing. But is that true? I’m joined today in the studio to discuss this question by Mark Pontin, head of the World Climate Organization. So Mark, is that true?

M: Well, yes. A whole series of very unusual weather phenomena have been noted over the past month. In the States, for example, there were more thunderstorms last month than in any previous month since records began.

W: There have been similar things all over the world, though, haven’t there?

M: Yes, indeed. India, for example, is one of several places in the world to have experienced particularly high temperature over the last month - at 45 degrees. This is three degrees above its normal temperature at this time of year. Sri Lanka, on the other hand, has experienced some unusually heavy rainfall.

W: Has anything special been happening in Europe?

M: Yes. England and Wales have had remarkably strong winds and Switzerland has been enjoying an amazing hot period - the country hasn’t had such a heat wave since the mid-18th century.



Electronic marketing is a form of product promotion and customer relation establishment conducted with the use of electronic media. With the development of technology, a new era in marketing has been created. Marketers have been quick to jump on subsequent (后来的) technological developments from radio to the Internet. Companies may market specially via electronic media or use a mixture of marketing media in order to reach a broad target audience. Marketing has a number of goals, including familiarizing people with companies and products, encouraging consumers to adopt specific products, and promoting a positive public opinion about a company, product, or service.

Electronic marketing is free to change its methods according to different circumstances. It allows companies to create targeted campaigns with broad reach. This form of marketing can also be very cost effective, making it possible for companies to reach lots of consumers at a small amount of the cost for other types of advertising.

In addition to media like television, radio, and the Internet, electronic marketers can use media such as phones for conveying advertisements. Talking ads mounted on bus stations and other public installations are another example. Electronic kiosks in locations like malls can also be used for marketing purposes. Marketers can create video brochures, insert ads in front of feature films, and find a number of other ways to reach the audience via electronic means.

Internet marketing in particular is rich ground for marketers. This form of electronic marketing can be generic (通用的), as in the case of banner ads placed on websites. It can also be remarkably specific, tailored to Internet use habits with the goal of reaching out to specific consumers. Marketers can serve different kinds of ads customize email marketing campaigns, and use other techniques to reach potential consumers on the Internet.

Some advertising firms specialize in electronic marketing services. They can help their customers organize effective campaigns and may also be involved in the carrying out of marketing campaigns. These firms keep up with the latest trends in marketing so that they can stay ahead with advertisements that will appeal and attract.

Companies must use electronic marketing with care. Some consumers may find such marketing upsetting, forcing companies to find creative ways to advertise that will arouse their interest instead of irritating them. It is also necessary to think about how advertising fits in with a company image and the ideals that a company wants to project. A company that prides itself on discretion(谨慎), for example, would probably not want to deliver an interruptive email marketing campaign based on browsing habits.

Passage Outline

Supporting details


Electronic marketing is to 1products and establish customer relations by using electronic media.

As technology develops, marketers have 2 their focus of technological developments from radio to the Internet.

Features of electronic marketing

Electronic marketing is 3 and it allows companies to make targeted campaigns in a wide range.

It is 4 to use electronic marketing than to use other types of advertising.

5 of electronic marketing

Many kinds of advertisements can be used to help marketers 6 marketing purposes.

7 on specific Internet use habits, marketers can reach specific potential consumers on the Internet.

Some advertising firms can help customers 8 and carry out marketing campaigns.

These firms follow the latest trends in marketing so that they can take a 9 position in the industry.


Some consumers may prefer creative ways of advertising that won't irritate them.

It is also necessary to consider how advertising 10 the image of a company and its ideals.


There are several names for Britain: Britain, Great Britain, the United Kingdom, and the UK. The official name is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: 1 large number of people call the country “England”, but this is not correct. England is only one part of the UK. However, it is the 2 (large) part in the UK. There are four “countries” in the UK—England, Scotland, Wales 3 Northern Ireland. 4 (be) an independent country, the Republic of Ireland (or Eire) isn’t part of the. UK.

London is the capital of the UK, as well as England, but all the other countries have their own smaller capital 5 (city), too.

Until 1603, Scotland and England were separate countries with their own monarchs (国王) and parliaments (国会). In that year, however, the English queen, Elizabeth I, 6 (die). She had no children, so James , the King of Scotland, became King James I of England. In 1999, Scotland got its own parliament again, 7 can make laws about some things.

The English king, Edward I, conquered Wales in the 13th century. Many people in Wales, 8 (special) in the north, speak Welsh as their first language and all children must learn Welsh at school. In some schools other subjects 9 (teach) in Welsh, too.

Elizabeth. ’s armies conquered Ireland in the 16th century and it later became part of the United Kingdom. There were a lot of problems in Ireland in the 19th century and thousands of people moved to the USA. In the 1920s, the south achieved 10 (independent), but Northern Ireland is still part of the UK.

【题目】 Last week I did something that scared me. I stood in front of nearly 200 financial planners and I talked to them about why financial blogs are a good thing. I'm a confident writer. I've been doing this long enough that I know my strength and my limitations. I'm less confident as a speaker. I don't have time to pause to collect my thoughts. I'm not able to edit. I'm afraid of being trapped in a corner without being able to talk my way out. Basically, I'm scared to speak.

It would be easy to simply refuse the chances that come my way. When somebody asks me to speak in front of a group, I could say "no". When radio and television stations call for an interview, I could say "no". But for the past two years, I've been following my own policy to say "yes" to new chances.

To say "yes" is to live in fear. My goal is to continually improve myself to become better than I am today. One way to do that is to do the things that scare me, to take them on as challenges, and to learn from them—even if I fail.

In mid-November, a local station asked me to appear on live television. "I realize it's short notice," the producer wrote, "but we'd love to have you on the show if you're available tonight." I was frightened. I thought about recent taped television interviews that I had hated. I was afraid of what might happen.

But I also thought about the things that had gone right. I thought of how my speaking skills had improved over the past year. And then I thought of the book I was reading, a book that I had bought for $1.29 at the local store. The Magic of Thinking Big was a huge bestseller during the 1960s. Written by Dr. David Schwartz, a professor at Georgia State University, the book contains dozens of practical tips on how to take risks to achieve big goals. Schwartz argues that nobody will believe in you until you believe in yourself.

So when the television producer asked if I wanted to appear on his show, I thought big. "Sure," I said. "I'll do it." I acted confidently, but on the inside I was frightened. What I needed was techniques to build up my confidence and to overcome my fear.

1Why is the author afraid of speaking in public?

A.He is aware of his potential.B.He has few chances to talk.

C.He is not able to edit what he says.D.He likes writing better.

2The underlined words "my own policy" in Paragraph 2 probably mean ________.

A.self-improving through challenges

B.hesitating before chances

C.turning down the invitations

D.saying yes to fear

3The author mentioned the book The Magic of Thinking Big mainly because ________.

A.it was inspiringB.it was a bestseller

C.its author was famousD.its price was attractive

4What is the author's purpose to write the passage?

A.To analyze his strength and weaknesses.

B.To give practical tips on speaking in public.

C.To persuade people to follow his example.

D.To share his experiences of overcoming fear.

【题目】 Scott Poore is an animal lover. He moves into the shelter kennel(犬舍)with the _______ of helping unwanted young dogs get adopted. Queen, a 3-year-old dog, has just gotten the most _______ roommate despite the narrow living room.

Since Poore is a _______ visitor at the shelter, he is familiar with all of the _______.However, little Queen in particular has really _______ his heart. Poore says that he recently began to notice that Queen seemed to be 'losing _______' in finding a forever home. 'I have been visiting Queen every single day for over a year now and I can _______ see her giving up. She used to get so _______when I would arrive and now she just lies in her bed. '

So to raise awareness of Queen’s situation Poore _______ a suitcase and moved into the dog's kennel. Poore says it has been ________ managing his work while also living at the shelter, but he is ________ to stay in the kennel until someone adopts Queen. Since he ________ the kennel earlier this week,he and his new canine roommate have been ________ the headlines of dozens of national news outlets, although no potential ________ have stepped forward.

Delightfully, this dog has finally been given a loving home after his ________ crossed with that of a woman living on the other side of the country.












12A.settled intoB.cleared upC.cared forD.met with




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