
You’ve probably heard about sports coaches, fitness coaches, vocal music teachers, career counselors,psychiatrists (精神病医师) and other specialists who teach skills and help us cope with daily life.

But there’s a rapidly growing kind of professional who does a little bit of everything. She or he is called a “life coach”. People who are at crossroads in their lives and corporations that want to give certain employees a career boost are turning to them for help.

The idea that one person’s success story can change other people’s lives for the better goes back at least to the 1930s. Dale Carnegie’s famous self-improvement program “How to Win Friends and Influence People ” came along soon thereafter.

But this new style of life coaches includes more than enthusiastic speakers or writers. They use their own experiences in business, sports, military service, or psychotherapy (心理疗法) to help others make critical life decisions.

They often give their approach a slogan, such as “energy coaching” or “fearless living” or “working yourself happy”.

Dave Lakhani in Boise, Idaho, for instance, works with salespeople to develop what he calls a “road map”. He says an ongoing relationship with a coach is like having a personal fitness trainer for one’s career and life outside work.

Lakhani’s Bold Approach coaching firm also donates some of its time to help people who are anything but successful — including battered women and struggling single mothers.

But others in the so-called “helping professions” are not thrilled about the life-coaching movement. They say that anyone, trained or untrained, can call himself or herself a life coach, and that slick (华而不实的) promoters who mess with people’s lives can do more harm than good.

1.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

A. Working Yourself Happy

B. Life Coaches Help with Tough Decisions

C. How to Cope with Daily Life with Life Coaches

D. The Life-Coaching Movement

2.The underlined phrase “life coach” in Paragraph 2 means “ ”.

A. the career counselor who teaches skills

B. the psychiatrist who helps us cope with daily life

C. the fitness coach who teaches us lessons

D. the specialist who helps us make important life decisions

3.The last paragraph is mainly about .

A. the introductions of life coach

B. the disagreements of life coach

C. the effects of life coach

D. the experiences of life coach

4.What is the author’s attitude towards life coaches?

A. Cautious. B. Approving.

C. Casual. D. Disapproving.


New research proves it wrong that the loss of one sense may sharpen other senses. A new study from the University of Montreal found that blind people have no sharper sense of smell than the sighted. The loss of sight simply makes blind people pay more attention to how they sense smells, the researchers said.

“If you enter a room in which coffee is boiling, you will quickly look for the coffee machine. However, for a blind person, he or she will only have the smell of coffee as information,” said a researcher, Mathilde Beaulieu-Lefebvre.

“There is a saying that blind people have better smell than the sighted. We are proving it wrong,” said Maurice Ptito, a professor at the University of Montreal. “However, the blind do set themselves apart as they are somewhat better than the sighted at deciding what direction a sound is coming from.”

It is further found that the blind use a certain part of the brain more than the sighted when they smell. They also use the part which is normally used for sight. “That’s interesting because it means that part of the brain is reorganized and used in a new way,” said Ptito.

The research on the sense of smell could lead to new applications that are likely to help guide blind people in their surroundings.

1.How do blind people know coffee is boiling?

A. By looking for the coffee machine. B. By using the sense of smell.

C. By sharpening their sense of sight. D. By doing a scientific study.

2.The underlined phrase “set themselves apart” probably means “ ”.

A. put themselves aside B. make themselves puzzled

C. give themselves up D. make themselves distinguishing

3.In which part of a magazine can we most probably read this passage?

A. Science. B. Food.

C. Culture. D. Music.

The 2016 Nobel Prize in Physics is shared by three scientists, the Royal Academy of Sciences announced in Stockholm on Tuesday. The Nobel Prize in Physics 2016 was divided, with one half awarded to David J. Thouless, the other half to F. Duncan M. Haldane and J. Michael Kosterlitz “for theoretical discoveries of topological phase transitions and topological phases of matter(物质拓扑相变和拓扑相).”

Haldane said he was “very surprised” at the news, adding that he was glad that their discoveries found something previously unnoticed by many, and that they revealed “more possibilities for looking for new materials.” He particularly pointed out that a lot of work was still ongoing.

The year’s prize amount is 8 million Swedish krona(0.93 million US dollars), and will be split properly between the three winners.

The winners are given a sum of money when they receive their prizes, in the form of a document confirming the amount awarded. The amount of prize money depends upon how much money the Nobel Foundation can award each year. The purse has increased since the 1980s, when the prize money was 880,000 SEK per prize. In 2009, the monetary award was 10 million SEK (US$1.4 million; ?950,000). In June 2012, it was lowered to 8 million SEK.

If there are two winners of a particular prize, the award money is divided equally between the winners. If there are three, the awarding committee can choose to divide the money equally, or award one-half to one winner and one-quarter to each of the others. It is common for winners to donate prize money to benefit scientific, cultural, or charities.

1.How much price money does Thouless get?

A. 8 million Swedish krona.

B. 6 million Swedish krona.

C. 4 million Swedish krona.

D. 2 million Swedish krona.

2.According to the passage, Haldane thought that his work_________

A. was far from ending

B. was based on many previous studies

C. had perfectly been completed

D. had surprised the whole world

3.The amount of prize money _________. .

A. has been ever increasing since the 1980s

B. has been ever decreasing since the 1980s

C. remains 880,000 SEK each year after 2012

D. differs according to the Nobel Foundation’s affordability

4.What does the last paragraph talk about?

A. The purpose of the award money.

B. How the award money is dealt with.

C. How the laureates are selected.

D. The number of laureates per prize.

The story goes that some time ago, a man had a very lovely little daughter. One day the man ______ his 3-year- old daughter for ______ a roll of gold wrapping paper. Money was tight and he became ______ when the child tried to decorate a ______ to put under the Christmas tree. ______, the little girl brought the gift to her ______ the next morning and said, “This is for you, Daddy.”

The man was ______ by his earlier ______, but got angry again when he found out the box was ______. He yelled at her,saying, “Don’t you know, when you give someone a present, there is ______ to be something inside?” The little girl looked ______ at him with tears in her eyes and cried, “Oh, Daddy, it’s not empty ______. I blew kisses into the box. They are all for you, Daddy.”

The father felt regret. He ______ his arms around his little girl, and begged for her ______.

Only a short time later, an ______ took the life of the child. It is also told that her father kept that gold box by his bed for many ______ and whenever he was discouraged, he would take out a(n) ______ kiss and remember the love of the child who had put it there.

In a very real sense, each one of us, as human beings, has been given a gold container ______ with unconditional love and kisses from our children, family members, friends, and God. There is simply no other ______, anyone could hold, more ______ than this.

1.A. asked B. praised C. begged D. punished

2.A. wasting B. stealing C. selling D. holding

3.A. glad B. angry C. sad D. upset

4.A. room B. hall C. box D. ball

5.A. However B. So C. Therefore D. And

6.A. father B. mother C. teacher D. sister

7.A. puzzled B. surprised C. scared D. embarrassed

8.A. overwork B. overreaction C. overcoat D. overpass

9.A. empty B. heavy C. full D. wet

10.A. said B. believed C. supposed D. used

11.A. down B. back C. up D. forward

12.A. at all B. after all C. above all D. in all

13.A. put B. turned C. handed D. gave

14.A. kindness B. forgiveness C. sadness D. carelessness

15.A. event B. incident C. accident D. action

16.A. days B. months C. nights D. years

17.A. imaginary B. kind C. gentle D. warm

18.A. filled B. pleased C. crowded D. equipped

19.A. world B. feeling C. possession D. love

20.A. expensive B. precious C. comfortable D. interesting

Anxiety and nervous tension are a part of living in today’s fast-paced, high-stress society. Stress caused by nerves can lead to heart disease, high blood pressure, depression and stroke. While there are numerous chemical substances on the market meant to decrease anxiety that might require a doctor’s prescription, many people choose more natural therapies(疗法) to help calm verves.


Massage has been found to help relieve anxiety due to the release of tension in the muscles and pain relief. According to the mayoclinic. com, massage may induce the body to release serotonin, which is a natural painkiller and can increase feelings of wellness. 1.Get a massage when you are feeling physically or mentally stressed in order to relax muscles and release tension.


Yoga is physical exercise that helps relieve stress by encouraging deep breathing and stillness. 2.It is important to breathe through all of the moves in yoga exercises and keep your body calm and relaxed.


3.Meditation helps the mind to relax by bringing the focus away from any problems that might be occurring, focusing the mind on a specific word, picture or breathing. Meditation poses are usually performed while you are seated in a cross-legged position on a comfortable surface, or you can lie down, but must not fall asleep. The mind stays active during meditation, but is calm.


4.Certain scents(香味) are said to give you energy and others help induce a state of relaxation. Choose scents that you can connect to a happy time in your life to induce feelings of pleasure. For instance, if you had a rose garden as a child, rose scents might help you to relax.


Certain herbs have properties that work to help induce relaxation and calm nerves. Kava is available in both supplement and tea form and works to decrease anxiety. According to experts, you should take no more than 250 mg daily to reduce stress. 5.They are best taken before afternoon or nighttime rest and should not be consumed when you know you will be driving.

A. Use meditation to calm the nerves.

B. Use scents to help calm your nerves.

C. Stress victims are to be found in every walk of life.

D. Don’t ever assume a panic attack is the cause of the problem.

E. Most of herbs can be purchased individually or in relaxation teas.

F. When performing yoga, you should keep your mind still and free of any outside interference to obtain best results.

G. Studies have shown that massage can assist in anxiety reduction, withdrawal symptoms, and stress and anxiety relief.

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