
   You could be jetting off to foreign countries,staying in five-star hotels,eatihg in top-class restaurants,and it's all paid for by your employer. Who wouldn’t want a job that involves foreign travel?

   36 There is a big difference between travelling to Milan as a tourist and travelling there to spend a day in the type of hotel meeting room that can be found anywhere in Europe. Speak to seasoned international business travellers to get an idea of what you will face. Flights can be delayed,things can go wrong and it's easy to get exhausted. 37    Simply targeting any job that involves foreign travel is not the way to start. Making travel your first requirement is not the way to choose a career. 38 Instead,you should consider all the usual factors(因素) ,such as qualifications and experience,and only then choose a sector (行业) or company that offers opportunities for international travel.

   The travel and hotel trades are obvious areas,but the commercial sector also offers chances for travel. In the retail(零售) sector,buyers often travel,especially if they work in fresh produce. Employment in communications,banking and finance,and property management is also worth looking at. 39 The number of jobs involving travel,especially at middle-management level,is growing.

   So what will help you secure a role with an international flavour? 40 A second language is a good indication of how well someone will adapt. You need to show you are flexible and willing to learn. If your company has a sister company in the Czech Republic,for instance,learning some Czech will boost your chances.

   A. But not all employers are like this.

   B. But it's not always as exciting as it sounds.

   C. Many jobs mean travelling alone,so you can be lonely.

   D. They will limit the amount that people travel each year.

   E. Employers look for candidates with an international outlook.

   F. It is as illogical as saying you want a job that involves wearing smart clothes.

   G. Almost any career can mean international travel,if you choose the right company and role.



36. B. 上文介绍可以去国外出差的工作听起来是 多么美好,下文讲去国外出差和出国旅行是两回事。故B项在此起承上启下的作用。

37. C. C 项与上文的 Flights can be delayed,things can go wrong and it's easy to get exhausted 都是 去国外出差可能会遇到的问题。

38. F。F项中的It指代上文的Making travel your ’first requirement。

39. G。

G 项与上文的 The travel and hotel trades are obvious areas ... and property management is also worth looking at相呼应,说明几乎任何行业都有到国外出差的机会。

40. E。E 项是对上文 So what will help you secure a role with an international flavour?的回答。


   Many studies have shown that students learn in different ways and that good results can be achieved if they are taught by a teaching method that suits them best. Similarly,students’ performance varies in what types of test they are given. Therefore,it may seem reasonable to give students the chance to choose how they wish to be tested. However,this would mean teachers would be forced to prepare many different methods of assessment for the exact same material. Teachers are already very busy,creating tests,grading,coming up with interesting lesson plans,teaching classes,not to mention holding parent teacher conferences,and creating new tests would only add to their burden.

   Another strain teachers would have to face is how to grade fairly and objectively if students were tested on the same material in a variety of ways. For instance,how do you compare a student who wrote an essay on one small topic of a book to another who answered every multiple choice question correctly over the entire book? Maybe the student who wrote the essay only read a small part of it in depth enough so that they could write the essay. But perhaps the student taking the multiple choice test only had a base understanding of the book and couldn’t write a critical essay about something in it.

   This is not to say,however,that students should be graded in the same manner every time. This would be equally unfair as again,different students test better when assessed by different methods. Therefore,teachers need to be sure to give essay tests,multiple choice tests,as well as other multi-media(多媒体) projects to assess their students,just not over the same material. This gives students the opportunity to show off their abilities and make up for tasks that they’ re not good at. For instance,a student that is a bad test taker could make up for their grade with a well-performed project. Another option is to provide students with extra credit opportunities. As such,students could be allowed to choose the method in which they wish to complete their extra credit. If a student is a strong essay writer,they could write an extra essay to make up for their poor test grade. This would allow students to compensate for poor grades in areas in which they aren’ t as accomplished.

28. We know from Paragraph 1 that if students could choose how they are tested,teachers would .

   A. have more work

   B. lose their authority   C. change their lesson plans

   D. prepare more testing materials

29. What does the underlined word “strain” in Paragraph 2 mean?

   A. Possibility. B. Difficulty.

   C. Approach. D. Hesitation.

30. The author writes the last paragraph in order to.

   A. draw a conclusion   B. offer suggestions

   C. predict the future   D. prove his point

31. Where is the text most probably taken from?

   A. A textbook.

   B. An announcement.

   C. A news report.

   D. An education magazine.

   I didn't go to Colorado to ski. I went because I was persuaded to attend a two-day class at the Bridgestone Winter Driving School there.

   Everyone in my family came along with me. The first morning,we sat in a small classroom and our instructor,Robert,told us what to expect. The course,he explained,was designed to make the cars slip and slide on ice and snow. “If you listen to us,” Robert assured the class, “you’11 be fine."

   On a snowy day when I was 4,I had a car accident. I wasn't seriously hurt that day,but over the years the shock transformed into anxiety. When it snowed,I often called another parent at the elementary school my daughter attends to ask if he or she wouldn't mind driving my daughter the half-mile to school in the morning.

   That first morning in Colorado,after we left the classroom and headed out to the track,my heart was racing. By the time Robert said, “Cristina,it's your turn." I was lightheaded. I carefUlly did what I was instructed to do but when I turned,I pulled the wheel too hard and hit a block of ice,my car turning almost 180 degrees. When the car came to a stop,I sat rigid,trying to catch my breath. Part of me wanted to get out and never drive again. But I was sitting there safely,wasn,t I? I had overcome one of my greatest fears — losing control of the car. I even felt a little excited.

   For the rest of the class,I continued practising,and I got better enough so that a week later,when I arrived home and there was snow on the ground,I didn't even think about calling another parent to drive my daughter to school. “I can do this,” I told myself. And I did.

24. In the classroom,Robert intended to help participants to .

   A. know each other

   B. build up confidence

   C. learn about the course

   D. put theory into practice

25. The accident made the author afraid to .

   A. have kids in her car   B. drive on snowy days

   C. drive long distances   D. be in a car by herself

26. What can best describe the author's feelings after the first practice?

   A. Mixed. B. Puzzled.

   C. Thankful. D. Regretful.

27. What do we know about the class?

   A. It's tiring. B. It's helpful.

   C. It's expensive. D. It's interesting.

                    Welcome to Parkside Federation Academies 

   We are pleased to introduce you to a wide range of courses,training programmes and other activities. 

Enrolment (注册)

   You can enrol for any course on 01223 712340 from 29th June. You can download course information from http://www.parksidefederation.org. uk/adult-leam-train/.

   The office will not be open from 23rd July until 3rd September for enrolment in person due to building work,however,we will be taking bookings over the phone and by email during this time.

   Our hosted enrolment dates are:

   Parkside Campus: 12th September 10:00-12:00 

   Coleridge Campus: 10th September 18:00-19:30 


.Fees are payable in full when you enrol.

·Refunds(退款) will be paid in fUll when a class is closed according to the College's decision,or if you cancel your enrolment at least two weeks before the course starts. If you decide to cancel less than two weeks before the course starts you will receive a 50% refund. Unfortunately we cannot offer a refund if a course has already started.

Learner information

.If you supplied your email address,you should expect to receive a confirmation email after your enrolment.

.Free parking is available in the evening at all centres.

.Upon enrolment you will receive learner information about college support as well as policies and regulations.

.In the event of severe weather conditions that result in school closure: please check the website http://www.parksidefederation.org.uk/ or turn on local radio for up-to-date information.

21. If you want to enrol in person,you should avoid.

   A. 29th June   B. 23rd July

   C. 10th September   D. 12th September 

22. How much can you get back if you cancel your enrolment a week before the course starts?

   A. No refund. B. A 20% refund.

   C. A 50% refund. D. A full refund.

23. How will the school inform learners if it is closed due to bad weather?

   A. Give learners calls.

   B. Write emails to learners.

   C. Post notices on

   D. Announce the closure on local TV.

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