
Our body clock, or natural body rhythm, influences our energy and alertness. Paying attention to it can help us choose the suitable time of the day when we best perform specific tasks.

The reality, however, is that most of us organize the time around work demands, school deadlines, commuting or social events. Doing whatever the body feels like doing is a luxury in today’s fast-paced modern society.

But that doesn’t mean it isn’t worth trying. Obeying our body clock has significant health benefits. Disrupting our natural body rhythm, on the other hand, has been linked to problems such as depression, obesity, or headache, says Steve Key, a biology professor.

When the body clock can synchronize (使……同步) the rhythms of its natural processes, it “gives us an advantage in daily life”, says Key.

According to him, when it comes to cognitive (认知的) work, most adults perform best in the late morning. As our body temperature starts to rise just before awakening in the morning and continues to increase until midday, our memory, alertness and concentration gradually improve.

However, he adds, our ability to concentrate typically starts to decrease soon thereafter. Most of us are more easily distracted (分心) between noon and 4 pm.

Alertness also tends to fall after eating a meal and sleepiness tends to peak around 2 pm, making that a good time for a nap.

Surprisingly, tiredness may increase our creative powers. For most adults, problems that require open-ended thinking are often best dealt with in the evening when they are tired, according to a study in the journal Thinking & Reasoning.

When choosing a time of the day to exercise, paying attention to your body clock can improve results. Physical performance is usually best from about 3 to 6 pm, says Michael Smolensky, a professor of biomedical engineering.

Of course, not everyone’s body clock is the same, making it even harder to synchronize natural rhythms with daily plans.

1.If we know our natural body rhythm well, we can ______.

A. find out the suitable time to do specific tasks

B. organize our time around work demands

C. do whatever our body feels like doing

D. be sure to be healthy

2.Which of the following is NOT true?

A. Our alertness is influenced by our natural body rhythm.

B. Doing whatever your body feels like is very difficult in our modern society.

C. Obeying our body clock is good for our health.

D. Disrupting our natural body rhythm must lead to obesity.

3.Inspiration (灵感) to solve a difficult problem will most probably come to us


A. when we get up in the morning

B. when we are tired in the evening

C. when we are full of energy in the late morning

D. when we are asleep at night

4.Which of the following can be the suitable title for the passage?

A. What is natural body rhythm?

B. Natural body rhythm is good for us.

C. Something about natural body rhythm.

D. The latest research about natural body rhythm.


Our quarrel with efficiency is not that it gets things done, but that it is a thief of time when it leaves us no leisure to enjoy ourselves, and that it strains our nerves when we try to get things done perfectly. In building bridges, American engineers calculate so finely and exactly as to make the two ends come together within one-tenth of an inch. But when two Chinese begin to dig a tunnel from both sides of a mountain both come out on the other side. --The Chinese’s firm belief is that it doesn’t matter so long as a tunnel is dug through, and if we have two instead of one, why, we have a double track to boot.

The pace of modern industrial life forbids this kind of glorious and magnificent idling. But, worse than that, it imposes upon us a different conception of time as measured by the clock and eventually turns the human being into a clock himself. (This sort of thing is bound to come to China, as is evident, for instance, in the case of a factory of twenty thousand worker. The luxurious prospect of twenty thousand workers coming in at their own sweet pleasure at all hours is, of course, somewhat terrifying.)Nevertheless, such efficiency is what makes life so hard and full of excitement. A man who has to be punctually at a certain place at five o’clock has the whole afternoon from one to five ruined for him already. Every American adult is arranging his time on the pattern of the schoolboy - three o’clock for this, five o’clock for that, six-thirty for change of dress, six-fifty for entering the taxi, and seven o’clock for arriving at the destination. It just makes life not worth living.

1.The writer objects to efficiency mainly on the grounds that it ____.

A. entitles us to too much leisure time

B. deprives us of leisure time

C. urges us to get things done punctually

D. imposes on us a perfect concept of time

2. In the eyes of the author, the introduction of industrial life gives rise to ____.

A. more emphasis on efficiency

B. magnificent idling of time

C. the excitement of life

D. terrifying schoolboy

3.The passage tells us ____.

A. Chinese workers come to work when it is convenient

B. Americans ought not to work so hard for efficiency

C. Chinese engineers are on better terms with the management

D. all Americans are forced to be efficient against their will

4.What is implied but NOT stated by the author is that ____.

A. every American is arranging his time in the pattern of a schoolboy

B. every American is reluctant to be efficient

C. every one should have some time to spend as he pleases

D. being punctual is an undesirable habit which should not be formed

Failing in something isn’t a really nice feeling, but Scotland’ s Fettes College in Edinburgh wants to show its students that failure isn’t something to fear and is actually something to accept willingly!

The boarding school held “failure week” to celebrate taking risks and learning from them. Whether in sports or school, children often face lots of pressure to succeed and do well, and the school was becoming concerned.

“Young people from all walks of life live in a high-pressure environment where they are trying very hard to achieve a level of perfection,” said Sue Bruce, head of personal and social education in the school.

“This week at Fettes we have been focusing on one of the most misunderstood parts of success: failure. While we are often scared of failure, it is important to learn that it is only through failing, often many times, that we learn how to succeed. All through the week, we have looked at the experiences of some of the most successful inventors, artists and businessmen, who failed hundreds, if not thousands of times on their journey to success,” read a letter on Fettes College’s website.

To celebrate failure, students were encouraged to try something they’ve never done before, like playing an instrument or dancing in front of audiences. A number of students stepped up and tried things that they finally failed in, but they had fun and enjoyed the experience. “The concert was extremely enjoyable, proving that we should always try not to worry about failure and have a go!” read another note on the website. Students were also taught about famous people like J.K. Rowling and Richard Branson who failed many times before they finished what they set out to do.

“If they let the fear of failure stop them from doing something, they are actually stopping themselves from learning, developing, and potentially succeeding,”said Bruce.

1.What is the purpose of the boarding school to hold “failure week”?

A. To get the students involved in social activities.

B. To help the students accept and learn from failure.

C. To make the students study even harder.

D. To teach the students how to get relaxed.

2.During the “failure week” the students could do the following things EXCEPT ___________?

A. taking risks

B. learning from others’ experiences

C. trying something new

D. trying to entertain themselves

3.What can we learn from the passage?

A、Many successful people are lucky and achieve success easily.

B、Because we are often scared of failure ,we never succeed.

C、The fear of failure can stop the students from learning and succeeding.

D、The students who failed in trying new things felt depressed.

Health & Social Care Teacher

Our client, an 11-18 mixed comprehensive school in Ealing, West London, is currently seeking a teacher for Health & Social Care. The position will be a full-time post until July 2014. We require a teacher full of energy to develop the learning potential of students. We are seeking someone with excellent subject knowledge who can combine academic strictness and achievement with enjoyment of teaching Health & Social Care.

Receptionist Administration

Full Time

A receptionist is required from 1st June 2014 at Dartford Science & Technology College. The position is only from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday to Thursday and 8:30 am to 4:00 pm Friday, with an hour’s break for lunch every day. The successful applicant must have a good telephone manner, good interpersonal skills and proficient IT skills.


Part Time, Term Time

We are seeking to appoint a hardworking person to join our cleaning team. Previous experience would be an advantage but it is not essential. 10 hours per week are required during term time and the extra 3 weeks are added in the summer holidays or as directed by the Business Manager to ensure the needs of the school are met.

Closing date: 12th May 2014, 12 noon. Please return the completed application forms to the school.

Science Technician

Term time plus 10 days, 37 hours per week

We are looking for a technician to provide a technical support service for science teaching staff. Applications are to be received no later than midnight on 10thJune 2014.

If you are keen to work, visit our website via the button below.

1.A school in Ealing, West London is looking for _________.

A. a full-time science teacher

B. a teacher with the ability to get along with people

C. a technician who can provide a technical support service

D. a teacher with excellent knowledge about Health & Social Care

2.The receptionist to be employed will work ______________.

A. 10 hours a week B. 34.5 hour a week

C. 39.5 hours a week D. 37 hours a week

3.To work as a cleaner, you must___________.

A. work full-time

B. have previous working experience

C. work the whole summer holidays

D. hand in the application form before 12 noon on May 12th 2014

4.The text is most likely to appear _________.

A. in a novel B. in a magazine

C. on the Internet D. in a newspaper

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