
19.      necessary experience for my future career,I take an active part in social activities in college.(  )
A.To gainB.GainC.GainingD.Having gained

分析 为了获得我未来事业的必要经验,我在大学期间积极参加社会交流活动.

解答 答案:A.
此题中考查to do不定式做目的状语.如果选择B则两个句子中间缺少连接词;答案C和D都是现在分词不能做目的状语.

点评 做此类题时注意现在分词、过去分词和不定式做状语的区别.现在分词做状语多表示伴随动作,过去分词做状语则表示被动和完成.

11.Franz Kafka wrote that"a book must be the ax (斧子) for the frozen sea inside us."I once shared this sentence with a class of seventh graders,and it didn't seem to require any explanation.
We'd just finished John Steinbeck's novel Of Mice and Men.When we read the end together out loud in class,my toughest boy,a star basketball player,wept a little,and so did I."Are you crying?"one girl asked,as she got out of her chair to take a closer look."I am,"I told her,"and the funny thing is I've read it many times."
But they understood.When George shoots Lennie,the tragedy is that we realize it was always going to happen.In my 14years of teaching in a New York City public middle school,I've taught kids with imprisoned parents,abusive parents,irresponsible parents; kids who are parents themselves; kids who are homeless; kids who grew up in violent neighborhoods.They understand,more than I ever will,the novel's terrible logic-the giving way of dreams to fate (命运).
For the last seven years,I have worked as a reading enrichment teacher,reading classic works of literature with small groups of students from grades six to eight.I originally proposed this idea to my headmaster after learning that a former excellent student of mine had transferred out of a selective high school-one that often attracts the literary-minded children of Manhattan's upper classes-into a less competitive setting.The daughter of immigrants,with a father in prison,she perhaps felt
uncomfortable with her new classmates.I thought additional"cultural capital"could help students like her develop better in high school,where they would unavoidably meet,perhaps for the first time,students who came from homes lined with bookshelves,whose parents had earned Ph.D.'s.
Along with Of Mice and Men,my groups read:Sounder,The Red Pony,Lord of the Flies,Romeo and Juliet and Macbeth.The students didn't always read from the expected point of view.
About The Red Pony,one student said,"it's about being a man,it's about manliness."I had never before seen the parallels between Scarface and Macbeth,nor had I heard Lady Macbeth's soliloquies (独白) read as raps (说唱),but both made sense; the interpretations were playful,but serious.Once introduced to Steinbeck's writing,one boy went on to read The Grapes of Wrath and told me repeatedly how amazing it was that"all these people hate each other,and they're all white."His historical view was broadening,his sense of his own country deepening.Year after year,former students visited and told me how prepared they had felt in their first year in college as a result of the classes.
Year after year,however,we are increasing the number of practice tests.We are trying to teach students to read increasingly complex texts,not for emotional punch (碰撞) but for text complexity.Yet,we cannot enrich (充实) the minds of our students by testing them on texts that ignore their hearts.We are teaching them that words do not amaze but confuse.We may succeed in raising test scores,but we will fail to teach them that reading can be transformative and that it belongs to them.

66.The underlined words in Paragraph 1probably mean that a book helps toD.
A.realize our dreams
B.give support to our life
C.smooth away difficulties
D.awake our emotions
67.Why were the students able to understand the novel Of Mice and Men?D
A.Because they spent much time reading it.
B.Because they had read the novel before.
C.Because they came from a public school.
D.Because they had similar life experiences.
68.The girl left the selective high school possibly becauseC..
A.she was a literary-minded girl
B.her parents were immigrants
C.she couldn't fit in with her class
D.her father was then in prison
69.To the author's surprise,the students read the novelsA..
70.The author writes the passage mainly toB.
A.introduce classic works of literature
B.advocate teaching literature to touch the heart
C.argue for equality among high school students
D.defend the current testing system.

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