
Only by increasing the number of doctors by 50 percent ____ properly in this hospital.

A. can be the patients treated B. can the patients be treated

C. the patients can be treated D. treated can be the patients




试题分析:考查倒装。only 位于句首修饰介词短语时,句子要用部分倒装。句意:只有增加 50%的医生,病人才能在 这家医院得到妥善治疗。故B正确。




People say one man's trash(垃圾) is another man's treasure. That comes to me as I the house purchased in 1962 by my parents. My mother passed away in 1996. My father left the house my sister and me when he died a few months ago.

After Dad was , we looked around the house where we grew up and that Dad loved so much. At first we felt so all the stuff(东西) left. Like so many of their generation, my parents everything. And like many in my generation, we faced anxious about what to abandon and what to keep.

As we started throwing out old phone books and every medical bill from every my parents ever saw, I also many hidden treasures. Mom's pocketbook was in their bedroom closet, which had everything in it, her hairbrush with hair, as if she were still here. And Dad, who was a World War II veteran(退伍兵) and a world traveler, everything -- from little spoons from all over the world to every letter he wrote to his parents while in the . The letters he wrote during the war his thoughts as a young man. Later, in the basement, I our old kitchen table, which brought back of my parents and sister and me having breakfast together.

I'm realizing all these things my parents' life journey. Each time I go to , I find something that reminded me of my childhood or teaches me something about my parents I knew. , from the shabby furniture to all the hidden treasures, means more to me than all the money in the world.

1.A. coincidenceB. goal C. principle D. thought

2.A. looked forB. looked through C. looked into D. looked after

3.A. to B. for C. with D. by

4.A. retiredB. ill C. gone D. injured

5.A. clean B. strange C. empty D. modern

6.A. pleased with B. familiar with C. astonished at D. disappointed at

7.A. saved B. enjoyed C. purchased D. designed

8.A. decisions B. bargains C. challenges D. responsibilities

9.A. person B. doctor C. neighbor D. child

10.A. bought B. discovered C. buried D. lost

11.A. just B. even C. only D. yet

12.A. liked B. bought C. keptD. lost

13.A. countryside B. school C. college D. army

14.A. receiveB. direct C. sense D. describe

15.A. repaired B. cleaned C. spotted D. set

16.A. introductions B. memoriesC. descriptions D. communications

17.A. represented B. recognized C. instructed D. confirmed

18.A. the supermarket B. church C. my office D. the house

19.A. merely B. always C. really D. never

20.A. Everything B. Nothing C. Anything D. Something


EVERYBODY in this world is different from one another. But do you know that understanding differences can help you better manage your money?

As we grow up, we gradually develop a set of our own values or beliefs. These are influenced by society, our family, the education we receive and so on. Once this value system is set up, it’s not easy to change later in life.

Financial experts say that everyone also has their own belief of how to manage their finances. This is part of our value system and it has a great impact on the way we look after our money.

According to our different values, experts put us in three categories. They are: the ant, the cricket and the snail.

The ant—works first

Just like ants who work heart and soul in summer in order to store food for winter, these people don’t care about enjoying the moment. They work very hard and save money they earn so that they can enjoy life when they get old and retire. The ant loves to save but they could make more out of their money if they were willing to invest in some funds and stocks with low risk.

The cricket—fun first

The cricket wants to enjoy everything now and doesn’t think too much about the future. They even borrow money when they really want something. Many young people now belong to this group. These people have little savings. When they get old, they might have problems. They should learn to save and buy insurance.

The snail—lives under pressure

The snail refers to people who make life difficult for themselves. They take big long-term loans from the bank in order to buy things such as luxury houses. They are happy to take big loans even though they are not sure they can afford it. This can cause problems in the future. They should plan more carefully.

1.We can learn from the text that _____.

A. spending money is a wiser way

B. your way of managing money is a reflection of your value or belief

C. saving money is a good way to manage money

D. we spend money because we have earned it

2. Of the three types of people, the one that has no weakness is _____.

A. the cricket B. none of them

C. the snail D. the ant

3.If you had three dollars, you would spend all of it. Which type do you belong to?

A. None of them B. The snail

C. The ant D. The cricket

4. The text tells us mainly about _____.

A. spending nature

B. living behaviors of small animal

C. our own values and beliefs

D. understanding differences


The displays of bad temper are nothing new in kindergarten and first grade, but the behavior of a 6-year-old girl this fall at a school in Fort Worth, Texas, had even the most experienced staff members wanting to run for cover. Asked to put a toy away, the youngster began to scream. Told to calm down, she knocked over her desk and crawled(爬行) under the teacher’s desk, kicking it and throwing out the contents of the drawers. Then things really began to worsen. Still screaming, the child stood up and began casting books at her terrified classmates, who had to be accompanied to safety.

Just a bad day at school? More like a bad season. The desk-throwing incident followed scores of other crazy acts by some of the youngest Fort Worth students at schools across the district, and even the country. There have been an increasing number of kindergartners and first-graders with violent behavior and it has become an alarming trend.

The youngest school kids are acting out in really ridiculous ways and violence is getting younger and younger. Why? Educators and psychologist argue that they are witnessing the result of a number of social trends that have come together in a most unfortunate way. Many mention economic stress, which has parents working longer hours than ever before, kids spending more time in day care and everyone coming home too tired to engage in the kind of relationships that build social skills. In addition, many educators worry about rising academic pressure in kindergarten and first grade as the students have to take the yearly tests demanded by the No Child Left Behind Act. They believe that even more important than early reading is the learning of play skills. Other experts also point out that violent behavior in children has been closely linked to exposure to violence on TV and in movies, video games and other media. They insist schools try to teach kids what they have failed to learn at home, for example, having varieties of anti-violence and character-education programs, instructing children to interact with people who love them and teaching them how to behave.

1.The author leads in the topic of the passage with .

A. detailed examples B. scientific analysis

C. satisfactory evidence D. rich imagination

2.The second paragraph tells us that .

A. autumn is considered as a bad season for the youngest school kids

B. Fort Worth students set good example to their peers in the district

C. the problem of kids’ violent behaviors is too serious to be ignored

D. kindergartners are urged to be equipped with alarming systems

3.As for the children, which of the following results in their violent behavior?

a. economic stress

b. academic pressure

c. lack of interaction with parents

d. ill personality

e. exposure to media violence

A. a, b, d B. a, c, d

C. b, c, e D. b, d, e

4.The passage mainly discusses about .

A. causes and solutions of school violent behaviors

B. student behavior management in the digital age

C. kids’ exposure to violence on TV and in movies

D. functions of character-education programs


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