
3.The workers are doing all they can tocutdown the accident rate.

分析 工人们正在尽一切努力降低事故率.

解答 答案:cut down.考查固定短语.做目的状语,跟在to后,表示"降低"用cut down.

点评 考查汉译英.常用的cut的短语.
1)cut back 销减,缩减,如cut back production
2)cut in 打断,插嘴 During the debate my opponent kept cutting in
3)cut off 切断 The telephone operator cut us off
4)cut down 砍倒 cut down a tree with an axe
5)cut out 剪除 cut out a dress 裁剪衣服

13.As the demand for power and fuel grows steadily in the coming decades,we must consider every possible energy source on hand if we're to meet the world's needs.And because the clean natural gas is found in great plenty,there is no doubt that it will play a major role on the world energy stage in this century,much like what oil did in the last century.But,like oil,gas reserves are concentrated in just a few places in the world,usually far from where they're needed most.And that's only part of the challenge.The world has spent over 100years searching for oil and building the necessary facilities to bring it to market.However,the natural gas facilities,particularly when it comes to Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG),are not nearly as developed.
So what needs to be done?On the supply side,producing nations need policies that allow for better development of their natural gas in an open,stable business environment,not one in which the rules of the game change without warning.The governments of consuming nations,on the other hand,must make policies for sustainable (可持续的) development to ensure they'll have enough supplies in the future.That means building the related facilities,including LNG stations.This,in turn,will require coastal areas to allow these necessary,but not necessarily pretty,facilities to be built in their backyards.And energy companies have a responsibility to be good neighbors in those areas by operating these facilities responsibly and safely.They must also continue to put in the billions of dollars needed to build the complex transport and storage facilities required to bring more gas to market.
Expanding and diversifying energy sources by using more natural gas could lead to lower fuel prices and to greater energy security.We've taken some of the steps to get started,but we need your help to get the rest of the way.

28.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?B
A.Gas played a major part in the 20th century.
B.Natural gas facilities are far from satisfactory.
C.Gas reserves are widely spread around the world.
D.Necessary facilities are ready to bring gas to market.
29.The underlined word"one"(in Paragraph 2)refers toA.
A.a business environment
B.a policy for gas development
C.a gas consuming nation
D.a gas supply side
30.Consuming nations of natural gas need toC.
A.build pretty facilities along the coast
B.open markets in their backyards
C.have long-term policies for gas supply
D.change the rules of the game
31.The passage might be followed by a paragraph aboutD.
A.which countries are in great need of gas
B.where energy sources are concentrated
C.what problems of energy sources we may face
D.what kind of help you can offer.
14.A.estimate   B.recognition   C.tricked  D.accurate  E.volume   F.engaged
G.separate    H.stimulating     I.function   J.measuring    
Time seems to pass faster or slower depending on the language you speak,new research has revealed,because of the way your native tongue speaks about time.A team from the University of Lancaster say their work also shows how bilingualism(双语) may affect pur perceptions of time,(35)Gthe brain to think in new ways.
In one experiment,40 Spanish speakers and 40 Swedish speakers were (36)F in seeing a computer animation(动画) of a slowly line.All the animations lasted 3 seconds,but the line didn't always grow to the same length.The researchers expected that because Swedes talk about time in terms of distance,they would find it harder to (37)A how much time had passed,and they were right.Meanwhile the Spanish speakers,who refer to time in terms of (38)I(as in a"small"break rather than a"short"break),were much better at realizing that the same 3 seconds had fled,no matter how far the line grew."The Swedish speakers tend to think that the line that grows longer takes longer,"one of the researchers explained."Spanish speakers aren't (39)C by that.They seem to think that it doesn't matter how much the line grows in distance,it still takes the same time for it to grow."
In another experiment,participants were shown animations of a jug(水壶) slowly being filled up:the length of the animation was fixed,but the jug filled up by (40)J amounts.Sure enough,this time it was the Spanish speakers who had more trouble(41)Hthe passage of time.
Interestingly,when the spoken instructions in a particular language were taken away,the volunteers were much better at judging time,as if being asked out loud how much time had passed triggered something in the brain.To gain (42)Dinsight into what was happening,74 bilingual speakers of both Spanish and Swedish were also recruited,and shown similar animations.The end results were the same:when instructed in Swedish,the volunteers were more easily fooled by the line animations,and when instructed in Spanish,it was the jug animations that interfered with their(43)Bof time.
Pick Your Own
Fancy some fresh fruit and vegetables?At Parkside Farm we grow a wide variety of delicious summer fruits and high-quality vegetables for you to come and pick your own.Why not pay us a visit?
About us
Our family has been farming at Parkside Farm since 1938.Although we no longer keep fields of wheat and other crops.We started growing strawberries for Pick Your Own back in 1979.Since then,we have made the Pick Your Own area larger and we now grow about 20different crops.
Opening times
The season starts in late June,but opening hours are variable the first week.Please ring our message line to check.From July onwards,we are open Tuesdays to Saturdays from 9am to 5:30pm (last entry 5pm).Opening hours are variable on Sundays.Mondays CLOSED.
Crop calendar
Some crops may be in limited supply at certain times,so always ring the message line for daily updates before setting out.
Strawberries:early June to mid-October                Blackcurrants:early July to mid-August
Raspberries:mid-June to mid-August                   Redcurrants:mid-July to mid-August
Blackberries:mid-July to mid-October                  Plums:mid-July to early September
There is a minimum charge of£3for each adult or child who enters the Pick Your Own area.This means that every person has to spend at least£3on Pick-Your-Own fruits or they will charged this amount when they leave.
Strawberries:£4.49/kg         Blackcurrants:£4.79/kg     Raspberries:£6.39/kg
Redcurrants:£4.79/kg          Blackberries:£5.39/kg     Plums:£2.99/kg
Find us
Parkside Farm is in the Enfield of London,north of the city centre.
For more information,please call our message line on 020 8367 2035or check our website:HYPERLINK"http://www.parksidefarmpyo.co.uk."www.parksidefarmpyo.co.uk.

21.What do we learn about Parkside Farm from the text?B
A.It sells fruit and vegetables online.
B.It doesn't open on Mondays.
C.It's situated in the south of London.
D.It has a small Pick Your Own area.
22.If a family of three buy 1kg of strawberries and 1kg of plums on the farm,they should payC.
A.£6         B.£7.48       C.£9         D.£16.48
23.What is the main purpose of the text?D
A.To instruct people how to grow crops.
B.To tell readers how to pick fruits.
C.To advise people to grow crops
D.To attract visitors to pick fruits.
15.In the past decade the popularity of rock climbing has greatly increased,and so has the number of injuries.It has been estimated that rock climbing is now enjoyed by more than 9million people in the US each year.Study findings revealed a 65% increase in the number of patients that were treated in US emergency departments for rock climbing-related injuries between 1991and 2012.
The study,published in the online issue of the American Journal of Preventive Medicine,found that about 40,000 patients were treated in US emergency departments for rock climbing-related injuries between 1991and 2012.The most common types of rock climbing-related injuries were fractures(骨折)and sprains(扭伤).The ankle was the most common body part to be injured (40%).Climbers in the study ranged in age from 2 to 74,with an average age of 26.The study also found that women took up a quarter of the injuries.
Falls were the primary reason for injury with over three-quarters of the injuries occurring as the result of a fall.The severity of fall-related injuries had a lot to do with the height of the fall.Patients who were injured after falling from a height over 20 feet were10 time more likely to be treated than patients who were injured falling from 20 feet or lower.
"We found that the climbers who fell from heights higher than 20 feet took up 70 percent of the patients treated for a rock climbing-related injury,"explained the study author Lara McKenzie,PhD,director at the Center for Injury Research and Policy at Nationwide Hospital."This trend,combined with the fact that rock climbers have a higher hospitalization rate than other sports and recreational injuries,demonstrates the need to increase injury prevention efforts for climbers."

24.If you are a climber,which part of your body is most likely to get injured?D
A.The hand   B.The arm    C.The knee   D.The ankle
25.How many women climbers in American got injured while climbing a rock between 1991and 2012?A
A.About 10,000  B.About 40,000   C.About 30,000   D.About 20,000
26.The severity of climbers'fall-related injures is mainly related toA.
A.the height of the fall.
B.the climber's age.
C.the climber's health condition.
D.the climber's climbing experience.
27.The underlined word"demonstrates"in the last paragraph can be replaced byC.
A.describes    B.denies      C.proves     D.prevents.
13.Forests are amazing,and so are the animals that live in them.We enjoy watching TV shows about bears,bats (蝙蝠) or monkeys.We know a lot about their lives:how they find food or what they do at different times of the year.But what about smaller animals that are more difficult to see or film?
Many small animals that live in forests are very important for the soil.A French scientist,Francois Xavier Joly,is studying one of them---the millipede(千足虫).
The importance of leaves
When the leaves begin to die in fall,they turn from green to yellow and fall from the trees.As they decompose on the ground,nutrients(营养物质) are returned to the soil and carbon dioxide to the air.Life in the forest needs these nutrients.Without them,plants could not grow and there would be no food for animals such as the millipede.
Food on the forest floor
Some living things,like mushrooms,break the leaves into small pieces and eat them.In a few months there is nothing left of them.But for mushrooms,not all trees are the same.Mushrooms prefer some types of leaves to others.This means that some leaves take much longer to be broken down than others.Sometimes it takes years.So what happens to these?This is where millipede can help.
More on the menu
The millipede also likes leaves and it eats any type.But when it has finished,it produces waste.This waste then becomes the food of mushrooms.When mushrooms eat leaves they choose only certain types but when they eat waste,they will eat any kind.This is how the millipede turns dead leaves into food for others and helps life continue.
So next time you are walking through a forest,remember that something may be having a meal right under your feet.

28.According to the passage,what can we learn about the millipede?B
A.It can often be seen on TV shows.
B.It mostly feeds on the nutrients in the soil.
C.It is too small to be noticed by people.
D.It lives under mushrooms in the forest.
29.What does the author want to tell us by mentioning mushrooms?B
A.The millipede eats mushrooms in the forest.
B.The millipede helps to provide food for mushrooms.
C.Mushrooms play an important part in helping millipedes out.
D.Mushrooms decide what types of leaves the millipede will eat.
31.According to the author,the millipede isD.

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