
A Leap(跳跃)to Honor

Leaping on a narrow balance beam(平衡木) is not easy. But Lola Walter, a 13-year-old gymnast, is an expert at it.

To perfect her skills, Lola ________ for four hours a day, five days a week. At the state championships in March, she finished seventh out of 16 girls. That’s especially impressive, ________ she is legally blind, born with a rare condition that causes her eyes to shift (转移) constantly. She often sees double and can’t ________ how far away things are.

When she was little, her mom _________ that even though she couldn’t see _________, she was fearless. So her mom signed her up for gymnastics when she was three. She loved the ______ right away and gymnastics became her favorite.

Though learning gymnastics has been more ______for her than for some of her tournaments(锦标赛), she has never quit(放弃). She doesn’t let her ______ stop her from doing anything that she wants to. She likes the determination(决心) it takes to do the sport. Her biggest ______is the balance beam. Because she has double vision, she often sees two beams. She must use her sense of touch to help her during her routine. Sometimes she even closes her eyes. “You have to ______your mind that it’ll take you where you want to go,” says Lola.

To be a top-level gymnast, one must be brave. The beam is probably the most ______ for anyone because it’s only four inches wide. At the state competition, Lola didn’t ______ the beam. In fact, she got an 8.1 out of 10 — her highest score yet.

Lola doesn’t want to be ______ differently from the other girls on her team. At the competitions, the judges don’t know about her vision ________. She doesn’t tell them, because she doesn’t think they need to know. Her mom is amazed by her ______ attitude.

Lola never thinks about______. She is presently at level 7 while the highest is level 10 in gymnastics. Her______ is to reach level 9. She says she wants to be a gymnastics coach to _________ what she’s learned to other kids when she grew up.

Lola is______of all her hard work and success. She says it has helped her overcome problems in her life outside gymnastics, too. Her ______ for others is “just believe yourself ”.

1.A. runs B. teaches C. trains D. dances

2.A. since B. unless C. after D. though

3.A. tell B. guess C. fancy D. predict

4.A. doubted B. remembered C. imagined D. noticed

5.A. deeply B. well C. ahead D. carefully

6.A. task B. sport C. event D. show

7.A. boring B. enjoyable C. difficult D. unsatisfying

8.A. talent B. quality C. nature D. condition

9.A. doubt B. advantage C. challenge D. program

10.A. examine B. express C. open D. trust

11.A. fearful B. harmful C. unfair D. inconvenient

12.A. fall down B. fall over C. fall off D. fall behind

13.A. greeted B. treated C. served D. paid

14.A. pains B. stresses C. injuries D. problems

15.A. positive B. friendly C. selfless D. devoted

16.A. defending B. quitting C. winning D. bargaining

17.A. standard B. range C. view D. goal

18.A. go through B. pass by C. hand down D. give out

19.A. proud B. tired C. ashamed D. confident

20.A. plan B. advice C. reward D. responsibility


If you want to learn a new language, the very first thing to think about is why. Do you need it for a __________ reason, such as your job or your studies? _________ perhaps you’re interested in the _________ ,films or music of a different country and you know how much it will help to have a _________ of the language.

Most people learn best using a variety of _________, but traditional classes are an ideal(理想的)start for many people. They ________ an environment where you can practice under the ________ of someone who’s good at the language. We all lead ________ lives and learning a language takes _______. You will have more success if you study regularly, so try to develop a ________. It doesn’t matter if you haven’t got long. Becoming fluent in a language will take years, but learning to get by takes _______.

Many people start learning a language and soon give up. “I’m too _______,” they say. Yes, children do learn languages more _______ than adults, but research has shown that you can learn a language at any ________. And learning is good for the health of your brain, too. I’ve also heard people ________ about the mistakes they make when ________. Well, relax and laugh about your mistakes ________ you’re much less likely to make them again.

Learning a new language is never ________. But with some work and devotion, you’ll make progress. And you’ll be _________ by the positive reaction of some people when you say just a few words in ________ own language. Good luck!

1.A. technical B. political C. practical D. physical

2.A. After B. So C. Though D. Or

3.A. literature B. transport C. agriculture D. medicine

4.A. view B. knowledge C. form D. database

5.A. paintings B. regulations C. methods D. computers

6.A. protect B. change C. respect D. provide

7.A. control B. command C. guidance D. pressure

8.A. busy B. happy C. simple D. normal

9.A. courage B. time C. energy D. place

10.A. theory B. business C. routine D. project

11.A. some risks B. a lot less C. some notes D. a lot more

12.A. old B. nervous C. weak D. tired

13.A. closely B. quickly C. privately D. quietly

14.A. age B. speed C. distance D. school

15.A. worry B. hesitate C. think D. quarrel

16.A. singing B. working C. bargaining D. learning

17.A. if B. and C. but D. before

18.A. tiresome B. hard C. interesting D. easy

19.A. blamed B. amazed C. interrupted D. informed

20.A. their B. his C. our D. your

Given the tradition of students bringing apples to their teachers, it somehow seems fitting that an old apple barn(谷仓)will find a new life as a one-room schoolhouse. And it is just as fitting that a retired schoolteacher will become the caretaker of that historic treasure.

My friend Velma, a teacher for more than 30 years, has been retired for some time now, but that doesn’t stop her giving history lessons at the old Englewood School, located on her family’s

California farm. The lovingly restored building was constructed around 1850 as a home for a woodsman and later was used as apple barn. Then, in 1870 it began a new life as a schoolhouse.

Originally located in the nearby Englewood meadow, it was now moved its current site in 1978 by Velma’s late husband and his brother, Robert and Richard, who thought it would help keep

Velma busy in retirement. No nails had been used in the original construction, so each piece of wood had to be carefully marked and the building was reassembled(重装)on its new site. The brothers worked with much care and hard work to ensure a perfect fit of mitered(斜接的)corners.

After the relocation, Velma and her family furnished the school with some of its original desks. They also added a collection of schoolbooks, the oldest dating back to 1845. Perhaps the school’s most cherished souvenir is the diploma of student Hettie Essig, who graduated on June 30, 1904. Hettie’s daughter, Flora, presented Velma with the precious keepsake.

Nowadays Velma gives tours to local schoolchildren and other groups, who learn what it was like to attend school back in the good old days. She has kids ring the school bell, recite the Pledge of Allegiance and sing “Good Morning to You” as they might have done in days gone by. Then, with twinkling eyes and much enthusiasm, she tells the history of the school, and gives a short sample lesson.

1.The Englewood School was originally built as __________.

A. a man’ s house B. a schoolhouse

C. a restroom D. an apple barn

2.Which word can best describe the school’s being relocated?

A. Inspiring B. Refreshing

C. fashionable D. Challenging

3.What does the underlined part “the precious keepsake” in Para.4 mean?

A. The school’s original supplies

B. The collection of schoolbooks

C. The oldest schoolbook

D. The diploma of Hettie Essig.

4.Which can serve as the best title of the passage?

A. The Good Old Days in the Schoolhouse

B. A Mysterious Building with a Long History

C. A Historic One-room Schoolhouse

D. A Teacher Devoted to Restoring Old Buildings

How old are the apps on your smartphone? Is it time for an update? Here are three apps for you. Try them out and have fun.


Learning a foreign language doesn’t always mean you have to sit in a class and take endless exams. An app called Duolingo has been designed to help you memorize (记住) new words and grammar in creative ways,such as online lessons,games and interesting exercises. For example,one exercise asks you to put words in the right order to make the correct sentence. You can also try translation practice.

Douban FM

A music app is a necessity for almost every smartphone now. Douban FM might be the right thing for you.

There is no playlist on Douban FM--songs just keep streaming (播放) one by one. You can use the “heart”, “trash” and “skip” buttons (按钮) to mark the songs you like,don’t like and want to cut short, respectively (分别地). Those marked with a heart will be stored in another list as your favorites for you to listen to anytime you want. Douban FM also has different channels (频道). There are many types of music, such as blues, jazz, and pop. You can choose the music for outdoor activities, work or studying depending on your mood (心情).


It is one of the hottest news apps right now. With Flipboard, you can make everything personal to you. All you have to do is open up the app, “flip through” to select whatever interests you,and click the “+” button. At the end you’ll have your own magazine, complete with a front page, new articles, and information.

1.What’s the purpose of the passage?

A. To show a new way to learn English.

B. To offer a hottest news website.

C. To introduce three apps.

D. To give advice to music lovers.

2.What does Duolingo help you do?

A. Get away from endless exams.

B. Keep words and grammar in mind.

C. Have easy access to online lessons.

D. Practice speaking English correctly.

3.Which statement is true about Douban FM?

A. There is no playlist on it, making a smartphone easier to operate.

B. It has special channels where conceits are regularly broadcast live.

C. It knows about your mood, based on what you are doing.

D. You can choose with it your favorite songs and music as you like.

4.According to the text, what can you do with Flipboard?

A. Make a personalized news magazine.

B. Go through everything that interests you.

C. Safely store some personal information.

D. Contribute your articles to popular magazines.

Why play games? Because they are fun. Besides, following the rules, planning your next move, acting as a team member, these are all “game” ideas that you will come across throughout your life.

Think about some of the games you played as a young child, such as rope-jumping and hide-and-seek. Such games are entertaining and fun. But perhaps more importantly, they translate life into exciting dramas that teach children some of the basic rules they will be expected to follow the rest of their lives, such as taking turns and cooperating.

Many children’s games have a practical side. Children around the world play games that prepare them for work they will do as grown-ups. For instance, some Saudi Arabian children play a game called bones, which sharpens the hand-eye coordination(协调) needed in hunting.

Many sports encourage national or local pride. The most famous games of all, the Olympic Games, bring athletes from around the world together to take part in friendly competition. People who watch the event wave flags, knowing that a good medal is a win for an entire country, not just the athlete who earned it. For countries experiencing natural disasters or war, an Olympic win can mean so much.

Sports are also events that unite people. Soccer is the most popular sport in the world. People on all continents play it — some for fun and some for a living. Nicolette Iribarne, a Californian soccer player, has discovered a way to spread hope through soccer. He created a foundation to provide poor children with not only soccer balls but also a promising future.

Next time you play your favorite game or sport, think about why you enjoy it, what skills are needed, and whether these skills will help you in other aspects of your life.

1.Through playing hide-seek, children are expected to learn to ________.

A. be a team leader B. obey the basic rules

C. act as a grown-up D. predict possible danger

2.The underlined part in Paragraph 2 most probably means that games can _________.

A. describe life in an exciting way

B. turn real-life experiences into a play

C. make learning life skills more interesting

D. change people’s views of sporting events

3.According to the passage, why is winning Olympic medals so encouraging?

A. It inspires people’s deep love for the country.

B. It proves the exceptional skills of the winners.

C. It helps the country out of natural disasters.

D. It earns the winners fame and fortune.

4.What can be inferred from the passage?

A. Games benefit people all their lives.

B. Sports can get all athletes together.

C. People are advised to play games for fun.

D. Sports increase a country’s competitiveness(竞争力).

Machu Picchu is an unusual site in Peru and one of the most mysterious wonders of the world. Built at almost 10,000 feet on the top of an Andean mountain, the Incas built hundreds of structures made of stone. A large number of Machu Picchu’s surrounding structures date back to the early 13th century, but it was considered a chief sacred site far before then. The Inca people changed the large site into a very small but wonderful city, completely self-sufficient and hidden from below. Agricultural terraces (梯田) surrounded the entire city, fed by natural spring water, supporting the entire population.

Inca Trail

The trail is one of the most famous in the world and regarded as one of the best. It covers only 26 miles, combining cloud forest, green mountain scenery, forest, and plenty of tunnels, paving stones, and ruins. The four-day hike begins slowly but quickly changes into a difficult journey suitable for those in excellent shape. The trail winds through the Andes, leading alongside and through ruins. Though independent hiking was once permitted, now it must be done with a guide.

Funerary Rock

It is believed that the Funerary Rock at Machu Picchu was used as a place to prepare Inca nobles for preservation, or mummifying (做成木乃伊), a common habit among the tribe. Nobles would be laid out to be mummified by the hot sun and freezing cold nights after their organs were removed. The rock is also famous as a spot from which a view of the city is afforded.

Temple of the Sun

Within the city’s castle, deep within Machu Picchu, is the Temple of the Sun, accessed only by the Emperor and

Inca priests. It means the Inca’s advanced knowledge of religion, weather, and nature, showing the great extent

Incas went to adapt to and learn about nature. Still unbroken, the temple was built to honor the god Inti, who is exactly the sun. The temple was effectively protected. It was also a very important scientific center, built in half-moon shape with openings facing north and east. The windows’ shadows in the center of the temple helped see the start of winter solstice (至日), showing farming season.

1.What do we know about the Inca Trail?

A. The scene is very beautiful along the trail.

B. One person alone is permitted to hike on the trail.

C. Only healthy people can do the four-day hike trail.

D. The trail covers a distance of 80 miles in all.

2.Temple of the Sun suggests that .

A. Incas had a good knowledge of math

B. Incas are rich in farming experiences

C. Inca had a desire to go to the moon

D. Incas adapted and learned about nature

3.What can be the best title for the passage?

A. Inca Trail B. Funerary Rock

C. Machu Picchu D. Temple of the Sun

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