
5.-Did you watch the game between Taishan and Guo'an on Sunday morning?
-No,I __ my lessons for the coming exams.(  )
A.was preparingB.praparedC.had preparedD.have prapared

分析 句意:--周日早上你看泰山队和国安队的比赛了吗?--没有,我当时在为即将到来的考试做准备.

解答 答案:A 由句意"我当时正在…"可知,应该是过去正在进行的动作,用过去进行时.故选A项.

点评 考查过去进行时.主要要根据时间状语或说话的语境进行判断.

10.It seemed like there were quarrels every evening.My children were always fighting over something.They never agreed on who had last washed the dishes,or who had last picked the,TV program.I was tired of constantly being a judge.
One day,I thought over what my life was like before marriage.I recalled my high school days when the terms"Odd(奇数的)"day/and"Even"day meant something.My class schedule changed by turns between"O"days and"E"days.On O days I might attend Physics and Maths.And on E days I'd go to another elective class,such as First aid or Art.
So I explained our new system to the children."Jolee,you were born first,"I said."Is one an odd number or all even one?"
"It's odd,Mom."
"And A1,you arrived second.Is two odd or even?"
"It's even,Mom."
"Ok,so Jolee,from now on,every odd day is automatically your own special day.That means you get to pick what to watch,or which board game to play.Al,the same applies to you on even days."
He thought about it a minute,then said,"But there are more odd days than even ones in some months.Jolee will get‘her day'two times in a row when a month ends in 31,and the next one begins with a one."
"True,"I said,"but that also means she'11 be taking the smelly,disgusting rubbish out,washing the dishes,and doing other less-enjoyable things two more days in a row,and you won't.It's part of life's give-and-take."
For the first few days after that,whenever one kid shouted,"Mom!"I'd just call out,"Whose day is it?"That settled it.Soon.the quarrelling ended.
Ah,the complete joy of peace and quiet!
41.What made the writer bored?C
A.Programs on TV.            
B.Washing the dishes.
C.Her children's quarreling. 
D.Her dull marriage.
42.What can we learn from Paragraph 2?C
A.The writer's life before marriage was happy.
B.The writer's grades were,good at high schoo1.
C.The writer's class schedule changed every day.
D.The writer's favorite subject was Physics and Maths.
43.Which of the following statements is true according to the text?D
A.Al is cleverer than her sister Jolee.   
B.Jolee likes doing housework better.
C.Neither of the children likes the new system.
D.Both children have their privileges in turn.
44.The underlined word"give-and-take"can be replaced byA.
A.pay and reward                 
B.success and failure
C.joy and pain               
D.work and rest 
45.What's the best title of the passage?B
A.An interesting conversation       
B.The end of family quarrels
C.Equal pay for equal work            
D.Distribution of housework.
14.In October 2010,I left my hometown and family in Virginia and moved to Iowa so I could be coached by Liang Chow.I'd been dreaming of an Olympic gold medal since I was eight-but gradually,that dream seemed like a million miles away.
On January 2,2012,while Mom was visiting me in Iowa,I told her,"I don't like gymnastics anymore.I want to try dancing,or become a singer.I can get a job in Virginia.I just want to come home."
Mom's eyes narrowed and her expression turned to stone."You're breaking my heart,Brie,"she said."You've been doing gymnastics for ten years,and now you want to quit?Have you lost your mind?"
I hadn't lost my mind,but I had lost my fire.It's an entirely different thing to push toward that dream when you feel alone.
"I'm not trying to break your heart,Mom,"I said."I just don't want to do it anymore."
"I know you miss home.But you've signed a contract that says you will represent your country to the best of your ability.You've got a responsibility to your teammates.And now you just want to walk away?I will not let you be dishonorable.If you don't like gymnastics,then at the very least,you will finish the season."
The next afternoon as I dragged myself into Chow's gym,I thought of the efforts Mom had made in order to pay for my training.I thought of my two sisters:Arielle,who gave up ballroom dancing,and Joyelle,who stopped ice skating so that our single mom could afford to keep me in gymnastics.
For now,here's what you need to know:Exactly 210days before I ever attempted my first vault (跳跃) in the London Summer Olympics,my leap of faith came this close to ending in a crash of disaster.

26.The author wanted to give up gymnastics becauseB.
A.she thought she loved music more
B.she was overcome with homesickness
C.an Olympic gold was beyond her reach
D.the training for the Olympics was too hard
27.How did the author's mother feel on hearing her words?A.
A.Heart-broken.  B.Sympathetic.  C.Helpless.  D.Calm.
28.We can infer from the passage that the authorC.
A.was born into an athletic family        B.realized her Olympic dream
C.changed her mind in the end             D.had a bad childhood
29.What would be the best title for the passage?B.
A.A dream come true    B.My leap of faith     C.My mother    D.A quitter
30.Who will be interested in the passage?D.
A.A medical student who will graduate from university.
B.A healthcare professional who will give a lecture on cancer.
C.A marketing professional who is looking for customers.
D.A gymnastic player who wants to give up competition.

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