
8.Hearing the students came back to school,the headmaster breathed a sigh of               .(  )

分析 听到学生们回到学校,校长松了一口气.

解答 答案是A.本题考查名词词义辨析.A项表示"宽慰,安心",a sigh of relief松了一口气; B项表示"挑战";C项表示"安全";D项表示"惊慌";根据句意和搭配可知,答案选A.

点评 本题考查名词词义辨析,要在熟悉各名词词义和常见搭配的基础上结合语境做出合理的推断.

19.Yesterday after school I took my boys through the drive way at McDonald's.It was a hot day and they wanted a nice cool treat.So I said yes.Plus the McSpiders are amazing for only $2!
So off we went.As I ordered I remembered a commitment I made to myself a year ago.
The commitment that every time I drive through the drive way I pay for the car behind me.I made this commitment because I go through the drive way about 4 times a year.So it's an easy one to keep.
As I drove around to pay the cashier the $6 for our order I really did not want to do this.I didn't want to pay or offer to pay for the car pulling up behind me.
In my head I begun to talk myself out of it."It's OK Nicole,you don't have to"."You haven't much money or work this week"."And what if it's a $40 order or more!"That's when the other voice stepped in.It said,"This is exactly the time you need to do it!When you don't"WANT"to.It's easy and good when your'in the mood',happy and full of cash.But love and kindness doesn't work that way.It isn't conditional and only given when it suits you!"
So I did it.I paid for the car behind.
I asked the cashier to add the car behinds order to my card.Which thankfully was only 2.95.Canyoubelieveit.2.95!!!
Anyway.That isn't the point.The point is that I did it.And doing it I completely made someone's day,and reminded them that there is love and kindness in this world.And to think…I almost didn't.I almost kept that $2.95 to myself!

32.What does the word"McSpiders"in paragraph 1 probably refer to?D
A.A kind of small animals that can run quickly.
B.A kind of service provided by restaurant.
C.A kind of small insects that can fly.
D.A kind of food offered in fast food restaurant.
33.From the passage,we can know the authorB.
A.is a wealthy man with enough money
B.is a man who is true to his word
C.likes to help others willingly
D.often visits McDonald's and passes through the drive way
34.Paragraph 5 is used toA.
A.describe the conflicting mood of the author
B.stress that the author likes saving money
C.emphasis the importance of wealth to author
D.make us guess what he will do next
35.From the passage,we can know the author feltB finally.
20.As warming continues,scientists warn the oxygen content of oceans across the planet could be more and more reduced,with serious consequences for the future of fish and other sea life.
(36)B One is the simple fact that as water gets warmer,it can hold less dissolved(溶解的) oxygen.The other reason is less obvious.The entire ocean gets its oxygen from the surface-either from the atmosphere,or from photosynthesizing algae(进行光合作用的藻类) floating at the top of the sea.(37)D
Global warming is expected to reduce the mixing of the ocean by making surface seawater lighter.That's because in a warmer world we can expect more rainfall and more melting(融化)of glaciers,icebergs,and ice sheets.(38)C The extra heat from the warming atmosphere will also make surface water expand and thus make it lighter still.(39)F Instead,more of the oxygen will remin near the surface,where it will be used up by oxygen-breathing organisms.
A low-oxygen ocean may become an inescapable feature of our planet.A team of Danish researchers wondered how long oxygen levels would drop if we could somehow reduce our carbon dioxide emissions to zero by 2100.They determined that over the next few thousand years oxygen levels would continue to fall,until they declined by 30percent.The oxygen would slowly return to the oceans,but even 100,000years from now they will not have fully recovered.(40)G

A.It's not known why the oxygen level of oceans has reduced.
B.Scientists point to two reasons to expect a drop in ocean oxygen.
C.Fresh water's inpouring will make the water at the ocean's surface lighter.
D.The oxygen then spreads to the deep ocean as the surface water slowly sinks.
E.Global warming has caused the reduction of the oxygen content of oceans worldwide.
F.The light surface water will be less likely to sink so the deep ocean will get less oxygen.
G.If they are right,we have every reason to worry about the major effect it has on sea life.
18.Growing up,we never had an artificial(人工的) Christmas tree-or a cut one,for that matter.Instead,about a week before Christmas,my parents would pull in a balled or potted(球形或盆栽的) evergreen.Daddy said it made"good cents."Mother said it was a meaningful tradition.
After moving the heavy tree into the house,Mother would decorate it.It took a long time,but decorating the tree was an exciting family event,and after we finished we'd gather around the piano to drink eggnog and sing Christmas carols.
On a warm Saturday morning after New Year's Day,we'd all go into the backyard,pick a site and plant our Christmas tree.Each year,the yard got a little woodsier(树木多的) as we continued to add new spruce(云杉) or pine specimens.On warm evenings,we loved to sit in chairs and watch the fireflies flit in and out of the branches,as if trying to create their own Christmas tree light display.
One summer afternoon-some 40years later-I drove by that childhood home and slowed down to savor the memories.The new owners were working in their yard,but when they saw me they stopped and came over to talk.When I told them that I had grown up there,they took me on a tour.When we walked into the backyard,I caught my breath and fought back tears.I was standing in a forest.The couple explained they were from California and had been drawn to the home because of the huge evergreens out back.
When I walked over to admire a Colorado blue spruce,a glint(反光) of silver caught my eye.I could hardly believe it,but sure enough,a piece of tinsel(金属箔) was still wrapped around a branch,shining in the sun.
Somehow,through almost half a century of Oklahoma heat and cold,that remnant(痕迹) of our holiday tradition survived,much like my fond memories of our backyard Christmas trees-memories that have become more treasured with each passing year.

25.What do we know about the author's Christmas tree?B
A.Her family preferred a cut Christmas tree.
B.She was willing to decorate the tree.
C.The tree would be transported to a forest.
D.Her family arranged to plant the tree the next day.
26.Why did the author slow down that afternoon?D
A.To look at the backyard.
B.To visit the new owners.
C.To observe the new holiday.
D.To enjoy her childhood memories.
27.How did the author feel when she walked into the backyard?A
28.What does the underlined part"our holiday tradition"refer to?C
A.Singing Christmas carols.
B.Celebrating Christmas together.
C.Planting Christmas trees in the backyard.
D.Preparing an artificial Christmas tree.

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