
18.Growing up,we never had an artificial(人工的) Christmas tree-or a cut one,for that matter.Instead,about a week before Christmas,my parents would pull in a balled or potted(球形或盆栽的) evergreen.Daddy said it made"good cents."Mother said it was a meaningful tradition.
After moving the heavy tree into the house,Mother would decorate it.It took a long time,but decorating the tree was an exciting family event,and after we finished we'd gather around the piano to drink eggnog and sing Christmas carols.
On a warm Saturday morning after New Year's Day,we'd all go into the backyard,pick a site and plant our Christmas tree.Each year,the yard got a little woodsier(树木多的) as we continued to add new spruce(云杉) or pine specimens.On warm evenings,we loved to sit in chairs and watch the fireflies flit in and out of the branches,as if trying to create their own Christmas tree light display.
One summer afternoon-some 40years later-I drove by that childhood home and slowed down to savor the memories.The new owners were working in their yard,but when they saw me they stopped and came over to talk.When I told them that I had grown up there,they took me on a tour.When we walked into the backyard,I caught my breath and fought back tears.I was standing in a forest.The couple explained they were from California and had been drawn to the home because of the huge evergreens out back.
When I walked over to admire a Colorado blue spruce,a glint(反光) of silver caught my eye.I could hardly believe it,but sure enough,a piece of tinsel(金属箔) was still wrapped around a branch,shining in the sun.
Somehow,through almost half a century of Oklahoma heat and cold,that remnant(痕迹) of our holiday tradition survived,much like my fond memories of our backyard Christmas trees-memories that have become more treasured with each passing year.

25.What do we know about the author's Christmas tree?B
A.Her family preferred a cut Christmas tree.
B.She was willing to decorate the tree.
C.The tree would be transported to a forest.
D.Her family arranged to plant the tree the next day.
26.Why did the author slow down that afternoon?D
A.To look at the backyard.
B.To visit the new owners.
C.To observe the new holiday.
D.To enjoy her childhood memories.
27.How did the author feel when she walked into the backyard?A
28.What does the underlined part"our holiday tradition"refer to?C
A.Singing Christmas carols.
B.Celebrating Christmas together.
C.Planting Christmas trees in the backyard.
D.Preparing an artificial Christmas tree.

分析 本文讲述了作者一家人的节日传统就是在后院种圣诞树,当作者重新回到这个院子时,感慨良多.

解答 25-28 BDAC
25.B 考查细节理解.根据"Mother would decorate it.It took a long time,but decorating the tree was an exciting family event"可知,作者她愿意装饰这棵树.故选B.
26.D 考查细节理解.根据"Each year,the yard got a little woodsier(树木多的) as we continued to add new spruce(云杉) or pine specimens"可知,作者在那天下午享受童年的记忆.故选D.
27.A 考查细节理解.根据"When we walked into the backyard,I caught my breath and fought back tears"可知,作者走进后院时,受到了触动.故选A.
28.C 考查细节理解.根据"my parents would pull in a balled or potted(球形或盆栽的) evergreen.Daddy said it made"good cents."Mother said it was a meaningful tradition."可知,我们家里人节日的传统就是在后院种圣诞树.故选C.

点评 阅读理解考察学生的细节理解和推理判断能力,做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确的选择.在做推理判断题不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.

Not only has aspirin been proved vital for reducing fever and helping stop pain,but there are also other thing that aspirin can help with Lawrence Craven,a doctor from the USA,introduced the idea in 1953which aspirin had the potential to reduce the risk of hear attacks,though it helped the blood circulate well.The report was ignored.However,in 1971,Smith and Willis from the UK Proved that aspirin could have that effect,and in 1977 a study carrying out in the USA Showed that aspirin could prevent strokes,as well.Eleven years late,Dr Thun from the USA Showed that aspirin could reduce the risk of some cancers to 40percent.In 1999,aspirin was over 100years old,and yet there has been more discoveries about how it can help increase length of peoples lives.In 2003,a Chinese doctor,Dr Yuan Min Sheng,found that aspirin could reduce blood sugar levels and,therefore,helped people with diabetes.
3.With all of the wonderful things life brings us,it also brings us stress.It is for this reason that I am an active supporter of mental health days.
Although it's never good to ignore(忽视) responsibilities,sometimes it is good to unplug(拔除) from the world for a day.We eat healthy and stay active to keep us from getting sick,but sometimes we forget to care for our minds.Our minds and bodies are connected,and when only one is being cared for,the other may be suffering.It is important to try to combine self care with our lives and spend time on activities we enjoy.This helps relieve stress on a daily day.
So,what do you do on a mental health day?The answer is anything you want.Growing up,my brother and I were allowed a few mental health days a year.We would stay home from school and relax.For him,it was playing games on the computer,while my days were spent reading or watching TV.My mental health days now include picking things up around my apartment,cooking a tasty meal,and then reading for a few hours.I completely shut myself off from work or school.To me,this is relaxing.Organize the clutter(凌乱的东西) that piles up during the week,cook the meals I don't have time to cook,and read the books that I've bought but don't have time to read.
A mental health day is great,but only if it's supplemented(增补) with self care through the week.From my experience,if self care is not regularly provided in your week,taking a mental health day is just going to stress you out even more.But when it's needed,try hard to recognize that and take care of yourself.It will help keep you happy and healthy.A mental health day is not a day to avoid life,it is a day to recoup(恢复).

32.What can we infer from Paragraph 2?A
A.People tend to ignore their mental health.
B.People should care for each other.
C.One should have a strong sense of responsibility.
D.Mental health is less important than physical health.
33.According to the author,on a mental health day people shouldD.
A.stay at home alone.
B.enjoy outdoor activities
C.do something meaningful.
D.do whatever they want.
34.What did the author's brother do on mental health days as a kid?B
A.He cooked for his family.
B.He played computer games.
C.He watched TV programs          
D.He read the books he bought.
35.According to the last paragraph,to keep mentally healthy,C.
A.one needs help and care from other.
B.leading a regular life is unnecessary.
C.mental health days are not enough.
D.one should try to be physically friendly.
10.The next time you go into a bank,a store,or a supermarket,stop and listen.What do you hear(36)C It is similar to the music you listen to,but it's not exactly the same.That's because this music was especially designed to relax you,or to give you extra energy.Sometimes you don't even realize the music is playing,but you react to the music anyway.Quiet background music used to be called"elevator music"because we often heard it in elevators,but lately we hear it in more and more places,and it has a new name muzak.About one-third of the people in America listen to Muzak every day.The music plays for 15 minutes at a time,with short pauses in between.It is always more lively between ten and eleven in the morning,and between three and four in the afternoon,when people are more tired.(37)B
    If you listen to Muzak carefully,you will probably recognize the names of many of the songs.Some musicians or songwriters don't want their songs to be used as Muzaks,but others are happy when their songs are chosen,Why?(38)F
Music is often played in public places because it is designed to make people feel less lonely when they are in an airport or a hotel.It has been proven that Muzak does what it is designed to do.Tired office workers suddenly have more energy when they hear the pleasant sound of Muzak in the background.(39)D Supermarket shoppers buy 38 percent more groceries.
(40)AThey say it is boring to hear the same songs all the times.But others enjoy hearing Muzak in public places.They say it helps them relax and feel calm.One even say their cows give more milk when they hear Muzak!

A.Some people don't like Muzak.
B.The music gives them extra energy.
C.Music is playing in the background.
D.Factory workers produce 13 percent more
E.Muzak tends to help people understand music better.
F.They get as much as $4 million a year if their songs are used.
G.Muzak is played in most of the big supermarkets in the world.
9.Traveling is a very good activity.When you are fed up with your work and when you can get a holiday,you can go to the beautiful spots(景点)to enjoy the beauty of nature and the special character(特征)of other cities.You can breathe fresh air,visit ome places of interest,meet different people and make friends with them.If you do so,you will forget your tiredness and troubles and build up your health.As a result,you will feel fully relaxed and you will have the energy to undertake执行)the new tasks waiting for you.
But sometimes,traveling is not an enjoyable thing.For example,when the bus or car you take has a bad accident,you just sit in and wasteyour time.What's more,the weather can be changeable.If you are climbing a mountain,it may rain suddenly.You may be caught in the rain and may catch a cold.The worst thing is that you may have your money stolen and you may have an injury.All these are terrible things that can happen to a tourist.
Therefore,when you are going on a trip,you must prepare yourself carefully.Firstly,you must have clear information about the weather.Secondly,you should choose a good companion(伙伴)so that you can help each other.Thirdly,you must be careful everywhere and try to avoid accidents.If you do this,you'll surely enjoy your travels and avoid any unnecessary trouble.

28.In the passage,the author suggests that you shouldB for a holiday.
A.go abroad
B.go to different cities
C.go nowhere
D.stay at home
29.In the first paragraph,the underlined words"are fed up with"meansC.
A.finish doing
B.can't do
C.are tired of
D.are interested in
30.What is NOT mentioned in the passage?C
A.You may meet with unexpected troubles on a trip.
B.You may get ill on a trip.
C.You will have to spend a lot of money on a bus or in a car.
D.It's necessary for you to know about the weather before you travel.
31.In order to have a goodholiday,you shouldD.
A.be careless
B.have a holiday with a good friend
C.take an umbrella with you
D.be well prepared for your trip.

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