
It's time to remind myself what I love about life here in California,the USA. to remember what I desperately miss when I go home. Real radio In the USA there are so many radio stations that those iPod tuner things don't work at all. There is,simply,no dead air. It took me a while to discover the USA's many public radio stations,which don't broadcast any advertisements. KCRW is my favourite station,for its blend of indie (独立的) music and current affairs. But I also listen to KJAZZ and KPCC. But before you feel jealous―it's all online. My favourites; American Life,Snap Judgement and Henry Rollins' live show every Satur?day night. Take a listen online for free. News? Well,there's not a lot of news from South Africa,and when it is,it's bad and full of fear,so I ignore it. But I care about any place I live in,and that includes the USA. And on public radio,the USA is covered in depth,from the perspective of individual stories rather than statistics.

The festivals

I'm jealously watching tweets (推文) and Facebook boasts and reviews from SXSW―seems like half the people I used to work with in South Africa are there* meeting Grumpy Cat and watching bands they've always wanted to see live. It's great to know that these thousands of festivals are so close,and that one day,if the film school schedule ever allows me to leave campus for more than a few days,I can go to one or two of them. I have already exchanged my much loved Ford Mustang for a bigger,less sexy car―a car spacious enough to sleep in―so that next year I can be there,not just dream of it.

The famous people 

When I go back to South Africa,I'm often asked if I've spotted any famous people. It's awkward for me. I feel the same way about it as I feel when an Ameri?can asks me if there are lions in the streets. No,not lions. I have met some famous people. I chatted to RJ Mitte from Breaking Bad outside a club in West Holly?wood. Many of my professors are famous directors. The problem is that,once you meet these famous people,they're just people. This feels disappointing at first,like you're missing a Jesus moment of some sort. But if you think about it,it's in?spiring. What it means is that 1,little me (right now,also "just a person") could be a famous just-a-person person one day,and get to make all the films I just dream of now.

1. The underlined sentence " There is,simply,no dead air."probably means      

   A. There are no useless radio programmes in the USA

   B. There are no useful radio programmes in the USA

   C. There is no polluted air in the USA

   D. There are no advertisements from the radio programmes in the USA

2. There are so many festivals that       .

   A. I often leave campus for more than a few days

   B. I often attend some of them in person

   C. I bought a bigger Ford Mustang

   D. I can share many reviews and performances online with my friends in South Africa

3. The author thinks the famous people in the USA       .

   A. are just like lions   B. are well known but ordinary

   C. are disappointing   D. are inspiring

4. The author is most likely to be       .

   A. a director in America   B. a professor in South Africa

   C. a student in America   D. an actor in South Africa


People often say you never get a second chance to make a first impression,and that's actually quite true.

19.       After all,making a good first impression is all about making others feel good when spending time with them. The following tips will help you make a positive impression every time.

. Dress appropriately.

20.      That means dressing up or putting on nice,clean,situationappropriate clothes for social situa?tions. It isn't difficult and it doesn't have to cost you much,either.

. Be aware of your body language.

Words express very little of what you say. Body language can tell someone a lot about your mood and confidence level. 21.        Eye contact is an easy way to make others feel comfortable,important and special. Nervous body language can make others uncomfortable and anxious. Try to be aware of your body language when communicating with others.

. Respect the opinions of others.

Not everyone will have the same opinion with you,and friendly disagreements can be a gateway to a great conversation. Respect other people's right to have their own opinion. Respect the opinions of others even if you disagree with them.22.      


 People love talking about themselves,but generally,you want to be careful of taking over the conversation. By listening carefully to what others are saying,you are not only making them feel important,but you can gather cues you need to keep the conversation going and bridge to new topics.

   A. Be a careful listener.

   B. Show an interest in every person you meet.

   C. Smile especially when first meeting someone.

   D. Make sure you look nice whenever you meet someone new.

   E. Meeting new people and starting conversations is often challenging.

   F. Others will want to be with you and help you make a good impression.

   G. Don't force others to believe what you believe or to see things only as you see them.


 [2015 •辽宁沈阳东北育才中学一模]

 American researchers found females are the more talkative sex because of a special "language protein" in the brain.

 The study,conducted by neuroscientists (神经学家) and psy?chologist from the University of Maryland,concluded that women talked more because they had more of the FoxP2 protein. The research,published in The Journal of Neuroscience,found that higher levels were found among humans that were women but in rats that were males. Their findings came after it was previ?ously claimed that ladies speak about 20,000 words a day―over 13,000 more than men. "This study is one of the first to report a sex difference in the expression of a languageassociated protein in humans or animals," said Professor Margaret Mc?Carthy,who led the study. In their study,the researchers attempted to determine what might make male rats more vocal than their female friends.

 They separated four-day-old rats from their mothers and then counted the number of times they cried out in the "ultrasonic (超声波的) range", the frequen?cies higher than humans can hear,over five minutes. While both sexes called out hundreds of cries,the males called out twice as often,they found. But when the pups were returned to their mother's cage,she fussed over her sons first. Tests conducted on the parts of the brain known to be associated with vocal calls showed the male pups had up to twice as much FoxP2 protein as the females. The research?ers then increased the production in the brains of female pups and reduced it in males. This led to the female rats crying out more often and their mothers showing more interest to them. In contrast,males became less talkative.

  The researchers then tested samples from ten children,aged between three and five,which showed that females had up to 30 per cent more of the FoxP2 pro?tein than males,in a brain area key to language in humans.

  "Based on our observations,we assume higher levels of FoxP2 in girls and higher levels of FoxP2 in male rats is an indication that FoxP2 protein levels are as?sociated with the more communicative sex," said Professor McCarthy.

  "Our results imply FoxP2 as a component (成分) of the neurobiological basis of sex differences in vocal communication in mammals."

1. From the second paragraph,we can learn that         .

   A. women always speak more words than men

   B. men and male rats have low levels of language protein

   C. women and male rats have similar levels of FoxP2

   D. McCarthy isn't the first to find females more talkative

2. The underlined phrase " fussed over" in the third paragraph probably means      

   A. paid attention to   B. related to

   C. put pressure on   D. counted on

3. The researchers carried out the experiments on rats in order to         .

   A. test which part of the brain is key to language in rats and humans

   B. prove the levels of FoxP2 protein in humans and rats are different

   C. determine the reason why female rats are more talkative than male rats

   D. discover the association between FoxP2 protein and vocal communication

4. Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?

   A. Tests on humans and rats   B. Why women are the talkative sex

   C. Sex differences in FoxP2 protein  D. FoxP2 protein determines oral ability

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