
5.---It's said that the three students coming from the No 1Middle School of Ningde in CCTV riddle-guessing competition have received the gold award,is it right?
---_______.(  )
A.Absolutely true.
B.How do it come into being?
C.There is no point in saying it.
D.Just so-so.

分析 ---据说三个来自宁德一中的学生在央视谜语竞争中获得了金牌,对吗?

解答 答案A.

点评 本题考查情景交际.解答此类题目首先应该读懂句意,分析上下文语境和逻辑关系.其次对每个选项中的交际用语的适用情况要掌握,根据语境锁定正确答案.关键平时学习中要对交际用语多积累多总结反复记忆.

15.Two graduates from Cambridge University in the United Kingdom found themselves about to graduate,yet with loans (贷款) to pay off.The pair decided to begin a strange,year-long project to battle their debt.
The men,Ross Harper and Ed Moyse,set up the site BuyMyFace.co.uk.last October as a way to get rid of the 80,000they shared as student loans.The idea behind the project was to earn money by selling their faces as advertising space every day for a year.Each day,they advertise a different business on their site by painting the brand's logo (商标) or name on their faces and including a link to the company's site.After they paint their faces and publish them on the site,Harper and Moyse go out to highly populated areas such as music festivals and theme parks to maximize their faces'exposure.At this time,Harper and Moyse have advertised their faces for over four months without skipping a day and they're more than halfway to their goal.Though they first started charging a minimum of about USD   1.60 per company,the prices have risen as their popularity increased.For advertising space during the remainder of April,they range between USD   250 and   750.
Terri L.Rittenburg,associate professor of marketing at the University of Wyoming,said she had heard of people tattooing (纹身) logos on themselves before,but this idea is much better.According to her,at first the idea would be new and novel and attract attention,but she is unsure how long it would last.
At least for now,companies that have bought Harper and Moyse's faces have written positive comments on the pair's website."We had a three percent increase in website traffic (流量) on the very day and for two days more afterwards,"said an alcoholic beverage company.
71.Which of the following was most possibly taken from the website BuyMyFace.co.uk.?D

72.At BuyMyFace.co.uk,you canAof the company being advertised for.
A.click to enter the website               B.download product pictures
C.get in touch with the staff              D.read a brief introduction
73.Harper and Moyse go to highly populated areas toC.
A.have fun       B.make friends       C.show their faces  D.find new customers
74.We can infer from the article that the two menA.
A.must have earned more than $40,000      
B.aren't getting on well with their project
C.may close their site next month         
D.always work hard except on holidays
75.The men's idea of advertising has proved to work becauseC.
A.many people visit their website          B.their faces have become well-known
C.their customers get more attention       D.an expert has highly praised them.
16.It is easy to find your way about in New York.It is laid out so regularly.Instead of streets winding and twisting (迂回) as they do in London,they are all regular and well planned.The streets running north and south are called"avenues"and are numbered,e.g.1st Avenue,2nd Avenue,etc.The streets going east and west are called"streets"and are also numbered,e.g.51st Street,63rd Street.It is all much more logical (合理的) than London's street names.But I couldn't help thinking how much more interesting than these dull cold numbers are London's illogical but colorful names of streets,e.g."Bishopgate"(which is not a gate and hasn't a Bishop in it);"Haymarket"or"Corn market"(where you won't see any hey or corn) or"Poultry"(without a living chicken anywhere in sight) or"Thread needle Street"(where you won't find little girls learning to sew).
31.In the second sentence of the passage,"laid out"meansC.
A.built            B.be put           C.designed     D.cut down
32.The streets running from north to south are calledC.
A.avenues in London                       
B.streets in America
C.avenues in New York                 
D.streets in London
33.According to the writer's opinion,D.
A.avenues and streets are the same
B.streets in America are better than avenues in England
C.streets in New York are better than those in London
D.the writer didn't agree with the London streets planners
34.The names of streets both in London and New YorkD.
A.are quite good                  
B.are interesting
C.are not practical                   
D.differ greatly in form  
35.The writer tells his readers that he prefers (更喜欢)B.
A.London streets                  
B.New York streets

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