
【题目】I'm often told how I have a dream job, that I work for a great company, getting to deal with the leaders in social media every day, and especially that I get to work from my home.

Usually the people who tell me that working from home is wonderful have never worked from home. They spend most of their career working from an office and hate it.

In fact, I love being able to work from home and make my own hours. I truly appreciate being able to drop what I'm doing to attend kids or go shopping, but there's a side to it we don't often talk about, the hard side. No one wants to believe people like me, working from home, have anything to complain about. Really, I'm not going to complain, but I do want to share a few things about telecommuting (远程办公) that few home-based people want to tell you, because working from home doesn't look so wonderful.

One of the reasons I love my job is the flexibility(灵活性). I know that I can volunteer for school projects, meet friends for lunch and work out for an hour as long as I get my work done. But did you know telecommuters have to make up the time if they wish to fill their days with fun items? So while my husband and kids are watching a movie, I'm working until midnight. Besides, when you work from home, you're held to your phone and Skype (网络电话) in case someone wants to talk to you during business hours. So it's not so easy to be flexible!

【1】We learn from the passage that the writer_____________.

A. can balance her work and family life well

B. is quite satisfied with her present work

C. presents some unknown facts of working from home

D. complains about the disadvantages of working from office

【2】The last paragraph mainly tells us that__________.

A. you're usually a slave to yourself

B. the writer is always busy with her work

C. the writer can always make full use of the freedom

D. you're not as flexible as you think you are

【3】The writer probably agrees that__________.

A. get work done, or you'll have no freedom

B. east or west, home working is the best

C. freedom should always come before work

D. all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy

【4】Who is the passage mainly intended for?

A. Job hunters. B. Office workers.

C. Researchers. D. Telecommuters.








【1】C 推理判断题。根据最后四句But did you know telecommuters have to make up the time if they wish to fill their days with fun items? ....... So it's not so easy to be flexible!可知作者主要提及了在家里上班的一些不利的方面。故C项正确。

【2】D 根据文章最后三句So while my husband and kids are watching a movie, I'm working until midnight. Besides, when you work from home, you're held to your phone and Skype (网络电话) in case someone wants to talk to you during business hours. So it's not so easy to be flexible!可知当晚上丈夫孩子在看电视的时候,我还要工作,我还要经常守着网络电话,以防有人找我。实际上在家里上班并不是那么的灵活方便。故D项正确。

【3】A 推理判断题。根据文章第四段第二句I know that I can volunteer for school projects, meet friends for lunch and work out for an hour as long as I get my work done.可知作者也认为只要把自己的工作做完了,就可以自由去做自己想做的事情了。故A项正确。

【4】B 推理判断题。很多人都喜欢在家里工作,因为这样就不需要在上班的路上耽误很多时间了。作者在文章中阐述了在家里工作也有很多不利之处,所以本文是写给办公室工作人员的,因为只有办公室工作人员才希望在家里工作。与找工作的人,研究人员无关。故B正确。


【题目】Opening in 1934, the Brookfield Zoo quickly received a worldwide reputation for its special displays and unique(独一无二的) exhibits.

Address: 1stAvenue between Ogden Avenue and 31stStreet, Brookfield, Illinois

Phone: 708-688-8000

Getting to the Brookfield Zoo by Public Transportation:

The Metra Rail Burlington Northern line runs from Union Station downtown to the “Zoo Stop” (Hollywood Station) and from there it’s only a 2-block northeast walk to the zoo.

Driving from Downtown:

Drive along the Eisenhower Expressway west to First Avenue exit. Head south about 2.5 miles and follow the signs to the zoo entrance.

Parking at the Brookfield Zoo:

Parking fees are $9 for cars and $12 for buses.

The Brookfield Zoo Hours:

The Brookfield Zoo is open 365 days per year.

Monday-Saturday: 9:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Sunday: 9:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.

The Brookfield Zoo Tickets:

Adults(ages 12-64), $13.50;

Seniors(ages 65+), $9.50;

Children(ages 3-11), $9.50;

Children(ages 2 and under), free

The Brookfield Zoo Featured Exhibits:

Tropic World; WolfWoods; Living Coast; Seven Seas; Fragile Kingdom; Australia House; Havitat Africa.

About the Brookfield Zoo:

The Brookfield Zoo is located just 14 miles west of downtown Chicago. It’s home to a variety of animal species, and its use of natural barriers and moats(壕沟) is so much more relaxing and enjoyable than watching a lion pace back and forth in a cage. The absence of bars also makes for great wildlife photo opportunities. The Brookfield Zoo also focuses on education, with detailed displays about the animals being viewed and the interactive program that lets kids get some hands-on experience to learn what it takes to run a zoo as well as face painting and crafts.

For more information about the Brookfield Zoo, visit www. brookfieldzoo.org.

1Where is the entrance to the Brookfield Zoo?

A. At 31st Street.

B. At First Avenue.

C. At Ogden Avenue.

D. At the Hollywood Station.

2How much should a couple in their thirties and their 5-year-old twins pay if they want to visit the zoo?

A. $23. B. $32.5 C. $36.5 D. $46

3What make(s) the Brookfield Zoo more attractive and enjoyable?

A. Its cheap tickets.

B. Its various activities

C. Its cage-less displays.

D. Its geographical advantage.


“Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.” ---Lao Tzu

If you are in a city where everyone rushes, realize that you don’t have to be like everyone else. You can be different. You can walk instead of driving in rush hour traffic. You can be on your iPhone or Blackberry less, and disconnected sometimes. Your environment doesn’t control your life---you do. I’m not going to tell you how to give you a step-by-step guide to moving slower. 【1】

1. Do less.

Cut back on your projects, on your task list, on how much you try to do each day. Focus not on quantity but on quality. 2 Save smaller, routine tasks for later in the day, but give yourself time to focus.

2. Have fewer meetings.

3 And they eat into your day, forcing you to squeeze the things you really need to do into small windows, and making you rush.


When you do the important things with focus, without rush, there will be things that get pushed back, and that don’t get done. And you need to ask yourself: how necessary are these things? What would happen if I stopped doing them?

4. Practice mindfulness.

Simply learn to live in the present, rather than things so much about future or the past. When you eat, fully appreciate your food. When you are with someone, be with them fully. When you are walking, appreciate your surroundings, no matter where you are.

Try these things out. Life is better when unrushed.


A. Give yourself more time to get ready and get there.

B. Remember the quote: if nature can get everything done without rushing, so can you.

C. Meetings are usually a “big waste of time”.

D. Pick 2—3 important things---or even just one important thing---and work on those first.

E. The world likely won’t end if you don’t pass one of the examinations.

F. But here are some things to consider and perhaps adopt(采纳), if they work for your life.

G. Start to put off or cancel the unnecessary.

【题目】Kenya is losing an average of 100 of its 2,000 lions each year because of growing human settlements, increasing farming, climate change and diseases,according to the Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS).

Lions have a special place in Kenyans’life,” said Paul Udoto,a spokesman for the organization. Other than being the symbol of national strength, they are among the Big Five, a main attraction for visitors to Kenya.

There were 2,749 lions in Kenya in 2002 and Uieir population dropped to 2,280 by 2004 and to about 2,000 today, according to KWS figures.

“The fall of the lion population is worrying and every effort needs to be made to make sure that Kenya either protects its population of 2, 000 lions at present or increases the numbers to an ecologically acceptable level,” said Mr. Udoto.

“There is no doubt that the numbers are in free fall. I’ d be surprised if they even last as long as 20 years,” said Laurence Frank, project director of Living With Lions, a Kenya-based animal protection organization i When I first came here 30 years ago,I would always hear lions roaring across the land at night and see their tracks in the morning. Now that is very rare.

“The reason is simple。As the numbers of people grow and the numbers of cows increase they take up much of the lion’s space. Alongside that there are other ways, including poisoning 9 to kill lions.

Animal lovers are making a new strategy to save the animals. Part of the measures will include lions fitted with radio collars in the Amboseli area in southern Kenya, close to the border with Tanzania.

Wildlife officials in Tanzania face similar challenges in protecting their lions, but there is far less human encroachment (侵入)on the animals’ homeland there than in Kenya,

【1What is the main reason of Kenya appreciating lions’ existence?

A. lions are the symbol of the national strength.

B. Lions are among the most endangered animals.

C. Lions are a subject of great concern to Kenyans.

D. Lions are the major appeal for foreign tourists.

【2What does Laurence Frank mean by saying “they even last as long as 20 years ”?

A. It is alarming that the number of lions is declining at a high speed.

B. It is amazing that he has tolerated the decline for such a long time.

C. It is fascinating that many evidences have proven the decline trend,

D.It is surprising that a lion should live as long as twenty years in Kenya.

【3】In which aspect does the striking difference between Kenya and Tanzania in lion protection lie?

A.Climate changes.

B.Increasingly fanning.

C.Natural disasters*

D.Outbreaks of epidemics (流行病).

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