
1.Australian cities can keep their native wildlife-but only if they can kick their habit of urban sprawl (无计划的扩展).That's the finding of a new study by leading Australian environmental researchers Jessica Sushinsky,Professor Hugh Possingham and Dr Richard Fuller of The University of Queensland.
"While urban development usually reduces the number of birds in a city,building more compact (紧凑的) cities and avoiding urban sprawl can slow these reductions greatly,"says lead author Jessica Sushinsky."Compact housing development leaves birds'homes untouched,leading to fewer losses of birds."
The researchers surveyed native and wild birds in Brisbane's urban areas,including living and industrial areas,public parks and gardens,major roadways and airports.They then used statistical modeling to find out what will happen to the birds as the city grows.The first setting was compact growth-where multiple homes are built on land that previously had only one house.The second setting was sprawling growth-a familiar pattern where homes are built here and there beyond the city's current boundaries.
The team's forecasts showed that a much greater diversity of species was lost over 20years in the sprawling setting compared to the more compact setting."Urban sprawl resulted in the disappearance of many urban-sensitive birds-birds that only live in areas where there is native vegetation (植被),such as parklands and woodlands,"Ms Sushinsky says.
"On the other hand,we found the city with the compact development attracted more birds because it kept more of its parks and green areas."
Now the Queensland Government has adopted the more compact urban growth strategy,which,Dr Richard Fuller says,is good news for Australia's native birds.These birds are environmental specialists-they need a particular environment to do well."While compact development means smaller backyards,it can also make our entire cities more biodiverse,"according to Dr Fuller."The study shows that we should hold on to our green spaces instead of clearing them for sprawling development."
This is the first time science has modeled the effects of different urban growth strategies on birds,the researchers say."Statistical models like these are important because they help us to understand the ecological consequences of a particular decision,"says Dr Fuller.

41.The study deals with the relationship betweenA.
A.city development and birds      B.the environment and birds
C.humans and wildlife             D.climate and wildlife
42.Why is compact urban growth better than the sprawling strategy?D.
A.It makes the cities more beautiful.B.It gives people larger backyards.
C.It is money-saving.D.It is bird-friendly.
43.Dr Richard Fuller thinks the Queensland Government's actionB.
A.is really brave                 B.is worth praising
C.has an uncertain future         D.should be performed nationwide
44.What can we learn about the study from the passage?D.
A.It is based on the statistics in the past.
B.It is strongly against urban development.
C.It criticizes the city environment in Brisbane.
D.It suggests leaving more green spaces for birds.
45.Where does the passage probably come from?A.
A.A news report. B.A travel guide. C.A health magazine. D.A history book.

分析 本文是篇新闻报道.文章主要讲述了澳大利亚研究者发现:紧凑型的城市发展能够使得城市保留大量绿地,为鸟类提供良好的生存空间.

解答 41.A 细节理解题.由第二段的"urban development usually reduces the number of birds in a city,building more compact cities and avoiding urban sprawl can slow these reductions greatly"和最后一段可知,该研究关注的是城市发展方式与鸟类之间的关系.故选A.
42.D 推理判断题.根据倒数第三段的"we found the city with the compact development attracted more birds because it kept more of its parks and green areas"可知,紧凑型的城市发展模式有利于鸟类在城市的生存.故选D.
43.B 推理判断题.根据倒数第二段的"which,Dr Richard Fuller says,is good news for Australia's native birds"可知,Dr Richard Fuller称赞昆士兰政府的做法.故选B.
44.D 细节理解题.由第一段的"kick their habit of urban sprawl"和第五段的"we found the city with the compact development attracted more birds because it kept more of its parks and green areas"及倒数第二段的"The study shows that we should hold on to our green spaces instead of clearing them for sprawling development"可知,研究人员主张紧凑型发展,让城市保留大量绿地.故选D.
45.A 文章出处题.由文章第一段的"That's the finding of a new study by…"可知,本文最有可能选自一篇新闻报,故选A.

点评 要求学生通读全文,理解问题,并根据已知信息和上下文推理出正确答案.

9.It was 3:45 in the morning when the vote was finally taken.After six months of arguing and final 16hours of hot parliamentary debates,Australia's Northern Territory became the first legal authority in the world to allow doctors to take the lives of incurably ill patients who wish to die.The measure passed by the convincing vote of 15to 10.Almost immediately word flashed on the Internet and was picked up,half a world away,by John Hofsess,executive director of the Right to Die Society of Canada.He sent it on by way of the group's online service,Death NET.Says Hofsess:"We posted bulletins all day long,because of course this isn't just something that happened in Australia.It's world history."
The full import may take a while to sink in.The NT Rights of the Terminally Ill Law has left physicians and citizens alike trying to deal with its moral and practical implications.Some have breathed sighs of relief,others,including churches,right-to-life groups and the Australian Medical Association,bitterly attacked the bill and the hurry of its passage.But the tide is unlikely to turn back.In Australia-where an aging population,life-extending technology and changing community attitudes have all played their part-other states are going to consider making a similar law to deal with euthanasia (安乐死).In the US and Canada,where the right-to-die movement is gathering strength,observers are waiting for the dominoes (多米诺骨牌) to start falling.
Under the new Northern Territory law,an adult patient can request death-probably by a deadly injection or pill-to put an end to suffering.The patient must be diagnosed (诊断) as Terminally Ill by two doctors.After a"cooling off"period of seven days,the patient can sign a certificate of request.After 48hours the wish for death can be met.For Lloyd Nickson,a 54-year-old Darwin resident suffering from lung cancer,the NT Rights of Terminally Ill Law means he can get on with living without the haunting fear of his suffering:a terrifying death from his breathing condition."I'm not afraid of dying from a spiritual point of view,but what I was afraid of was how I'd go,because I've watched people die in the hospital fighting for oxygen and clawing at their masks,"he says.

73.Which of the following has the similar meaning to"But the tide is unlikely to turn back."?D.
A.What happened in Australia can change world history.
B.It is impossible to pass the NT Rights of the Terminally Ill Law.
C.Doctors are allowed by law to take the lives of the ill patients.
D.That the Law has been passed probably can't be changed.
74.From the second paragraph we learn thatD.
A.the objection to euthanasia is slow to come in other countries
B.physicians and citizens share the same view on euthanasia
C.changing technology is chiefly responsible for the hurry passage of the law
D.it takes time to realize the significance of the law's passage
75.By saying"observers are waiting for the dominoes to startfalling",the author meansB.
A.observers are taking a wait-and-see attitude towards the future of euthanasia
B.similar bills are likely to be passed in the U.S.,Canada and other countries
C.observers are waiting to see the result of the game of dominoes
D.the effect-taking process of the passed bill may finally come to a stop
76.When Lloyd Nickson dies,he willA.
A.face his death with calm characteristic of euthanasia
B.experience the suffering of a lung cancer patient
C.have an intense fear of terrible suffering
D.undergo a cooling off period of seven days
77.The author's attitude towards euthanasia seems to be that ofC.
A.opposition  B.doubt  C.approval  D.anxiety.
6.European Work Experience Program(E.W.E.P.)is an independent British organization which began in 1991 in the city of London.E.W.E.P.provides the opportunity for students from the 25 countries of the European Union and nationals(公民)from Norway,Iceland,Switzerland and Liechtenstein to live in England,to gain work experience,to practice their English and to get a better insight into the British social and eulturallife.
To apply you must meet the following requirements:
*Preferred age:18 to 28 years old
*Be able to work in the UK for a period of at least two months.
*Must have a good knowledge of English.
*Due to work permit restrictions,European Work Experience Program Ltd will only select you if you are a European Union Member or national from Norway,Iceland,Switzerland and Liechtenstein.
European Work Experience Program Ltd will find you a suitable job and an accommodation.A representative of E.W.E.P.will be available during your stay to help you and you will get a 24-hour help line service during your stay.The TOTAl fee for our services is£264.63(394.35 Euros).
Should you require any further information,please contact us:
European Work Experience Program Ltd
Unit 1,Red Lion Court,Alexandra Road
Hounslow,Middlesex,TW3 1JS
United Kingdom
Tel:44 208 572 2993
Fax:44 208 572 1114
71.What's the purpose of writing the text?B
A.To introduce a new program in England.
B.To attract more students to work in England.
C.To describe the working conditions in England.
D.To make clear the requirements for students working in England.
72.Which of the following is NOT the purpose of the program?D
A.To get a lot of work experience.
B.To improve their English rapidly.
C.To have better understanding of the British culture.
D.To make more money in Britain.
73.If you apply for the program.youC.
A.must be 18 to 26 years old
B.must be able to speak at least three languages
C.must be nationals from the countries mentioned in the text
D.should have some working experience in a foreign country
74.You can get in touch with E.W.E.P.by the following ways EXCEPT byD.
A.making a teJephone call                 
B.sending the organization a fax
C.writing an e-mail to the organization       
D.going there in person by air
75.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text?B
A.European Work Experience Program Was set up in the 19th century.
B.You'll work in the UK for at least two months if you attend the program.
C.You can get a 24-hour help from a representative during your stay.
D.You don't have to hand in 394.35 Euros after you have got a job in Britain.

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