
7.-Ring me at six tomorrow morning,will you?
-Why that early?I      .(  )
A.will be sleepingB.have slept
C.have been sleepingD.will sleep

分析 --明天早晨六点钟给我打电话,好吗?

解答 答案:A.
根据前面祈使句中的时间状语at six tomorrow morning可知,这是描述的将来的事件,由对方的反问Why that early?可知,明天早晨六点他还在睡觉,指的是将来进行的动作,所以用将来进行时;故选A.

点评 做时态题时,首先看时间状语,由时间状语判断时态;如果没有时间状语,从句子暗含的意思来判断句子时态.

18.The Box-Office Numbers
The Motion Picture Association of American (MPAA)*has produced a 24-page report that summarizes box-office data,primarily using bold charts and graphs.To access the entire report,"2009 U.S.Theatrical Market Statistics,"going to http://www.mpaa.org/2009-US-Report.pdf.
Highlights of the report include
In 2005,the U.S.Movie industry's box-office revenues(收入) totaled 25.2billion,withjustoverone-thirdofthat,9.49 billion,coming from domestic  audiences and the rest from international audience.Both domestic and foreign ticket sales increased from 2008,but the foreign revenues grew more.
For the first time in 2009,a film earned more than 400 milliondollars domestically(Pirates of the Caribbean:Dead Man's Chest).Films earning between 50dollars and 99 million dollars grew in number,going from 36 films in 2008 to 45 films in 2009.Overall,films earning more than 50 million dollars went from 56 films in 2008 to 63 in 2009.
Number of new films released in the United States:
  1998   420 films
  2005   449 films
  2008   535 films
  2009   599 films
Film loves keeping going to the movies,even when they have alternative technology at home.Those who own or have access to four or more other technologies(DVD player,satellite TV,etc.) went to a theater to see a movie about 10 times per year.Those who owned fewer than four alternative technologies went to the movies only seven times per year.
l U.S.Movies admissions were at all-time high in 2009,with nearly 1.5 billion tickets sold.
*MPAA is a nonprofit organization formed by six large studios to work on behalf of the film industry.On its Web site[http://www.mpaa.org],MPAA describes itself as"The Voice and Advocate of the American Motion Picture,Home Video and Television Industries."

70.The Motion Picture Association of America aims toA
A.Conclude box-office data and give reports
B.make full use of bold charts and graphs
C.download relative reports from the websites
D.control U.S.Theatrical Market Statistics
71.Which of the following is true about the U.S.Movie industry's box-office revenues?C
A.The revenues coming from international audiences totaled 8.41 billion dollars in 2005.
B.The revenues produces from domestic audiences added up to 25.82 billion dolars in 2009.
C.The foreign revenues grew more compared with domestic ticket sales from 2008.
D.A film firstly made more than $400 million both at home and abroad in 2009.
72.Highlights of the report include the following aspects exceptD
A.the U.S.movie industry's box-office revenues
B.the numbers of the newly released U.S.Movies
C.the status of film lovers'going to the cinemas
D.the U.S.Movie admission to six large studios
73.Why does MPAA describe itself as"The Voice and Advocate of the American Motion Picture,Home Video and Television Industries"?C
A.Because MPAA is an organization with no intention to earn money.
B.Because MPAA is made up of all the large studios throughout America.
C.Because MPAA devotes itself to working standing for the film industry.
D.Because MPAA runs a world-wide web site reflecting the Motion Picture.
1.Australian cities can keep their native wildlife-but only if they can kick their habit of urban sprawl (无计划的扩展).That's the finding of a new study by leading Australian environmental researchers Jessica Sushinsky,Professor Hugh Possingham and Dr Richard Fuller of The University of Queensland.
"While urban development usually reduces the number of birds in a city,building more compact (紧凑的) cities and avoiding urban sprawl can slow these reductions greatly,"says lead author Jessica Sushinsky."Compact housing development leaves birds'homes untouched,leading to fewer losses of birds."
The researchers surveyed native and wild birds in Brisbane's urban areas,including living and industrial areas,public parks and gardens,major roadways and airports.They then used statistical modeling to find out what will happen to the birds as the city grows.The first setting was compact growth-where multiple homes are built on land that previously had only one house.The second setting was sprawling growth-a familiar pattern where homes are built here and there beyond the city's current boundaries.
The team's forecasts showed that a much greater diversity of species was lost over 20years in the sprawling setting compared to the more compact setting."Urban sprawl resulted in the disappearance of many urban-sensitive birds-birds that only live in areas where there is native vegetation (植被),such as parklands and woodlands,"Ms Sushinsky says.
"On the other hand,we found the city with the compact development attracted more birds because it kept more of its parks and green areas."
Now the Queensland Government has adopted the more compact urban growth strategy,which,Dr Richard Fuller says,is good news for Australia's native birds.These birds are environmental specialists-they need a particular environment to do well."While compact development means smaller backyards,it can also make our entire cities more biodiverse,"according to Dr Fuller."The study shows that we should hold on to our green spaces instead of clearing them for sprawling development."
This is the first time science has modeled the effects of different urban growth strategies on birds,the researchers say."Statistical models like these are important because they help us to understand the ecological consequences of a particular decision,"says Dr Fuller.

41.The study deals with the relationship betweenA.
A.city development and birds      B.the environment and birds
C.humans and wildlife             D.climate and wildlife
42.Why is compact urban growth better than the sprawling strategy?D.
A.It makes the cities more beautiful.B.It gives people larger backyards.
C.It is money-saving.D.It is bird-friendly.
43.Dr Richard Fuller thinks the Queensland Government's actionB.
A.is really brave                 B.is worth praising
C.has an uncertain future         D.should be performed nationwide
44.What can we learn about the study from the passage?D.
A.It is based on the statistics in the past.
B.It is strongly against urban development.
C.It criticizes the city environment in Brisbane.
D.It suggests leaving more green spaces for birds.
45.Where does the passage probably come from?A.
A.A news report. B.A travel guide. C.A health magazine. D.A history book.

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