
— I can’t bear the air pollution in this city anymore. It is getting worse and worse.

— ________! We’ve never had so many chemical factories before.

A. I wouldn’t bet on it B. You said it

C. Keep it up D. Come off it



You probably love watching movies. They can be funny, sad, imaginative, inspiring, and so much more! There are so many possibilities and so many great movies to watch!

The making of a movie usually begins with a script (written by a screenwriter) . _____ 1.The producer is the person who is responsible for coordinating aspects of the film like budget and scheduling. The producer plans out how the project will be carried out and he usually starts by hiring a director!

________ 2.The director will usually identify themes or feelings that he or she wants the movie to convey to its audience and will then assemble all the other people who will be needed, such as costume-designers, makeup artists, special effects crew, makeup artists, cameramen, cinematographers (who supervise and instruct the cameramen), and, of course, actors!

Next, shooting begins! ________3. Often a director will want to get several “takes” (versions) of a scene or moment and usually only a few minutes of the movie are finished in one day’s work.___ ____4. So once filming is completed, the director must then work with editors to piece them all together, deciding which takes to use and adding in any special effects.

The entire process from acquiring the script to editing the scenes generally takes months or even years! Once it’s ready, the finished movie is then distributed to movie theatres. ______5.

A. Scenes are also usually not shot in order.

B. The actual filming can be a slow process.

C. It gets bought by a movie studio or a producer.

D. The way that movies are made has changed a lot over time.

E. The producer plays a very important role in making a movie.

F. In movies the director’s job is to bring the script to life on camera.

G. People can watch and enjoy it in the theatre.

Mum, it’s me. Hopefully, this Mothering Sunday you will get to hear those three words. I will, of course, try to phone you. I hope we will be able to speak for the allowed 10 minutes. But I suspect many inmates will be using the phone, so if I don’t call and if we don’t speak, then this is what I would have said:

It’s not your fault that I am here. I know that deep in your heart you have questioned whether my current circumstance is somehow your fault, if the reckless stupidity of my past is somehow a failure on your part. It is not. Only one person is to blame, only one person should hurt — me. You have always taught me that when the room goes dark, you can wait for the lights to be switched back on or you can search in the dark and turn the light on yourself. You are my light. You always have been and always will be. There is nobody I admire more, nobody I have strived harder to please in my life, which is why my current failure hurts me so much.

I am so sorry that I will not be there to see you, but I want you to know that now, as always, you are here with me. In my darkest hours, and in the coldest loneliness of my past few months, my mind has so often wandered to the past, to when it was you and me — and I have been able to smile. Yours is the strength that I draw upon.

A parent’s job is to make sure that they pass on the best of themselves to their children. You have done that. It is the inner you in me that will get me through this.

I have failed you so epically, but you have never failed me. If I think back to the tears I shed when Dad left, all those years ago, I see you through their misty glaze. You holding me and you telling me we’d be OK, and we will be. We are and always will be the best team.

Childhood heroes such as footballers, actors and rock stars are clichéd. If the job’s done right, a child’s heroes should be their parents — you are mine. The strength you showed after the divorce from Dad to find your biological parents, to go to university and get your teaching qualifications, to begin your life again, is the strength that I draw on now. It is the belief in myself, it is the belief you have in me, that tells me that once I am released I can and will rebuild my life. I will make you proud again. I will make you happy to have me as your son. Yours is the will that gets me through every day.

I don’t believe you can judge a person for the mistakes they make, as we all make them, but you can judge them for what they do afterwards. And after this, when it is all over, you will still have a son with the same hopes and dreams. They have not diminished. If you can dream it, then you have to believe it can happen — right?

So this Mothering Sunday, please think back to that morning in the 80s, the first Mother’s Day without Dad, when a six-year-old me got up early and made breakfast for you. Do you remember it? Could you ever forget? A slice of bread a doorstep thick and a wedge of cheese equally dense. You didn’t have to eat it, but you did, chewing every dry mouthful. I know now why you forced yourself — because it had been made with love. Well, things don’t change this year — this letter is that bread and cheese (it sure has plenty of the cheese!).

I love you so much. I am sorry I have let you down, but you have taught me that we will always pick ourselves up and become better than we were before. Thank you for everything and this year, more than ever:

Happy Mothering Sunday.

Love, your son

1.According to the passage, what made the author most upset at present?

A. Losing his freedom temporarily.

B. Being unable to phone his mother.

C. Failing to live up to his mother’s expectations.

D. Having no chance to spend the weekend with mother.

2.What does the underlined word “this” in Paragraph 4 refer to?

A. Mothering Sunday. B. Dark time.

C. His mistake. D. Near future.

3.What did the author do in the loneliness of his past months?

A. He summed up the causes of the failure in his life.

B. He planned to help his mother find her birth parents.

C. He recalled the fond memories of being with his mother.

D. He prepared himself to go to university for further studies.

4.Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined word “clichéd” in Paragraph 6?

A. Ridiculous. B. Liberal.

C. Explicit. D. Common.

5.Which of the following can best describe the author’s mother?

A. Selfless but stubborn. B. Guilty but determined.

C. Selfish but responsible. D. Caring but envious.



Bobby was getting cold sitting in his backyard in the snow. His shoes had a few holes and did a poor job of keeping out the______. He had been out for about an hour already, _____ he could not come up with an idea for his mother' s Christmas gift. He had no money to spend.

Ever since his father had passed away three years ago, the family had ______ The small wage of her mother could______ make ends meet.

What the family lacked in _______ they made up for in love. Bobby' s sisters, clever with hands, had already_______ beautiful gifts for their mother by themselves. But Bobby had nothing. Here it was Christmas Eve already.

Standing up, Bobby walked to the street. It wasn't _______ being six without a father, especially when he needed a man to talk to. He walked from shop to shop. Everything seemed so beautiful and so out of________.

It was getting dark and Bobby turned to walk home when______ his eyes caught something shining on the ground. He reached down and _________ a shiny dime(a coin of ten cents).

Never before has anyone felt so _______ as Bobby felt at that moment. ________ spread throughout his body.___ __ his new found treasure, he walked into the first store he saw. His ______ quickly turned cold when knowing he could buy nothing with only a dime.

Then he went into a flower shop. Bobby presented the dime and asked ______ he could buy one flower for his mother. Looking at Bobby and his dime, the shopkeeper_____ for a second and asked Bobby to wait there. Then he went in.

Few minutes later, the shopkeeper came out with a bunch of beautiful red roses. Bobby' s heart______ as the shopkeeper placed the roses gently into a beautiful box. He had only a dime !

"That will be ten cents, young man,”the shop owner said._____ __ Bobby moved his hand to give the man his coin.

Could this be true? No one else would give him a thing for his dime!_______ the boy' s mind, the shopkeeper added, "I just happened to have some roses on sale. Would you like them?"

This time Bobby didn't _____ Walking out the door the owner was holding, Bobby heard the shopkeeper say, "Merry Christmas, son. "

1.A. rain B. cold C. dark D. dust

2.A. yet B. so C. or D. thus

3.A. ended B. moved C. struggled D. united

4.A. hardly B. probably C. usually D. totally

5.A. time B. spirit C. money D. education

6.A. bought B. made C. ordered D. exchanged

7.A. safe B. wise C. strange D. easy

8.A. mind B. control C. reach D. sight

9.A. gradually B. suddenly C. hurriedly D. deliberately

10.A. searched B. watched C. placed D. discovered

11.A. popular B. special C. wealthy D. comfortable

12.A.Warmth B.Panic C. Regret D. Ambition

13.A. Choosing B. Holding C. Bringing D. Fetching

14.A.guilt B.patience C. curiosity D. excitement

15.A.what B.why C. if D. when

16.A.paused B.looked C. waited D. prayed

17.A.settled B.sank C. bled D. relieved

18.A.Slowly B.Calmly C. Secretlyd D. Unwillingly

19.A.Changing B. Clearing C. Occupying D. Reading

20.A.refuse B.stop C.insist D. hesitate

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