
2.Do you love holidays but hate the increase weight that follows?You are not alone.
Holidays are happy days with pleasure and delicious foods.Many people,however,are worried about the weight that comes along with these delicious foods.
With proper planning,though,it is possible to control your weight.The idea is to enjoy the holidays but not to eat too much.You don't have to turn away from the foods that you enjoy.The following suggestions may be of some help to you.
Do not miss meals.Before yon leave home for a feast (宴会),have a small,low-fat snack (小吃).This may help to keep you from getting too excited before delicious foods.Begin with clear soup and fruit or vegetables.A large glass of water before you eat may help you feel full.Use a small plate; a large plate will encourage you to have more than enough.Better not have high-fat foods.Dishes that look oily or creamy have much fat in them.Choose lean meat (瘦肉).Fill your plate with salad and green vegetables.
If you have a sweet tooth,try mints (薄荷) and fruits.They don't have fat content as cream and chocolate.
Don't let exercise take a break during the holidays.A 20-minute walk after a meal can help burn off excess (过多的) calories (卡路里).

21.Holidays are happy days with pleasure but they mayB.
A.bring you much trouble in your life
B.bring weight problems
C.make you worried about your foods
D.make you hate delicious foods
22.In order to really enjoy your holidays without putting on weight,you'd betterA.
A.not eat the food in high fat
B.drink much water and have vegetables only
C.not accept invitations to feasts
D.turn away from delicious foods
23.According to the passage,D is a necessary part to stop you from putting on weight.
C.calories of energy   
D.physical exercise.

分析 人们喜欢假日美食,但又怕发胖.本文提出了一些既能享受美食又不会增重的建议.

解答 21.B.细节理解题:从文章第一、二两段however,areworried about the weight that comes along with these delicious foods.可以得知假日会带来体重增加的问题.故选B
22.A.细节理解题:从第五段的句子:Better nothave high-fat foods.Dishes that look oily or creamy have much fat in them.可知不要吃高脂肪食品.故选A.
23.D.细节理解题.根据最后一段Don't let exercise take a break during the holidays.A 20-minute walk after a meal can help burn off excess (过多的) calories 可知锻炼是阻止你增加体重的必要部分;故选D.

点评 考察学生的细节理解和推理判断能力,做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确的选择.在做推理判断题不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.

12.What makes a person a giver or a taker?The idea of"give versus take"takes shape in all relationships of our lives.We're either giving advice,making time for people,or we're on the receiving end.We alternate between the two based on different situations we face on a daily basis,it not an hourly one.
According to Adam Grant,a professor at Pennsylvania University,most people are matchers.They make careful observations on takers and make it a point for them to pay something back.They hate to see people who act so generously towards others without receiving any reward.Actually,most matchers will try to promote and support givers so that they can get the good they deserve.
Another professor named Hannah Rile Bowles,from Harvard University,led a study on the idea.She asked 200senior managers to sit down in pairs where one person would act as the boss and the other as an employee to negotiate salary promotions.Male employees asked for an average salary of 146kwhilethefemalesaskedforonly141k.But why did they not bargain as hard as the men?Simply because they were more likely to be givers.
As a woman,I do enjoy the act of giving up my time,my knowledge and my care and attention to others.I don't expect anything in return,but I do tend to pull myself away when I feel like I'm being taken for granted.I also tend to get upset when I see a loved one's continuous actions of kindness go unnoticed.So it's safe to say I'm 50% giver,35% matcher and 15% taker.
I do know someone,however,who is 99% giver.They're devoting their time,sharing valuable insights and going out of their way for everyone who crosses their path.Although they've changed the lives of many people,they rarely see any of it returned.But the universe is slowly repaying them; they're now extremely successful,well known for what they do.

33.In Adam Grant's opinion,most peopleD.
A.prefer giving to taking
B.prefer taking to giving
C.tend to depend on others
D.tend to balance between giving and taking
34.What does the underlined part in Paragraph 4 most probably mean?C
A.Cheer myself up.
B.Give up on myself.
C.Stay away deliberately.
D.Force myself to move forward.
35.What can be inferred from the last paragraph?A
A.No good deed goes undone.
B.People who give are worth respecting.
C.Giving is the shortest path to success.
D.Sharing is the greatest human quality.
13.(31)G.Why read an article in the newspaper,when the TV news can bring you the information in a few minutes and with pictures?Why read the life story of a famous man,when a short television program can tell you all that you want to know?
  (32)A.Today,newspapers sell in very large numbers.And books of every kind are sold more than ever before.(33)FAlthough some books with hard covers are expensive,many books are printed today as paper books (平装本),which are quite cheap.A paperback collection of short stories,for example,is always cheaper than an evening at the cinema or the theater,and you can keep a book for ever and read it many times.Additionally,(34)B.No matter when you are on the subway or you are waiting at the airport,a book in hand is always a good choice.
Books are a wonderful provider of knowledge and pleasure and some types of books should be in every home.(35)C.A good encyclopedia (百科全书),though expensive,is useful,too,because you can find information on any subject.Besides,you can have such books as history books.,science textbook,cookbooks,and collections of stories and poems.Then from time to time you can take a book of poems off your shelves and read the thoughts and feelings of your favorite poets.

A.Television has not killed reading,however.
B.A printed book is a good time killer.
C.Every home should have a good dictionary.
D.More and more people spend less time doing sports.
E.Choosing a good book is just like choosing a friend.
F.Books are still a cheap way to get information and enjoyment.
G.With the popularity of televisions,some think fewer people will buy books and newspapers.
17.It may appear strange to hear that crops are making headlines.But this is no ordinary produce-these fruits and vegetables have been grown in simulated(模拟的)Martian and lunar soils!
Though the possibility of growing crops in outer space only gained widespread interest after Matt Damon grew potatoes in the movie"The Martian",scientists have been testing the idea for many years.Fresh produce will after all be the key to setting up space colonies(殖民地).
Among the pioneers in this effort is a team led by Wieger Wamelink,a scientist at Netherland's Wageningen University.In 2013,they planted fourteen varieties of plants in simulated Martian and lunar soils.Though the"Mars"plants did not bear any produce,they grew better than the"lunar"plants,most of which died shortly after being planted.Lack of vapor in the soil,according to the scientists,might have accounted for the failure.
The second experiment began in late 2015.The researchers selected the same crops,while this time they used larger containers and added grass to them.In March 2016,their efforts were rewarded with a variety of produce including the vegetable that kept"The Martian"alive:potatoes.
However,the researchers were still not sure if the produce was safe to eat.That's because the Martian and lunar soils contain heavy metals like lead and arsenic,which do not affect plants but are poisonous to humans.
After months of testing,earlier this week,the team finally confirmed that the produce was safe for human consumption.Some of the crops even contained lower levels of heavy metals than plants grown in the"ordinary"earth soil.
To celebrate the success,the scientists held a dinner party that centered ground the crops.While there is no word on how the food tasted,it sure looks delicious.

24.Scientists are trying out the idea of growing crops in outer space becauseC.
A.the movie"The Martian"has opened up the possibility for the idea
B.soils on the Mars and the moon are similar to the earth soil
C.it is of great importance to space exploration in the future
D.it is a good solution to the world's growing population
25.What change was made in the second experiment?C
A.The shape of the containers.
B.The types of the plants.
C.The conditions of the soil.
D.The temperature of the lab.
26.Which of the following might be the best title for the passage?D
A.Wieger Wamelink-a Pioneer in Space Crop Growing
B.Space Colonies-Far from Possible
C.Food Safety-a Main Public Concern
D."Martian"and"Lunar"Crops-Safe for Humans.
11.As young students gain independence,they can take on science and engineering projects that require more special knowledge.The followings are the best educational toys for middle school students.
Terraforming Mars
The goal of the Terraforming Mars board game is to make the Red Planet fit for human habitation.Players,representing a person sent to the planet to warm it,create oceans and build up the oxygen levels,compete for victory points awarded for building cities or introducing animals.The goals are based on real science-for example,players must found greenhouse gas production to warm the planet.
Recommended ages:12 and up
DIY Cell Phone Equipment
Are your kids begging you for the latest iPhone?Tell them to build up their own.DIY Cell Phone Equipment will teach young teens about the technology behind their beloved mobile equipment.Kids can turn this Phone equipment into a real working phone.
Recommended ages:12 and up
OWI:14-in-l Solar Robot
Kids can experience 14 different robotic models with this solar robot The robot can move On land and water,and there are two skill levels,which means more experienced builders will still be challenged The robot is powered by the sun,so you don't have to buy batteries (电池).
Recommended ages:12 to 15
Price:$ 24.99
Compound Microscope
Compound Microscope is great for home or classroom explorations.It helps kids get an eyeful of solid samples,such as insects,coins and plants.The microscope also comes with a microtome,dyes,test tubes,a handbook and cleaning tools.
Recommended ages:12 and up
21.These toys may be the best birthday gifts to be sent toC.
A.children younger than 12
22.Which of the following toys offers information about the Red Planet?A
A.Terraforming Mars.
B.DIY Cell Phone Equipment.
C.OWI:14-in-l Solar Robot.
D.Compound Microscope.
23.Compound Microscope will provide buyers the following things exceptB.
A.test tubes         B.a battery          C.cleaning tools       D.a handbook
24.What can we learn from the text?D
A.Mars has been suitable for humans to live on.
B.OWI:14-in-l Solar Robot is the most expensive toy.
C.DIY Cell Phone Equpment is the latest iPhone at present
D.You needn't equip OWI:14-in-l Solar Robot with a battery.
12.Thinking of buying a pair of new running shoes?Have the latest running shoe advertisements left you confused?To know which pair of shoes is the best for you,read on.
If you do not know your foot size,I advise you to go to a footwear specialty shop and check your foot size.If the sizes of your feet vary,then your shoe size must match the size of your larger foot.
(37)EThis will help you identify your pronation(内翻)quickly.Wet your feet and stand on the bathmat.Observe your footprints.If your footprints indicate your entire foot,then you over-pronate.If your footprints show a very thin band between the ball of your foot and your heel,then you under-pronate.Normal pronation lies between over-pronation and under-pronation.
Time to buy.
When you buy your shoes also plays a major role in the fitting of your shoes.You should preferably shop for shoes in the late afternoon.(38)CThe feet have a tendency to expand while running.So buying shoes that match the largest size of your feet is always advised.
Curve(弯曲)of the shoes.
(39)GShoes with a curved shape will be the best for those who under-pronate.Shoes with a semi-curved shape will be suitable for those who have normal pronation.
Testing your shoes.
Once you have chosen your pair of shoes,you should test them.Walk and jump around in them.(40)FIf you don't feel comfortable,then ask for another pair.
Knowing how to choose running shoes is essential.It helps you avoid injuries.Get running shoes that fit you,instead of following those advertisements blindly.

A.Style of the shoes.
B.Know your feet.
C.Your feet are the largest then.
D.Choose the shoes in your favorite color.
E.You should also know your arch(足弓)shape.
F.Make sure that you arc comfortable in them.
G.If you have flat feet,then shoes with a straight shape are suitable for you.

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