
【题目】 -I got sick and tired of hotels and hotel food after the trip to Mexico.

-I can imagine. _________________.

A. Don’t meet trouble half-way

B. All’s well that ends well

C. Honesty is the best policy

D. East or west, home is the best



试题分析:考查情景交际,A. Don’t meet trouble half-way勿杞人忧天B. All’s well that ends well结果好, 万事好C. Honesty is the best policy诚实最明智D. East or west, home is the best金窝银窝,不如自己的“狗窝”句意:我去墨西哥的旅行之后,生病了,也很讨厌酒店的食物。我可以想象,金窝银窝,不如自己的“狗窝”,故选D项;

考点 : 考查情景交际



How to Make Friends at School

Humans are social beings who thrive(兴旺) on feeling accepted by other people. This is not different for kids or adults. 【1】 There are so many cliques in school. So, what happens when a child is too shy to find a group of friends? 2

Build up confidence. Focus on what you are confident about, whether it would be math, science,track, or chess.Are there any clubs at school associated with these interests?

3 .People love to talk some questions about themselves. Just listen and remember points that they make, so you can bring them up at a later time.

Use friendly gestures. Try smiling and laughing a bit when talking to others. This will help loosen you up and make you feel more relaxed.

Give it time. As social skills start to develop in the early pre-teen years, you will find it easier to communicate with others. It will take its natural course.

Be picky (挑剔的). Don't make friends with the wrong group of people. You do not want to get mixed up with kids who like to gossip about others or put others down just to fit in.

Befriend another shy person. There is strength in numbers. 4

Be yourself. Trying to be just like someone else is hard work, especially if you are shy. Making friends is not about mimicking(模仿)to fit in, You want friends who like you just the way you are.

The whole point to helping your teens overcome shyness is that she will enjoy social/span> situations much better and learn to relax and have fun. 5 She won't always have parents to counsel her, so take the time to do it while you can.

A. Ask questions.

B. It does not matter so much what clique they are associated with.

C. Why not make friend.s and the two of you can support each other?

D. It also builds the confidence she will need throughout her entire life.

E.You may ask what characteristics determine who will be accepted into a clique or not.

F.Here are some tips to help your teens develop confidence and make friends at school.

G.But, there is no doubt that the need to feel accepted is hardest during the adolescent



There are no signs of little green men on Mars. But new discoveries offer a bit more hope that some form of life existed there in the past --- and perhaps is still there in the present. Methane gas(甲烷) and water have been found on the Red Plane. The presence of both suggests at least the possibility of life.

According to a new report in the journal, Science, the Mars rover, Curiosity, has detected spikes of methane in the Martian atmosphere. This gas is also found in the Earth’s atmosphere, and comes from animal and plant life, as well as from the environment itself. If there’s methane in Mar’s atmosphere, where is it coming from? Scientists aren’t sure. But it marks a big change. In September 2013, Curiosity found almost no traces of methane in the Martian air. Just weeks later, however, the rover picked up a whiff of(一点点) the gas.

The scientists don’t know whether the methane spikes are caused by some form of biological matter or by the geology of the planet. Christopher Chyba, a professor of astrophysics and international affairs at Princeton, says it’s best not to be too hopeful about biology on the Red Planet. “Hopes for biology on Mars have had a way of disappearing once Martian chemistry has been better understood,” he says. “But figuring out what’s responsible for the methane is clearly a key astrobiological objective --- whatever the answer turns out to be.”

The discovery of water on Mars is nothing new. For decades, scientists have had evidence that it flowed across the surface of the planet billions of years ago. But according to another new report in Science, while the surface water on Mars seems to be long gone, there’s a lot more of it left than most of people realize.

This report is also based on findings from Curiosity. Paul Mahaffy, of NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland, led the study. He says there is enough water on Mars “to cover the surface to a depth of about 165 feet.”

It is not easy to reach this water. Most of it is locked up in ice at the planet’s poles.

【1Why do scientists think there might be life on Mars?

A. Because the Mars rover has detected water on the planet.

B. Because there is evidence that little green men exist on the planet.

C. Because the Mars rover has found some plants on the planet.

D. Because both methane and water have been found on the planet.

【2】What is the attitude of professor Christopher Chyba towards life on Mars?

A. Optimistic B. Negative

C. Neutral D. Indifferent

【3】The water on Mars _______________.

A. still flows on its surface

B. covers the whole planet

C. is locked up in ice at the planet’s poles

D. only existed on it billions of years ago

【4】In which column of a website can we read this text?

A. Culture B. Entertainment

C. Science D. Education

【题目】(Reuters) --- A stampede(蜂拥) killed at least 36 people during New Year's Eve celebrations in Shanghai, authorities said, but the police denied reports that it was caused by people rushing to pick up fake money thrown from a building overlooking the city's famous waterfront.

It was the worst disaster in the modern city since 58 died in an apartment building fire in 2010.

The cause of the crush has still to be confirmed, though state media and some witnesses have said it was at least partly aroused when people rushed to pick up coupons that looked like bank notes.

A man named Wu said the fake money had been thrown down from a bar above the street as part of the celebrations.

"This incident happened after the stampede," police said in a brief statement, without saying what the real cause was.

Another witness said there had been a problem away from the area where the fake bills were thrown, with people trying to get on to a raised platform overlooking the river.

Xinhua news agency said that people had been trampled on after falling down on the steps up to the platform.

Authorities had shown some concern about crowd control in the days leading up to New Year's Eve. They recently canceled an annual 3D laser(激光器) show on the Bund, which last year attracted as many as 300,000 people.

On New Year's Eve, Beijing also canceled a countdown event in the central business district, Chinese media said, due to police fears about overcrowding.

The Shanghai government said on its official microblog that an inquiry had begun, and that all other New Year events had been canceled.

In 2004, 37 people died in a stampede in northern Beijing, on a bridge at a scenic spot, during the Lunar New Year holiday.

【1】According to the passage, why did people go to the Bund?

A. To meet their old friends and relatives.

B. To watch an annual 3D laser show.

C. To celebrate the New Year’s Eve.

D. To pick up bank notes.

2What can be inferred according to the passage?

A. People like 3D laser show better than any other events.

B. Some possible measures had been taken by authorities.

C. The local government had shown their worry about overcrowding.

D. The celebrations in Beijing were influenced by this stampede.

3What’s the passage about?

A. A stampede on New Year’s Eve in Shanghai.

B. A laser show on the Bund.

C. An apartment fire in Shanghai.

D.A countdown event in Beijing.

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