
Nobody likes an old poop(傻子). Developing a sense of humor is part of becoming a mature, emotionally healthy individual. Laughter is good for the soul, builds friendships and relieves stress. It serves as the glue for social situations and as an ice-breaker for sadness and boredom. If you’ve ever been told to “lighten up” or “chill out”, you should save the blue attitude for serious situations and develop your sense of humor.

Forgive the accidental. A sudden fall is humorous not because we like to see people fall, but because it surprises. From a spilled(溢出)water glass in a meeting to Aunt Rae’s teeth coming off in the Thanksgiving turkey, the embarrassment of accidents can be relieved by humor and a helping hand. After making sure that nobody’s hurt, forgive accidents with a chuckle(咯咯地笑)rather than a scolding.

Look for the unexpected. The kid who used to look at you with his eyes closed during a test had the idea. Parents who serve green eggs and ham to their children on graduation day get the idea. Unexpected actions lighten an atmosphere and relax people.

Learn to laugh with your kids. Most of what children say and do is funny. Help them learn that accidents are sometimes funny and sometimes occasions for joining in and helping another human being. By sharing laughs and attempting to explain humor, you develop your sense of humor, as well as help kids develop their own sense of humor.

1. If you’ve ever been told to “lighten up” or “chill out”, it means ______.

A. you are humorous B. you are blue

C. you lack humor D. you are funny

2. According to Paragraph 2, when your friend falls, you can ______.

A. laugh at him B. chuckle

C. scold him D. feel embarrassed

3.In the author’s opinion, if your mother serves green eggs and hum to you on your graduation day, she is ______.

A. boring B. serious C. considerate D. humorous

4.What is the best title for the passage?

A. How to Develop a Sense of Humor

B. Ways to Become a Healthy Individual

C. The Function of Humor

D. Proper Attitudes Toward Humor


EVERY YEAR, millions of Americans see their personal information leak into the wrong hands. Maybe there’s spyware on their computer, or a service they use suffered a security reach --- as eBay did this year, leaving customers at risk of exposure. Or perhaps their password is easy to guess: Security company SplashData reports that the most popular passwords in 2013 were 123456 and password.

Fear not: It is a lot easier than you might think to set up proper defenses. In fact, you can easily do it all in a weekend. Here’s how.

Clean Your Computer And Smartphone

Before you put new security measures into place, make sure your devices are as spotless as possible. This means installing a good antivirus program and taking the time to clear out any spy- or malware that may have already infected your system. Go with AVG Free Antivirus (free. Avg. com) or Avast! (avast. com) ---each is free. Run a full system scan. This can take over an hour, so start it before settling into other plans. When you return to your computer, clear out anything that shouldn’t be there with a few simple steps (the program will guide you). These days, it’s also worth it to make sure your phone is safe from viruses. iPhones are less likely to be targeted by spyware, but Android users should download the Lookout app (lookout. com) to scan their devices and ensure everything is as it should be.

Security Your Wi-Fi

Now that your computer is clean, you should plug any holes in your home network. It’s fairly easy for potential criminals to gain access to your information if they’re able to share your connection --- that’s why you want to be careful when using public Wi-Fi. For your home, the Federal Communications Commission recommends a few steps. Even though you put security measures into place a couple of years ago, it’s a good idea to refresh your settings. You may have to refer to the instructions for your wireless router or call tech support for help. Different routers will have different setup pages, so the actual step-by-step will vary, but the end result will be the same.

Dig Deep with Your Passwords

Everything you just accomplished could be for nothing if a thief has your existing passwords, so you need to change them for every service you use. Try it when you find yourself on those sites anyway.

What you’ve heard is true: Passwords should use a variety of special characters, numerals, letters, and cases when possible. They should be close to random, and there should be a different one for each website you use. Doing this, and keeping track of it all, is a pain --- which is why people don’t do it and wind up with stolen identities. Try Dashlane (dashlane.com), a password manager with powerful encryption (加密) that can securely keep track of the most ridiculous codes you can come up with. Best of all, it logs you into sites automatically, so there’s no need to worry about all those obscure keystrokes. Whew!

Never Answer Unwanted Email

Take are when shopping online. Always check the security symbols when using an online site for shopping. If the lock icon encryption is not there, do not give out credit details. Also, check that the site is legal --- never go to a site from a random email and start shopping online. Go to the site through a known URL or by searching for it on a search engine first.

Keep a separate credit card just for online shopping. This will make it easier to cancel if something bad does happen and your other credit card for “in real life” can still be used uninfluenced.

Don’t store information on any store’s website. It may be conventional but it’s also a possible loss to you if the site is hacked.

1.The passage is mainly about _____________.

A. ways of avoiding online identity theft

B. tips of freeing computers from viruses

C. measures to ensure network security

D. steps to keep track of passwords

2.According to the passage, the risk of exposing personal information may possibly be caused by ___________.

A. the applications of antivirus programs

B. the practice of using public Wi-Fi

C. the difficult access to the passwords

D. the separate credit card for online shopping

3.To put new security measures into place, we need to ____________.

A. clear out of everything in the system

B. make a random selection of network

C. get rid of potential spyware

D. refresh the infected system

4.Which of the following is the improper way to shop online?

A. Adopting a unique password for every website.

B. Shopping online at reliable websites.

C. Keeping credit details safe by checking security symbols.

D. Monitoring credit card by storing information.

Frank Woolworth was born in Rodman, New York., in 1852. His family were very poor farmers, and there was never enough to eat. Frank decided he did not want to be farmer. He took a short business course, and went to work as a salesman in a large city.

Woolworth realized he had a natural skill for showing goods to attract people’s interest, but he soon learned something more important. One day his boss told him to sell some odds and ends (小商品 ) for as much as he could get. Frank put all these things on one table with a sign which said FIVE CENTS EACH. People fought and pushed to buy the things and the table was soon cleared.

Soon afterwards, Woolworth opened his own store., selling goods at five and ten cents. But he had another lesson to learn before he became successful. That is, if you want to make money by selling low-price goods, you have to buy them in large quantities directly from the factories. Once, for example, Woolworth went to Germany and placed an order for knives. The order was so large that the factory had to keep running 24 hours a day for a whole year. In this way, the price of the knives was cut down by half.

By 1919, Woolworth had over 1000 stores in the US and Canada, and opened his first store in London. He made many millions and his name became famous throughout the world. He always run his business according to strict rules, of which the most important was: “ THE CUSTOMER IS ALWAYS RIGHT.”

1.Frank took a short business course in order to ____________.

A. earn more money for his family

B. get away from the farm

C.learn something from a salesman

D. get enough to eat.

2.Frank sold the odds and ends quickly because _____________.

A. he cut down the price by half

B. he knew how to get people to buy his goods.

C. he had put the goods on a table in a very nice way.

D. the sign he put on the table was well designed.

3.The price of the knives was cut down by half because ______________.

A. the factory workers worked 24 hours a day.

B. the knives were produced in one factory.

C. the knives were made in Germany, where labour (劳动力) was cheap.

D. knives were ordered in large quantities directly from the factory.

4._____________ make Woolworth a world-famous man.

A. His business skills and his wealth.

B. The low price of the goods he sold.

C. His trip to Germany and his huge order of knives.

D. His natural skill for showing things.

It was a hot, humid day, and my brother Walt and I had decided that the only way to survive it would be to go swimming in a deep swimming hole across Mr. Blickez’s pasture(牧场) and through some woods.

The only problem with our plan was that this pasture was guarded by a huge, mean Hereford bull. Mr. Blickez had told us that Elsie was the meanest bull in the township, maybe even the county, and we believed him. But the hotter it got, the more we thought there was something doubtful about his claim. For one thing, we remembered Mr. Blickez liked telling tall tales; for another, Elsie seemed like an odd name for a bull.

Finally, I talked Mom into asking permission for us to walk through the pasture, but then another problem surfaced. Mom said she would talk to Mr. Blickez if we would take our cousin Joanie along with us. Joanie was almost two years older than me and a head taller. If her teasing ever got around my grade school, it would be all over for me. In fact, I still had a headache from a quarrel with her that morning. “I’m not going swimming with that dumb girl cousin.” I told my mom.

“Either Joanie goes with, or you stay home alone,” Mom said in her serious tone. I gave in and we set out. On our way across the pasture, Walt yelled suddenly. Elsie had approached him quietly and was licking(舔) his back. Joanie and I dove under the wire fence, but while I was on the ground I looked up and saw that Elsie wasn’t a big mean bull after all. She was going to keep licking my brother’s back as long as he stood still.

We had many good days growing up and visiting our secret swimming hole guarded by the so-called “big mean bull”. And as it turned out, for a girl cousin, Joanie hasn’t been too bad. She’s been one of my best friends over the years.

1.What’s the second problem the author has to face?

A. His mother insisted on his cousin going with him.

B. His cousin made jokes on him in his grade school.

C. He quarreled with his cousin and had a headache.

D. His mother failed to ask permission for him.

2.What does the author think of Elsie in the end?

A. Aggressive. B. Unkind.

C. Bad-tempered. D. Friendly.

3.What’s the passage mainly about?

A. The bull guarding Mr. Blickez’s farm.

B. The story of visiting the swimming hole.

C. How friendly the so-called mean bull was.

D. How the author changed his attitude to Joanie.

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