One Christmas when I was three years old,my father gave me a present wrapped in shiny red paper. I tore off (新下) the paper 6        to discover what deli?cious secret was inside. My 7        fell on the face of a beautiful little girl on the 8        of a book with a lighted match in her hands. "It's called The Little Match Girl. It was one of my 9         when I was at your age," said my father.

  I was pleased to have Papa J.0it to me. My eyes opened widely as his rich,deep voice 11        the story of a little girl. She was sent out to the cold street to make money by 12        match sticks. Warned not to return home 13        all of her match sticks were sold,the girl warmed her 14        hands by lighting matches,one by one. With the flame of the final match,she 15        joining her dear grandmother in heaven who had ever really 16        her. When Papa stopped here,my heart was filled with sorrow.

  The Little Match Girl became part of our holiday 17___________ . Each Christmas after dinner,my father and I sat on the couch together. I 18        my head on his shoulder and felt the 19        warmth of his shirt. His sweet 20        carried me along on an unforgettable trip. No matter how old I got,I 21        let Papa read it to me.

  This past June,Papa 22___________ . Each holiday,I will miss Papa's soft shoulder and his warmth. But,bravely,I will read The Little Match Gir l23 on my own. And when I come to the 24        where the girl lights her final match,I will close my eyes 25        that I am with the person who loved me more than anyone,ever.

6. A. quickly   B. calmly   C. disappointedly   D. sadly

7. A. hands   B. hair   C. eyes   D .tear

8. A. paper   B. cover   C. board   D. shelf

9. A. memories   B. stories

   C. hobbies   D. favourites

10. A. buy   B. talk   C. explain   D. read

11. A. told of   B. thought of   C. consisted of   D. heard of

12. A. making   B. burning   C. collecting   D. selling

13. A. since   B. if

   C. as   D. unltss

14. A. little   B. beautiful   C. cold   D. white

15. A. met with H. drtamed of

   C. reminded of   D. worried about

16. A. cared for   B. lived with   C. brought in   D. depended on

17. A. present   B. tradition   C. list   D. project

18. A. cleaned   B. covered   C. rested   D. hid

19. A. familiar   B. attractive   C. serious   D. strong

20. A. sight R. voice   C. laughter   D. advice

21. A. never   B. ever

   C. always   D. sometimes

22. A.ran away   B. passed away   C. set off   D. moved out

23. A. aloud   B. perfectly   C. quietly   D. carefully

24. A. shop   B. house   C. part   D. street

25. A. watching   B. begging   C. missing  D. imagining

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