
   One Christmas when I was three years old,my father gave me a present wrapped in shiny red paper. I tore off (新下) the paper 6        to discover what deli?cious secret was inside. My 7        fell on the face of a beautiful little girl on the 8        of a book with a lighted match in her hands. "It's called The Little Match Girl. It was one of my 9         when I was at your age," said my father.

  I was pleased to have Papa J.0it to me. My eyes opened widely as his rich,deep voice 11        the story of a little girl. She was sent out to the cold street to make money by 12        match sticks. Warned not to return home 13        all of her match sticks were sold,the girl warmed her 14        hands by lighting matches,one by one. With the flame of the final match,she 15        joining her dear grandmother in heaven who had ever really 16        her. When Papa stopped here,my heart was filled with sorrow.

  The Little Match Girl became part of our holiday 17___________ . Each Christmas after dinner,my father and I sat on the couch together. I 18        my head on his shoulder and felt the 19        warmth of his shirt. His sweet 20        carried me along on an unforgettable trip. No matter how old I got,I 21        let Papa read it to me.

  This past June,Papa 22___________ . Each holiday,I will miss Papa's soft shoulder and his warmth. But,bravely,I will read The Little Match Gir l23 on my own. And when I come to the 24        where the girl lights her final match,I will close my eyes 25        that I am with the person who loved me more than anyone,ever.

6. A. quickly   B. calmly   C. disappointedly   D. sadly

7. A. hands   B. hair   C. eyes   D .tear

8. A. paper   B. cover   C. board   D. shelf

9. A. memories   B. stories

   C. hobbies   D. favourites

10. A. buy   B. talk   C. explain   D. read

11. A. told of   B. thought of   C. consisted of   D. heard of

12. A. making   B. burning   C. collecting   D. selling

13. A. since   B. if

   C. as   D. unltss

14. A. little   B. beautiful   C. cold   D. white

15. A. met with H. drtamed of

   C. reminded of   D. worried about

16. A. cared for   B. lived with   C. brought in   D. depended on

17. A. present   B. tradition   C. list   D. project

18. A. cleaned   B. covered   C. rested   D. hid

19. A. familiar   B. attractive   C. serious   D. strong

20. A. sight R. voice   C. laughter   D. advice

21. A. never   B. ever

   C. always   D. sometimes

22. A.ran away   B. passed away   C. set off   D. moved out

23. A. aloud   B. perfectly   C. quietly   D. carefully

24. A. shop   B. house   C. part   D. street

25. A. watching   B. begging   C. missing  D. imagining


6. A根据deHcious secret可推测孩子对于礼物非常期待,所以应该是很快地 (quickly) 拆开包装。

7. C

8. B礼物是一本故事书,因此作者应该是在书的封面上看到小女孩。

9. D根据后面的语境可以看出爸爸也钟爱《卖火柴的小女孩》这本书,故选D.

10. D根据后面的信息"My eyes opened widely as his rich,deep voice-"可知是爸爸读给作者听。

11. A tell of"讲述",即爸爸在给作者讲故事。

12. D卖火柴的小女孩靠卖火柴为家里赚钱。

13. D unless与句中的not构成常用句式。语境:除非卖完才可以回家。

14. C根据warmed—词可知女孩的手是很冷的,故选C。

15. B从in heaven可知女孩的祖母已经去世了,故只能梦想着见到她。

16. A小女孩最想念的人,应该是最疼爱、关心她的人.故选A.

17. B根据下文的eachChnstmas可知每年都是这样,自然成了一个传统 (tradition) 。

18. C从下文来看,既然能感觉到爸爸身上的温暖,自然是把头靠在爸爸的肩膀上。

19. A经常把头靠在爸爸的肩膀上,对于爸爸的衬衫的味道自然是熟悉的。

20. B根据上文爸爸给作者读故$ nf推测.^爸爸的卢f ( 带作者进行了一次难忘的旅行。

21. C选项C与上文的each Christmas语境相符,即经常或总是这样做。

22. B根据下文的miss.on your own等词汇信息可推测爸爸应该是去世了。

23. A既然是bravely,作者应该是大声地朗读出来,以表示对爸爸的怀念。

24. C根据where后面的内容可知,作者在这里想表达"每当读到小女孩擦亮最后一根火柴这部分"的意思。

25. D爸爸去世了,作者只能像小女孩想象祖母一样,在想象中看到爸爸。


  Online shopping started not so long ago. Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web in 1990. The first online bank opened in 1994. In 1995,Amazon started operating and is now one of the largest online shopping malls. Then in 1996,eBay started its online shopping site.

  By sitting at home you can now buy anything from knives to cars. The worry you may have about travelling and parking can be avoided (避免) while you shop online. With online shopping,you need not worry about the weather. Online shops have no holidays,closing time or any other problems. You can shop 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year. Some online shops also keep customers' opinions about each product,so you can easily find out what other customers think about the product before buying it.

  When you go for real-world shopping,you can actually touch and feel it,but in online shopping you can only see the pictures. Also if you are shopping online,you have to be careful with your credit cards.

  The first step in online shopping is to search for what you want to buy. Once you find the required product,put it in a "shopping cart" and continue shopping. After you have got enough in your " shopping cart", check out the products. You can add or take out the products in your " shopping cart". The next step is to log ( S >ji) using a username and a password. Enter the address where you want the products to be sent to. Some sites even ask for your e-mail,phone number,etc. Then wait for the confirmation (确认) of your or?der. You can also cancel(取消) the order if needed. Online shopping is a differ?ent experience and you can make shopping online easy when you get used to it.

1. When shopping online,you can ________.

   A. park your car where you want to

   B. buy anything wherever you go

   C. touch anything you want to buy

   D. know what others think of the product

2. The second paragraph mainly tells us _______.

   A. people can do online shopping at their own homes

   B. the things people can buy in online shops

   C. the advantages people can have through online shopping

   D. people can know different opinions of customers

3. From the text,we can know that _______.

   A. once customers put the products in their" shopping carts", they can't change them

   B. customers should be careful with their credit cards when shopping online

   C. customers must give their e-mails as well as their phone numbers

   D. people can know different opinions of all customers

4. If you want to buy a cup online,what is the right order of the following things you can do?

a.Put the cup into your "shopping cart".

b.Wait for the confirmation of the order.

c.Search for a right cup.

d. Enter the address.

   A. b-c-d-a   B. c-a-db   C. a-b-c-d   D. c-d-a-b

  When I was in the final year at college,we visited one of our friends' homes for a lunch. The moment we 6_________ his house,I found his home wasn't painted very well. I couldn't 7        in words but it was not even the kind of house in which a typicaK典型的) middle-class Indian family lives.

  One of the 8        things I did find there was the loving parents. We sat on the ground for the lunch 9        they didn't have a dining table. His mother served us very 10        food,smiling throughout and showed 11        during the whole hmchtime―something I can never 12_________ . His father worked as a normal repairman and I wondered if he made enough money to 13        their two sons.

  While we were taking lunch,his father 14        home to meet us,with black hands and in very 15        clothes. I remember our friend had no hesitation (犹豫) about his father and made our 16    . How loving this family was!.

Now,I am telling you the 17        moment of the story. As soon as his father came in,after just 4  or 5 18_________,our friend asked us if we wanted "Papad" (a typical Indian food) to eat. 19_________ we could say any?thing,our friend's mother said there was no "Papad" in the house.

  20_________,our friend asked his father if he could get some. Very gently and kindly his father 21        it for us. after going through many staircases even though he was looking 22    . From this I understand: the amount of money you make won't 23        others' hearts;the only way is with love and 24_________ . I always tell my friend that one of the most 25_________ days of my life is the day I had lunch with him and his parents.

6. A. compared   B. reached   C. repaired   D. cleaned

7. A. write   B. report   C. learn   D. describe

8. A. greatest   B. funniest   C. easiest   D. strangest

9. A. whether   B. though   C. because   D. unless

10. A. little   B. cheap

   C. delicious D. common

11. A. care   B. pity   C. surprise   D. regret

12. A. imagine   B. mention   C. know   D. forget

13. A. direct   B. support   C. please   D. control

14. A. left   B. stayed   C. returned   D. rushed

15. A. new   B. dirty   C. comfortable   D. thick

16. A. decisions   B. suggestions   C. discussions   D. introductions

17. A. unusual   B. hard   C. exact   D. quiet

18. A. seconds   B. minutes   C. quarters   D. hours

19. A. Until   B. Since   C. Before   D. When

20. A. Quickly   B. Suddenly   C. Certainly   D. Finally

21. A. brought   B. changed   C. cooked   D. prepared

22. A. worried   B. excited   C. satisfied   D. tired

23. A. stop   B. refuse   C. win   D. break

24. A. courage   B. attention   C. experience   D. kindness

25. A. surprising   B. special

   C. boring   D. interesting

  We bet that on cold days,many of you love to stay in your warm homes and,every now and then,come out into the kitchen for a snack. Unfortunately,plenty of creepy-crawly critters (爬行生物) like to do the same thing!Winter is the time when bugs (虫子) invade your house without an invitation. The season can be tough for such creatures. In winter the air is cold,the ground is hard and many trees have no leaves. So bugs do what they have to do to survive.

  Monarch butterflies head south to warmer climates. Ants crowd in deep underground colonies and eat food they have been storing all year. Many insects go into a deep sleep called diapause. There are different kinds of diapauses,but all are similar to hibernation,a time when bigger animals become inactive in the cold. Insects go into an inactive period,too,but they often don' t when the temperature drops.

  They rely on more dependable signals in the envi?ronment. For example,many insects can tell how much sunlight there is each day. They use that to tell themselves when to shut down. Bugs are cold-blooded,meaning that their inside temperature is the same as the outside. They can't move much when it gets below 40 degrees Fahrenheit. So they search for any warm place.

  They're looking for protection. These guys have been doing this for 300 million years,so they don't really know they're coming into your house. The home is a recent event in terms of their evolutionary behav?iour. They enter through tiny cracks or come in unno?ticed on your clothes or shoes. Remember that they may be invading your homes for warmth and food,but they don't care about humans. 

1. What is the purpose of the first paragraph?

   A. To point out that humans like to stay at home in winter.

   B. To mean that humans and bugs have the same living habits.

   C. To mean that bugs will invade humans' houses for their winter.

   D. To put forward the idea that bugs are not wel?come in winter.

2. According to the text,what does the word "dia?pause" mean?

   A. It is the same as the animals' hibernation.

   B. It often appears in warm areas all the year.

   C. It is done to keep bugs active in winter.

   D. It means insects go into a deep sleep

3. What often decides bugs' diapause?

   A. The lower local temperature.

   B. The amount of sunlight.

   C. Kinds of environmental signals.

   D. The insects' inside temperature.

4. According to the text,bugs invade humans' home" to      .

   A. attack humans

   B. look for enough food

   C. seek for protection

   D. show their evolutionary results

5. What would be the best title for the text?

   A. Bugs' life on cold days

   B. Why do bugs invade your home in winter?

   C. Good relations between humans and bugs

   D. What does diapause mean?

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