
【题目】 It was a cold night in Washington, D.C. and I was heading back to the hotel when a beggar walked up to me. He asked if I would give him some money so he could get something to eat. After a short hesitation, I shook my head and kept walking. With helplessness, he said, “I really am homeless and I really am hungry! You can come with me and watch me eat!” But still, I kept on walking.

The incident bothered me for the rest of the week. In fact, I had money in my pocket and it wouldn’t have killed me to hand over a dollar or two even if he had been lying. On a freezing cold night, I wondered what would happen to a hungry man.

Flying back to my hometown, Anchorage, I couldn’t help thinking of him. I tried to find excuses for my failure to help. After all, government agencies, churches and charities were there to feed him. Besides, you’re not supposed to give money to beggars.

But I just couldn’t forget the incident and began to think I must do something. At that time, I was writing a garden column(专栏) for the local Daily News. Suddenly, I came up with an idea. Why not try to get all my readers to plant one row in their gardens donated to Bean’s? Bean’s Cafe, the soup kitchen which has volunteered to feed hundreds of hungry people every day for many years.

The idea began to take off. I began to receive more e-mails and calls from kind people. They tried their best to show their concerns about the hungry. Food was sent by different warm-hearted people and even those who only grew flowers sent their flowers. They are food for the spirit, which comforted me a lot.

Next year, the Garden Writers Association of America held their annual conference in Anchorage and after learning of Anchorage’s program, Plant a Row for Bean’s became Plant a Row for the Hungry. You can imagine how happy I was then.

【1】 According to the passage, the reason why the author refused to give some money to the beggar probably is that ________.

A. he happened not to take money then

B. he wasn’t fond of beggars

C. he thought that the beggar was lying

D. he didn’t like being bothered

【2】Why did the author can’t help thinking of the beggar ?

A. Because he felt he had done wrong for his failure to help him.

B. Because he wanted to know whether the beggar had lied to him.

C. Because he was worried that the beggar might die from hunger.

D. Because some agencies, churches and charities should help the beggar.

【3】 What does the underlined phrase “take off” in Paragraph 5 mean?

A. remove clothes. B. leave suddenly.

C. become successful. D. come into being.

【4】 What’s the correct order to record the author’s launch of the program “Plant a Row for the Hungry?”

He ran into a beggar.

He was regretful.

He came up with the idea of planting a row for Bean’s.

The Plant a Row for Bean's became Plant a Row for the Hungry.

He went back home.

Writers gathered in Anchorage.

A. ①②③④⑤⑥. B. ①⑤②③④⑥.

C. ①②⑤③④⑥. D. ①②⑤③⑥④.








【1】C细节辨析题。根据第二段In fact, I had money in my pocket and it wouldn’t have killed me to hand over a dollar or two even if he had been lying.事实上,我带了钱,即使他骗了我几元钱我也不会因此失去性命。可知,作者拒绝提供帮助的原因在于他认为乞丐可能是骗子,故答案为C。

【2】A细节辨析题。根据第三段 I tried to find excuses for my failure to help.我试着为自己没有为他提供帮助寻找理由。可知作者一直在为自己没有为他提供帮助而内疚,一直念念不忘。故答案为A。

【3】C词义猜测题。Take off起飞,脱掉,取消;根据第五段Food was sent by different warm-hearted people and even those who only grew flowers sent their flowers.热心的人们送来了食物,以种花为生的人们送来了鲜花。,可知作者的宣传取得了很好的效果,即点子成功了,故答案为C。

【4】D推理判断题。通读全文,第一段I was heading back to the hotel when a beggar walked up to me.在回酒店的路上我遇到了一个乞丐;第二段The incident bothered me for the rest of the week.在这周的剩下几天里,这个意外使我心烦意乱;第三段Flying back to my hometown...飞回家乡后...;第四段Why not try to get all my readers to plant one row in their gardens donated to Bean’s?为什么不号召我的读者为乞丐捐赠食物呢?;第六段the Garden Writers Association of America held their annual conference in Anchorage美国花园作者协会在Anchorage举办了年会;第六段Plant a Row for Bean’s became Plant a Row for the Hungry;故答案为D。


【题目】Public Speaking Training

△Get a coach

1, so get help. Since there are about a billion companies out there all ready to offer you public speaking training and courses, here are some things to look for when deciding the training that’s right for you.

△Focus on positives

Any training you do to become more effective at public speaking should always focus on the positive aspects of what you already do well. Nothing can hurt confidence more than being told that you aren’t doing well.2, so good public speaking training should develop those instead of telling you what you shouldn’t do.


If you find a public speaking course that looks as though it’s going to give you lots of dos and don’ts, walk away! Your brain is so full of what you’re going to be talking about. 4 As far as we’re concerned, there are basically no hard and fast rules about public speaking. Your audience can be your friends.

△You are a special person not a clone

Most importantly, good public speaking training should treat you as a special one, with your own personal habits. 5. Your training course should help you bring out your personality, not try to turn you into someone you’re not.

A. You aren’t like anybody else

B. You already do lots of things well

C. Turn your back on too many rules

D. Check the rules about dos and don’ts

E. Whatever the presentation, public speaking is tough

F. The one thing you don’t want is for them to fall asleep

G. So trying to force a whole set of rules into it will just make things worse

【题目】In eighteen seventy-seven, the American government decided to move the Nez Perce Indians from their land. The government had set up a reservation for them in Idaho. Chief Joseph did not want to leave the land. It was holy ground. It contained the bones of his father and mother.

However, like his father in earlier times, Chief Joseph knew it would be hopeless to stay and defend the land. There were too few Indians to win a war against the white men.

And so in June of eighteen seventy-seven, the Nez Perce left their home in the Wallowa Valley. They left quickly. They were able to take only a small part of what they owned,and just a few cattle and Appaloosa horses.

When the Indians reached the Snake River, the water was very deep and ran very fast with melted snow from the mountains. Chief Joseph and his people made boats from sticks and dried animal skins to cross the river. While the Indians were busy, a group of white men came and stole some of the cattle waiting at the edge of the river.

The other chiefs demanded that Joseph call a meeting. Two of the chiefs, White Bird and Toohoolhoolzote,spoke for war, but Joseph held a different opinion.

Some of the young men in White Bird's group were very angry. That night, they rode into the countryside and killed eleven white persons.

During all his years as chief, Joseph had tried to keep the peace. Now he saw there was no hope. Although he and his young men had taken no part in the killings, he knew that the white men would blame all of the Indians. Chief Joseph said, I would have given my own life if I could have undone the killing of the white men.

Many Nez Perce fled. Chief Joseph remained, because his wife was about to have a baby. After she gave birth, he and his family joined the others in White Bird Canyon to the south. Joseph wanted to lead the people to safety in the flat lands of Montana. But the United States army quickly sent horse soldiers to follow them.

They were extremely tired when they reached White Bird Canyon. An Indian carrying a white flag walked forward to meet them. A soldier shot him.

With that shot, the war between the Nez Perce and the United States began.

【1】Why didn't Chief Joseph want to leave the land?

A. He thought the reservation in Idaho wasn't satisfying.

B. He didn't want to be separated from his parents.

C. He had special feeling for the land where he was living.

D. He didn't want to live with the white men.

【2】Which of the following is TRUE?

A. Before they left their home, the Nez Perce had only a few cattle and Appaloosa horses.

B. Chief Joseph and his people were unwilling to cross the deep river.

C. When the Indians reached the Snake River, it was very hard for them to cross it.

D. While the Indians were waiting by the river, a group of white men stole some of the cattle.

【3】From the passage we can infer that __________.

A. Chief Joseph knew it would be hopeless to defend the land

B. some Indians often killed white men

C. Chief Joseph was afraid of white men

D. conflicts often happened between the Indians and the white

【4】After some of the young men in White Bird's group killed eleven white persons,__________.

A. Chief Joseph blamed White Bird

B. Chief Joseph tried his best to keep peace

C. all the Nez Perce fled

D. the United States army wanted to revenge(报仇)

【5】Which of the following is the best title of the passage?

A. The Story of Chief Joseph

B. The American Civil War

C. Chief Joseph and His Children

D. The Nez Perce Indians

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